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I really hate this chapter.

"Why do I feel so terrible." You groaned, rolling over in your bed. The sheets and blankets were damp and your pillowcase stuck to your face when you tried to lift yourself up. Looking down at your body, you realised that you were only in a towel and assumed that you had fallen asleep wet, undressed and halfway through a sob rest.

Your eyes were swollen and sore, heart broken and trampled on. Mind cursing Mikey.

You got up, head spinning before toddling to the bathroom. You splashed your face with cold water before proceeding to get ready for the day.

In your wardrobe, it was slim pickings. The abundant space made your few items of clothing look pathetic.

"I really need more clothes." You muttered, dragging a hand down your face tiredly.

"Yeah, your wardrobe is kinda pathetic." Kokonoi stood leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. Beside him was Mochi holding a plastic bag from the convenience store.

"Sorry to startle you sweetheart but here are some snacks." Mochi held the bag out for you, not actually entering your room.

You forced a small smile, taking the bag and thanking him.

He smiled and patted your head. "Not a problem. Anyways, Koko and I were thinking-"

"Actually it was just him." Kokonoi cut in.

"Well whatever, I was thinking we could go out for the day?" Mochi offered. "Blow off some steam with some shopping?"

Kokonoi scrunched up his nose. "Yes let's waste money on the emotionally damaged girl who's overpaid."

"Kokonoi, do you ever shut up?" Mochi gave him a look and raised a hand threateningly.

"Look, thanks for the offer but I just wanna..." You started with a sigh.

"Wallow in your despair? Throw yourself a pity party? Think of how the universe has wronged-!Ow!" Kokonoi's spiel was cut off by a resounding slap from Mochi.

"I think it'd be best for ya to get out for a bit." Mochi softened his eyes and held a hand out for you.

Tentatively you took it and he squeezed yours lightly. "Okay." You nodded and Mochi smiled.

"You get ready sweetheart and let me know. Is there anyone else you want to come?" He offered. Kokonoi scoffed with a flip of his silver hair.


"Not you Koko." Mochi cut him off, earning a middle finger from the offended male.

"I don't really care. Just preferably not..." You trailed off, reluctantly to name names.

"Any of the major nut cases. Got it." Kokonoi stuck out his tongue before sauntering away.

Mochi held up his phone, tapping it slightly as he spoke, "Just text me when you're ready, (Y/n)." Before walking away.

You waited until the door was shut then you locked it, not wanting to take anymore risks. You slipped into some comfortable casual clothing before packing a small bag with your day to day casual items.


Which unfortunately and apparently was not the dress code for that outing. You realised this after meeting Mochi, Kokonoi and Kakucho (strangely) in the living room. They all wore expensive suits, making you feel very underdressed.

"Didn't want to wear anything nicer?" Kokonoi asked mockingly, walking over and flicking a strand of hair off your shoulder.

"I didn't spend much money on clothes." You answered simply, not actually as embarrassed as you thought you'd be.

"Ooh, frugal. A woman after my own heart." Kokonoi pretended to swoon, placing a hand over his heart. Kakucho smacked him upside the head.

"Let's go." Mochi snapped his fingers and led the group to the elevator.

But when the doors opened, boy was it a nightmare come to life.

Ran had his tongue down some girl's throat while Rindou stood, disturbed in the corner.

"Oh great." The younger brother said, shoving Ran and his girl for the night out of the elevator. "Hurry up." He held the door open for your party to enter. "Where are you guys going?"

"Out-" Kokonoi started.

"Great. I'm coming. The walls are not soundproof." Rindou shuddered. You pursed your lips to stop yourself from laughing. This earned you a glare from Rindou. "You wouldn't be laughing if your room was right next to his."

Your face became straight, laughter falling flat.


"But I don't wanna sit in the middle." Kokonoi whined. "It'll crumple my jacket being squashed between Neanderthals." He shot you and Rindou dirty looks.

"We'll take two cars then." Kakucho sighed, hand on his forehead cause Kokonoi was, once again, being a headache. "Who's with who?" He looked at you.

"(Y/n), would you be comfortable coming with me?" Mochi asked, leaning on the roof of a Chevrolet Impala.

"In that beauty of a car? Yes." You nodded almost dreamily, looking at the glossy vehicle. "'67?"

"Yeah. You know your cars?" Mochi looked surprised. You nodded.

"Okay okay whatever can we go?" Rindou rolled his eyes impatiently. "I'll go with them cause Mitsu is in the shop."

"I'm driving then." Kokonoi stuck his tongue out and spun his car keys around his finger. Kakucho nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets and nodding at you.

With everyone in their respective cars you sighed. "You and Takeomi-san have really hot cars."

Mochi chuckled. "When you have this much money, we can have almost anything we want."

Rindou nodded from the backseat. "Except any kind of sanity."

You made a face.

Looking into the rear vision mirror as Mochi drove into the street, you eyes widened. "Is that Kokonoi's car?"

Rindou turned around and nodded. "The Lamborghini Aventador? Yeah. He's a prude about saving money but that thing is his pride and joy."

You shook your head.

"How do you know so much about cars?" Mochi questioned, glancing at you as he sped through the busy streets of Tokyo.

"Ah. My brother and his friends were obsessed with bikes and stuff. For me it was cars." You smiled, thinking back to your childhood.

"Your first?" Rindou asked. Your smile grew wider.

"A '92 Dodge Viper. Pulled her out of a car dump and fixed her up with some friends." Mochi whistled.

"Wow." He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, looking up into the mirror and making eye contact with Rindou. The latter nodded slightly.

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