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You weren't sure when you had fallen asleep but you were shaken awake a while later by Mikey.

"What's wrong?" You asked blearily as you yawned. Mikey had a glimmer of excitement in his usually dull eyes as he pointed to one of the windows. Following the direction of his finger, you could see the night sky disappear into a blend of lavenders and rose, a beautiful sight to see as the colors of the early rising sun painted the clouds. Mikey hummed in satisfaction as the two of you watched intently.

"Pretty." Rindou spoke from the other side of you, making you jump. He snickered. "You have no kind of awareness. It must be why you're such a clutz."

"Okay blobfish." You rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder. Mikey tugged on your shirt and pointed back out the window. You continued looking out, missing the look that Mikey gave Rindou.

"Breakfast?" Mochi called, placing a tray of food down, Takeomi and Kakucho following suit. "French style." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Before you lay an arrangement of pastries and fruits, tureens of butter and different sauces, jugs of coffee and juice.

"Now that's plane food." Kokonoi appeared, a proud look on his face as a champagne glass dangled precariously from his fingers.

"How is your skin so perfect even though you drink before six in the morning?" Ran asked, poking Kokonoi's cheek. "Except yo yeeyee ass haircut ruins it." He yanked a lock of silver hair before reaching down and grabbing a croissant and shoving the whole thing in his mouth. He walked away, leaving everyone speechless.

"Goofy ahh vocabulary." You heard Rindou mutter. You huffed and picked up a strawberry, biting into it and nodding to yourself.

Mochi smiled and piled a few chocolate covered strawberries on a plate, holding it out for you, "Try these, sweetheart." You swallowed the rest of the strawberry and took the plate with a small thanks, not hesitating to pop one in your mouth. You missed the way his smile grew as you did so.

"Oh wow." You murmured. "That's good."

"It's just chocolate covered strawberries, what can be so amazing about-" Rindou had started, stopping after he ate one out of your hand. "Wow."

A tug on your shirt had you turning to Mikey who opened his mouth expectantly. You indulged him, placing one in his mouth to bite down on. "Yum."

Mochi narrowed his eyes. "They were for (Y/n), not you two scabs."

"Thank you Mochi." You smiled softly and reached to pat his arm. "I appreciate it."

The rest of breakfast was peaceful as the pastries and fruits disappeared and your stomach grew comfortably full. "I could go back to sleep now." You yawned, hands over your abdomen. Besides you nodded Rindou, slouching so his head rested on your shoulder. An arm snaked around and his fingers ran through your hair, eliciting a content sigh from you. "You guys aren't that bad at all."

"Yeah I'm pretty great." You heard Rindou mutter tiredly and you huffed in amusement, pinching his cheek.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep so move now or you're stuck like this for a few hours." There was a pause as Rindou debated his decision. He got up and sat down on a recliner chair a few meters away, leaving you to have the whole couch to yourself. "Thanks."

"I didn't want you to  like kick me or something during your sleep." He yawned. You rolled your eyes and yawned as well, making eye contact with Mochi. He smiled and held up a pillow.

"Might be more comfortable than the throw pillows." He offered and you reached out for it. But he gently lifted your head up and placed it on the pillow and you almost melted at his soft touch. He smoothed your hair down with a feather-touch unexpected for his brutish size. "I'll wake you up for snacks?"

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