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The next few days were rather docile, you'd cook and man your clinic and sleep whenever you'd like.

You hated how easily you had become accustomed to your new lifestyle but you blamed it partially on your adaptability. It was the reason you were alive after all.

At night, you'd go to Mikey's room solely to help him fall asleep for a few hours. He had slowly begun looking healthier over the week and a half you had been there.

Ran and Sanzu still creeped you out, Rindou made you uncomfortable, Mochi was a lot kinder than you'd thought he'd be, you rarely ever saw Takeomi, Kakucho or Kokonoi.

Everything was going pretty well for you until one evening.

You were heading to Mikey's room, after dinner to help him fall asleep like you did most nights. However, you walked in to find his room in disarray; sheets ripped, feathers from pillows dusting the floor in an artificial snow. There was blood splattering most walls, smeared in places.

"Mikey?" You called out hesitantly, padding in. "You alright?"

A grunt of pain came from around the side of the of the bed. Pausing, you pulled out your phone, quickly texting Mochi; the only person you were comfortable enough to share your phone details with. Despite the fact all the others would have already had it. They had bought the new one for you.

Picking your way around the mess you found Mikey, laying on his stomach, surrounded by blood and torn pillows. Inhaling sharply, you knelt beside him, fingers grazing his neck as you seeked a pulse.

But the minute you increased the pressure of the touch, Mikey shot up with an animalistic rage in his eyes as he pushed you back. You landed with a hiss of pain as your head made contact with the side of an upturned table.

"Oh crap." Mikey stared at you with wide eyes as he approached. You stared up at him, flinching slightly when he reached out. He noticed this and quickly withdrew his hand. "Get out." He turned away and commanded.

Scrambling to leave, you pressed a hand against your head and stopped to say, "It's okay. Please stop by the clinic later so I can check you for any wounds."

You walked away without seeing the tight, pained expression on his face.

You stumbled into your clinic set up, hand pulling away from your head and coming back slick with blood. You groaned and sat yourself down, rolling your chair over to the sink.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Rindou's voice asked and he walked in, finding you with your head under the faucet. "Oi are you trying to drown yourself?" He exclaimed, rushing over and pulling you back, not without your head hitting the tap. "What the hell?" He continued swearing as he dabbed away at your head and face with a towel, puzzled as to why you were bleeding.

When he asked about it, you waved him off, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. "It's alright. I just hit my head. How deep is it?"

"It's barely a scratch but head wounds bleed a lot. Need some water?" When you nodded, he strode over to the mini fridge in the clinic - they really made sure you were comfortable - and pulled out a bottle of water, taking off the cap and shoving it in your face.

"Thanks." You take the bottle and carefully sip some. "Guess I'll just sleep it off. It's stopped bleeding." Muttering, you touched the wound with a wince, finding a bump as well. "Sorry, I'm going to bed now."

"Here." Rindou sighed almost angrily as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you to the elevator.

"Ooh Rin, making a move on my lovely angel?" Ran leaned against the glass back of the elevator as he drawled. Rindou rolled his eyes and roughly shoved you in.

"Dumbass hit her head now I have to take care of her." He gritted his teeth and muttered.

"Well you don't have to look after her." Ran emphasised the 'you' and the 'have' with a smirk. "I'll take care of her."

"Piss off Ran." Was all Rindou said as he shoved his brother out of the elevator, which conveniently opened at the floor that the oldest Haitani was getting off at.

"Don't make any moves on her Rin. I'll chop your jellyfish looking hair off." Ran called after his younger brother as the elevator door closed. Rin flipped him off behind the metal and then turned back to your slumped form.

"Alright come on, little miss clumsy." He muttered, sliding his arms around you and lifting you up. He carried you out of the elevator to your room, kicking open the door violently. "Okay goodnight." He said after dropping you on your bed.

"Thank you Rindou. Goodnight." You waved him out with a tired smile.

Rindou, looking back, covered his face with his hands before slamming the door shut. He swore under his breath, rubbing his face in a halfhearted attempt to rid it of the smile that plagued it. "Cute."


"Is she okay?" Mikey muttered to himself, hand dragging down his face, nails catching the skin and tearing it off. "Shouldn't've let her come. Stupid idea."

Ran knocked on Mikey's door, hearing the muttering. "Mikey?" He called out only to open the door a second later.

"What?" Mikey spat venomously making Ran recoil slightly.

"Alright, it's okay, calm down." Ran held his hands out like you would if taming an animal. "Just wanted to talk about Angel?" He spoke cautiously as he edged into the room.

"What about her?" Mikey asked with a somehow more hostile.

"Rin said she hit her head, just wondering if you knew." A small smirk played at the lips of the eldest Haitani as he observed his boss's reaction. Ran knew already what had happened, it wasn't hard to piece together especially after seeing the disarray Mikey and his room was in. Mikey's response definitely confirmed his suspicions. His knuckles clenched tightly, further whitening the skin around them as he grit his teeth. Mikey's face didn't change, but his eyes grew darker and almost guilty.

"No. Thank you for telling me. Now leave." Was the short man's response and Ran nodded, slinking out of the room with a mischievous grin.


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