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adjective ~ having the qualities of surrealism; something bizarre and unexpected

Someone jostling me is what woke me from my light slumber. I didn't realise I had drifted off, but glancing at the clock showed that it had only been around forty five minutes.

I was warm against Phoenix's chest and craned my neck to look up at him. His sharp jaw was the first thing I saw before he looked down at me with a small smile.

"Nice nap?"

"I don't know why I'm so tired." I mumbled.

He kissed my nose. "It's been a long few weeks."

I hummed in agreement just as a knock came upon the door. Kate let herself in, eyes widening with delight when she saw the two of us on the bed. Phoenix stiffened behind me but I thought nothing of it, assuming he was just uneasy at being caught off guard.

"Hey, I'm back with your results!" She beamed. "Everything looks good, and you HCG levels, which is a pregnancy hormone, is around eight thousand! So, we are at a minimum five weeks along, exciting huh?"

I blinked at her, the sudden overwhelming information too much for my post-nap mind. I heard Phoenix chuckle from behind me, his voice vibrating my shoulders. Kate turned to him with confusion.

"Good luck getting anything into her morning brain." He mused.

Kate laughed, making a sound of agreement as she walked around to the side of the bed. "How are you feeling? Want to try the bathroom yet?"

I shook my head, "I don't need to go."

"Just what I wanted to here! How about we have an ultrasound scan?" She grinned, eyes flashing almost dangerously. "I can see things better with a full bladder."

Once again I stared wide-eyed at the crazed woman. "I-I guess so..."

"Amazing! I'll go grab the monitor, I brought it with me anyway!" She giggled.

As she left the room, I looked back up to Phoenix with a concerned look.

"Is she okay?"

He smirked, shaking his head. "It's an exciting thing."

"Surely she has seen countless babies before?"

"Not an Alpha-Lycan baby." He winked, "To look after the Luna is an honour to a pack doctor."

My mouth parted in an 'o' just as Kate came back inside, large machinery wheeling along behind her. Phoenix went to get up to help her but she shrugged him off, saying she was capable, despite being pregnant.

I watched quietly as she set up the strange monitors. There was a large tv screen at the top, a shelf with keyboard and mouse, then another shelf with the weird looking probes. I shuddered slightly, looking away, which caused Phoenix to wrap his arms around me tighter.

"Right, I'm all set up. Need you to lay flatter. Alpha..."

He grumbled but shifted from the bed. My head fell against the pillows with a frown, his comforting warmth already something I missed. He chuckled at my expression, bending down to kiss me softly.

"I'll hop right back in, if that's what you want."

I nodded eagerly which caused his smile to broaden. He sat on the opposing side to Kate, his thigh draped across the mattress as his hand clutched mine. He was staring down at me but when Kate moved closer with some gel in her hand, his eyes snapped to hers eagerly.

"We need to roll up your gown, cover yourself with the blankets if you feel uncomfortable." She explained softly.

Phoenix helped me to lift my weary body, pulling the gown up to my chest whilst keeping my lower half covered under the blankets. I thanked him gently, settling back down into the bed, belly exposed.

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