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adjective ~ not known or familiar

I stared at his face, waiting for the joke or laughter. He was deadly serious and I felt my lips turn down in a frown.

"I am not yours," I grunted.

He growled, pulling my chain so I was spun around yet again. My sides ached as I was placed in the new position but I refused to move to his request like a well-behaved pup. I lifted my gaze back to his face, to stare rudely into his eyes.

"You will be." He glared at me. "I have taken you, fair and square."

"Fair and square?" I snapped. "I was immobilised and unconscious!"

He smirked. "You were in the middle of some kind of seizure, I call it saving you."

I paused, my retaliation dying on my tongue as I repeated his words in my head. He didn't know of my visions, which meant Raven had not told him. I chose to keep them to myself too if she truly was on my side. I hoped she did it for my relief rather than forgetfulness.

"I call it kidnapping," I stated.

He shrugged, laying back in his chair, my chain in his fingers. "I took you because you are to be mine. A Lycan of pure blood mated to an Alpha King no less. You truly are something special and I only have the most special of things."

I wondered then, what this man truly wanted with me. Was it for my blood, my power, my strength? I had lost my wolf, so I wondered greatly what it could be. Nothing was making much sense other than the fact I was taken by masked men.

"And then what? You got me, now what?" I wondered, trying to hide my curious expression. "This is not the first time I have been taken, and I will get out of here."

He laughed, the sound ricocheting off the living space we were sitting in. Come to think of it, I hadn't the chance to look around. More cement walls met my vision, although dully glowing in the candlelight. A large bed was to the opposite side of the room, beside a small fire and fur rug. Looking closer, I had to swallow the bile as I saw an intact wolf head on the rug.

His throne was sat facing an open space, the only thing stood upon the podium, and before me was a wall full of portraits of himself and a bare wooden door.

This man was... strange.

"They never said you were this witty and mouthy." He beamed. "I will enjoy breaking you."

I grimaced, wondering who 'they' was which caused him to grin down at me.

"I don't even know who you are," I grumbled.

He shrugged, playing with my chain lazily. "You will learn in time."

Just as I went to retaliate a loud knock sounded on the door to his bedroom. I went to turn around in curiosity, but he tugged on the chains to keep me forward. My frown did not disappear, even when the door opened as his voice commanded so.

"Ah, yes Mae, please leave them on my dresser." His voice commanded.

The sound of feet met my ears and I felt eyes upon my back. The person named Mae did not make a sound as she did as asked until she shut the door behind her. The man before me cleared his throat, standing from his throne to beam down at me.

"Comfortable, Nova?"

I bristled at the sound of my name falling from his lips. "Oh, extremely."

He laughed at my sarcasm, shaking his head. "You are going to amuse me greatly."

"I am not a toy or attraction. You have no right-"

He tugged my chain harshly which had me snarl at him. "Shush. You are much prettier quiet."

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