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And that's how you found yourself accompanied by Kakucho and Kokonoi to the shops.

Of course there was a bit of discord with Ran and Sanzu wanting to go, but that was shut down as they were literally wild cards.

"So uh, any requests for breakfast?" You asked rather awkwardly, stepping into the supermarket.

"How well can you cook?" Kokonoi asked rather skeptically, side eyeing you. You shrugged, pulling out a trolley and walking down an aisle. You picked up a variety of your favourite fruits and vegetables for meals you thought to make.

"I can cook well enough." You defended half-heartedly. "It kept me and my brother alive when our parents were busy fighting."

"You have a brother?" Kakucho asked, brow furrowed. "That wasn't in the files." This was added in a low mutter.

You quirked a brow at this but ultimately ignored it. "Had. Stuff happened and I haven't heard from him since he was like twelve."

"Oh." Kakucho breathed and Kokonoi rolled his eyes.

Ignoring your escorts, you finished shopping, ending with a very full trolley, a few items balancing precariously on the top.

"Is that all?" Kakucho eyed the trolley. "Are you sure you don't need more?"

"Is that all? Is that all?!" Kokonoi just about screeched, widely gesturing at the full trolley. "What are you feeding?! An orphanage?!"

"A bunch of man-children." You answered plainly. "I'm getting stuff for the week."

"Don't worry about Kokonoi. He takes being frugal to a whole other level." Kakucho reassured you. "He makes the most money but hardly spends. Threw a fit when Mikey and I splurged on your room."

"Oh." You stopped to stand in the long line of people. It was about seven am, so the shops would've just opened and you should've been asleep. You were happy to wait in the line patiently but Kakucho and Kokonoi were very much not.

"Why are we waiting?" Kokonoi hissed. "Hurry up."

"There are people." Stating simply, you began cleaning out your already perfectly done nails.

"But, are we able to hurry it up?" Kakucho asked a little bit more politely. You scrunched your your nose and pointed at the people in front of you in explanation.

"No. I really can't. They were before us." You reiterated with a slight hint of annoyance.

"Yeah but they sure as hell ain't above me. Move it!" Kokonoi impatiently yelled, people scattering at the authority in his voice. He then led you and Kakucho up to the trembling cashier. "See us? We come first."

The frightened teenager nodded, and began shakily scanning the items. "B-bags?" He stuttered out.

You gave him a kind and apologetic look before nodding. "The canvas tote ones would be great thanks." And he nodded, seemingly a bit calmer by your behaviour. As he continued his job you gave Kokonoi a dirty look. "You can't just do that."

He stared down at you with his narrowed eyes and hissed. "Yes I can."


Getting back to the Bonten building, which you couldn't believe how they were out in broad daylight, you found yourself in the kitchen with quite an audience.

Eyes bored into your figure as you went about preparing breakfast.

"What are you making?" One man asked. You suspected he was Mochi and you turned to him to answer.

"Uh, is Eggs Benedict alright with all you?" You asked hesitantly. They all nodded and you huffed in relief, turning back to your cooking. "Oh if you all want to write how you like your eggs that'd be helpful." And so three minutes later you had a list and you were able to finish breakfast at eight-thirty.

"Thank you (Y/n)." Kakucho was the first to thank you as he grabbed his plate and sat at the table. The rest of the men thanked you in their own ways before doing the same. You were then left with two plates, one for you and one for Mikey.

"Uh, can I go give this to Mikey?" You asked, gesturing to the plate. The men's eyes widened and you widened your own in response.

Kakucho cleared his throat to respond, "No I don't think-" Only to be cut off by the man you knew to be Rindou.

"Yeah it should be fine. He's in his office, downstairs at the end of the hall." He answered. You nodded and walked away, still in earshot.

"Why'd you say that? You know he wouldn't like it!" Kokonoi's voice whispered.

"It'll be funny." Was Rindou's answer.

You gulped nervously, taking the elevator down and carefully carrying the plate in one hand, and for some reason, yours in the other. You came to the end of the hallway, Mikey's office in front of you and you gently kicked the door to knock.

"Come in."

You managed to open the door handle with an elbow and entered feeling like some sort of balancing circus act. "I brought you breakfast?"

Mikey's hardened and indifferent face softened for a moment. "Thank you. Come sit." He gestured to the couches and coffee table on the other end of the room as he stood up. You nodded and followed obediently, placing down the plates and the cutlery. "I haven't had home cooked food in years." Mikey mumbled around a mouthful.

"Is it to your liking?" You watched him closely and he nodded with the faintest smile.

"Very much so. I do prefer sweets but you've done well. I'm glad we've hired you." His words calmed your racing heart and you were able to relax a bit and start eating. Nothing else was said but the silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable.

Mikey finished eating and stretched back with a sigh. "Thank you for breakfast." And you nodded clearing up the plates when there was a knock on the door. "What?" Mikey asked rather crudely.

"Sir I was just wondering if everything was alright, (Y/n) didn't-" Ran cut himself off with a grin when he saw you with the two empty plates. "Hello Angel, breakfast was wonderful."

You nodded, slightly uncomfortable around him. Mikey noticed this and cut in.

"(Y/n), from now on, bring my meals and eat with me." He demanded and you nodded. "Let's go." He took the plates from your hands and led you down the hall to the elevator, Ran following behind.

"Hey, Mikey didn't kill her!" Was the first thing you heard upon entering the lounge.

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