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"I got wine." Rindou drawled, exiting the elevator with a bottle of alcohol in one hand and a spoon in the other. "And there was a spoon in the elevator."

You shared a look with Kokonoi from the couch. The timer for the ratatouille went off and you jumped up, Kakucho following you to the kitchen. Opening the oven door, you took the porcelain dish out with mitts.

"That smells delicious angel." Ran praised holding out a fork and trying to nick a bit.

Rindou used the spoon he was holding to deflect his brother's attack. "En garde!" The younger yelled before he randomly began jabbing the spoon.

"Koko, can you grab the plates please?" You asked as you balanced the food and serving utensils. "Kakucho, glasses?"

Kokonoi huffed and groaned like you were asking him to run a marathon or something but got up begrudgingly. Kakucho had gotten the glasses and set the table with knives and forks.

"Ooh, this smells amazing." Mochi entered, Takeomi behind him. "Thanks sweetheart." He ruffled your hair and took the bag he was holding to the kitchen. "We got dessert."

You smiled up at him, glancing at Takeomi who averted his gaze. The bag they brought in was from the bakery you had visited when you were supposed to go see your brother. Your heart clenched and throat tightened as you once again looked at Takeomi. His eyes met yours and he could see the tears forming. He gave a small nod and you gulped, a small smile made its way to your face.

"Thank you." You cleared your throat and shook your head. Then you suddenly wondered where the pastries you bought had gone. You waved the thought away.

"Are Sanzu and Mikey joining us?" Rindou asked as he lit some candles. Kokonoi and Takeomi sent him confused glances as he lit the last one. "What? It's for the ambiance." He twinkled his fingers.

You shook your head with a small smile. "I don't know..." Glancing at Kokonoi you smiled hopefully, pressing your hands together. "Will you go see?"

"Mm... No." His hand came up to form a peace sign as he stuck his tongue out. His behaviour was corrected with a slap from Mochi. "Alright, alright fine!"

He stomped to the elevator and flipped you off.

"So do we have to wait or can we eat?" Mochi asked after a long pause. Everyone looked at each other and nodded before sitting down.

"Who's serving?" Ran held up the serving utensils and you snatched them from his hands.

"I'll do it. You'll wreck the dish." You began taking portions out, each man telling you how much you wanted and holding their plates out to help. Like baby birds waiting for food.

The somewhat warm atmosphere was accompanied by the ending of ratatouille playing, where the sour old man was about to try the dish. Ran and Rindou both held off eating to renact the scene, leaving you with a grin of amusement and disbelief. But the cheery feel of the room was ruined when Kokonoi walked back into the room, face blank and dull, not snarky and playful as it had been when he left.

Behind him exited Sanzu and Mikey and the others grew quiet and wary. Eyes flickered from you to him and Sanzu smirked.

"Family dinner?" He asked, pulling out a seat, the legs dragging against the floor loudly. He pulled out another one, at the head of the table for Mikey who sat down and stared at you expectantly. Your eyes remained on your plate as you ate.

"How kind of you to join us." Takeomi spoke with a piercing glare. Sanzu's smirk widened but didn't reach his eyes.


Mikey held up his hand, silencing whatever retort Sanzu was about to spit next. Mikey's cold, black eyes remained on you and so you looked up, disappointment flashing across your face as you were staring him down.

"What are we having?" He spoke softly, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"Ratatouille." You answered. Standing up to serve him he nodded.

"It looks delicious." He complimented, passing his plate over. He didn't specify how much he wanted so you served him a decent sized piece. He nodded in thanks and began eating. When he noticed that he was the only one to do so, he waved his hand again. "Carry on."

So everyone began eating again, washing the sour taste out of their mouths with food.

"Aren't you going to serve me too," Sanzu held his plate out, eyes narrowing, "doll?"

You blinked, casting a quick glance at Kakucho who was sitting beside you. Instantly, the man stood up and took Sanzu's plate. "I will."

Sanzu tried pulling his plate back, out of Kakucho's grip. "It's okay Kakucho. I want (Y/n) to do it."

"What difference does it make Sanzu? Stop making unnecessary drama and sit the hell down." Takeomi stared the bubblegum haired man down, eyes narrow and annoyed.

"Shut the hell up Takeomi." Sanzu's hand gripped a knife on the table.

"Or what?" His older brother leant forward, across the table to sneer at him. "You gonna kill me?"


Sanzu brought his hand up, swinging the knife at Takeomi's face. The man dodged, leaning back on his chair.

Rindou was taping the fight while he ate, Mikey was watching disinterestedly while he ate, Ran and Mochi were just eating and you hid behind Kakucho, your own knife at the ready.

Sanzu made a move to strike again until he let out a yell. He looked down to his other hand that was on the table, to find a knife pinning it to the table. He watched as the blood trickled out, staining to wooden surface and dripping to the floor. Eyes following the arm that held the knife in place, he was met with Mikey's annoyed face.

"You're ruining dinner." He spoke monotonously, yanking the blade out and continuing eating. You gasped as Sanzu began cradling his hand and you duty of being a doctor outweighed your current dislike of the man.

Standing up, you raced to his side, taking his hand in yours and assessing the damage carefully.

"Sanzu," You gripped his arm steadily, helping him up, "I think we need to go downstairs."

He stared at you, confused. He wasn't in that much pain, he wasn't losing that much blood but you still raced to help him. He glanced to Mikey who was watching with blank eyes.

"Sanzu? Is that okay?" Your voice asked and he looked at you, at your face and was stunned for a moment. Up close he could see specks of colors in your eyes that were looking at him with worry, the length of your lashes and the way they swept down when you blinked. "Sanzu?"

"Yeah." He nodded, shaking himself from his thoughts and walking with you to the elevator.

"I'm going with them. Just in case." Takeomi excused himself from the table and followed the two. When they were out of sight, Ran spoke up.

"That's gonna be an awkward elevator ride."

Ignoring him, Kakucho turned to Mikey. "What was that?"

"Are you questioning my authority?" Mikey asked. Kakucho shook his head simply.


"To stop Sanzu from being a snake and trying to ruin (Y/n)." Mikey answered simply, eyes on his empty plate before humming thoughtfully. "I think I'll have seconds."

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