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It was the early morning, the sun just starting to cast it's soft, rosy glow across the waters of Hawaii. There were a few small clouds slowly crossing the sky. The waves took on the color of the pinking sky, gently foaming and crashin, lapping against the beach.

Upon the golden sand stood one godly man, standing at almost two metres tall, built like a beast of a man, a dump truck of an ass that jiggled at the slightest movement. With glossy eyes, he gazed out at the sun who's light and warmth gently kissed and shone upon his face. He inhaled deeply, hefty chest raising with his expanding lungs before he exhaled.

It was time.

He looked down at the bowl before him, filled with aromatic liquid coconut oil. He dipped his hand large, meaty hand in, relishing the texture against his skin as he spread it over his palms, slowly moving up to his wrists, up and over his bulging biceps and up to his shoulders. Needing more of the tropical lubricant, he re-dipped his hands and started from his neck, hand trailing down his mommy milkers along the chiseled abs. He had a strongman physic, big and muscular, the type of man who could probably bench a small car.

He continued the spreading of coconut oil until he was covered in it, his skin shiny in the early morning sun. It reflected the ocean upon its surface and he inhaled deeply, the scent of coconut mixing into the ocean's salty aroma. It was a tropical paradise indeed.

He shifted his stance so his feet were a good distance away from each other. He shook out his arms before resting his slippery palms upon his bent knees, back curved.

He hunched slightly before straightening out, feeling his buttcheeks move with the motion. He did it again, slowly, agonisingly twerking.

His breathing grew ragged and he knew it wasn't enough.

He repositioned himself, toes digging themselves into the sand. He began slowly shaking his ass, his voluptuous cheeks rubbing against each other and a light, squelching clap resounding every time it happened, the coconut oil lubing his cheeks up so they were slippery and wet.

He sped up and it jiggled and wiggled in a mesmerising manner, up and down and up and down. Until he stopped this movement and lubed himself up more, the coconut oil was silky as it dripped down his chin, down his chest and into every crevice of his body.

He began shaking his hips, moving side to side quickly. The clapping of his oiled and wet cheeks growing louder and more frequent. The lewd noises echoes out across the empty beach, harmonising with the crashing of the ocean.

The cheeks mashed together, slapping and clapping as he moved, the oil creating a glossy sheen over the velveteen flesh. His carved quads were in full flex as his muscles legs carried the weight of his dump truck ass. The oil slid down to his thick, girthy calves and down to his ankles as he continued twerking.

His mommy milkers bounced ever so gently with his movements, catching the glinting sun as it rose in an array of soft oranges, pinks and purples. As soft as his juicy thick ass cheeks that trembled like the softest jelly ever made. Softer than the delicious mochi he was named for.

But it wasn't enough, he fell to his knees, looking up to the rising sun with open arms that glistened and shone as if he was a diamond. But he was so much more valuable that any precious stone or material.

He rested his palms on the sandy beach, godly arms holding his chesty upper body up as he started tweeting on his hands and knees. He found that on his hands and knees he was able to curve his spine deeper, he was able to go for deeper and more powerful thrusts.

He panted lightly, his sweat dripping off, not mixing with the oil. His body was shaking as he put his whole heart, soul and ass into his almost ritualistic dance.

His veiny, thick forearms throbbed but he wasn't done yet. He rose up to be on the balls of his feet, large hands still bracing himself on the shifting sand.  He began shaking his hips again, up at the sky that kissed his dump truck. He moved his hips in a circular motion, grinding and shifting. His ass jiggled and shook, wiggling and trembling, quivering. His movements were powerful and commanding as he dominated the dance and performed it with animalistic manner.

The oils had sunk into his skin, moisturising him. He needed more. He poured the rest in between his cheeks, feeling the slick slide down his legs as he continued the shaking of his ass.  It dropped down, his jiggling cheeks slapping and clapping together, the sound louder as he grew more desperate. His moist cheeks rubbed together and the friction was lost to the slick of coconut oil.

He was coming to the climax of his erotic dance, hips shaking violently and the movements were seen in every ripple of his delicious, juicy cheeks. He pushed himself over the edge by standing back up into his original position, wiggling his ass in that rhythmic motion, sandy hands on his moist thighs. The rest of the coconut oil that had pooled between his legs slid down from him being in the new position. His shaking increased and his breathing grew laboured. He was almost there.

It was one deep thrusted, delicious twerk that made his cheeks clap together loudly and his pecs to bounce and he rode it out with small, short twerks.

He panted, shaking legs barely holding his weight as he stumbled across the coconut oil stained sand. He stepped into the water, relishing the coolness agains his flushed flesh. He went in deeper, barely being able to continue the movements, his steps feeling heavy. His thick cheeks weighed him down but he was soon far out enough that he could float in the water comfortably.

The salty water lapped at his skin, pulling away the coconut oil lubricant as the sun blesses his skin.

What a wonderful way to start the day.

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