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Swimming with the manta rays was magical, the setting sun kissing the ocean a vibrant blend of pinks and oranges as you explored beneath the soft waves.

The manta rays were glorious. Giant but so friendly and gentle as they glided through the water effortlessly. It almost frustrated you how your little disposable camera was unable to capture their true beauty.

But as Kakucho held your hand beneath the water, you turned to look at him, grinning around the snorkel in your mouth.  You could see as his lips contorted to awkwardly smile and he gave your hand a little squeeze. He gestured for you to go back up to and you nodded, allowing him to pull you with him.

When you came up for air, you immediately saw Kokonoi as he leant down from the deck of the yacht. He raised his champagne glass with a small smirk and retreated from view as you ascended the stairs with Kakucho's assistance.

"Having fun, Dove?" Takeomi asked from his lounge chair where he was nursing a glass of whiskey.

You nodded in an almost childlike manner and he chuckled, waving for you to sit down. Mochi called out from inside, "Sweetheart? Do you want a drink?"

You craned your neck and gave him a thumbs up as you raised your voice to tell him your preference.

Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you glanced up to see Kokonoi with a fluffy towel held out. Smiling, you allowed him to bundle your frame up, sitting you back down, nestled under his arm. "Didn't you want to go in?" You asked.

Kokonoi frowned, despite your position of not being able to see him do so, "Princess I was in there with you for twenty minutes."

You blinked. "Ohhh." Mochi came out and handed you your drink and you sat, warm and comfortable as you watched the last rays of sun disappear.

"What do you wanna do for dinner?" Takeomi asked from beside you. You turned, lifting your shoulders into a half-hearted shrug.

"Let's do something nice." Rindou suggested as he boarded the boat, older brother in hand.

"Is he-?" You started to ask, only to be cut off.

"A little waterlogged but he'll be alright. Couldn't figure out how to breathe with the snorkel." Rindou shook his head and threw his brother's corpse on a chair. He sat in a chair next to him, shaking out some water of his hair before he pushed it back from his face.

"So we're going out for dinner?" Takeomi asked and you looked up at Kokonoi who nodded.

"Sounds good. We'll drop by the house to clean up and get the children." Mochi flicked an ember off his cigar.

Rindou groaned. "Do we have to?" He whined.

"Now now Rindou, be pleasant. At least act like you respect Mikey. You've been doing it all these years." Kokonoi snickered.

Rindou rolled his eyes and muttered, "I still reckon I could beat the breaks off that little alien looking unpainted garden gnome."

"This sounds like treason." You whispered and Kokonoi snickered and placed a kiss to the top of your head.

"The minute you walked into our lives, we knew this would happen."

"You hated her at first." Kakucho scrunched up his face and promptly plucked you from Kokonoi's grasp.

"Yeah you did." You pointed at Kokonoi before looping your arms around Kakucho's neck and pressing your cheek against his. "Kaku and Mochi were the only two that were nice from the beginning." Takeomi opened his mouth to protest, "You were indifferent Omi. Didn't care. Better than Sanzu." You responded and he nodded with a smirk.

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