Chapter 1

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Angelique"s pov

I woke up to a very mouth watering aroma of beacon and coffee. I shot up straight out of my bed to the bathroom, did my morning business and headed straight downstairs where I found my beautiful mother preparing breakfast.

"Take a sit honey, you want apple or orange juice or would rather have coffee ?" mom asked as she turned from the stove smiling.

"Coffee please "came my reply as I slowly sat down wondering what was she happy about.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining just that my mom is a very busy woman and she hardly gets time to prepare such breakfast. We always have cereal and leave. We cook together sometimes for super or just order takeout when we're lazy.

She placed the coffee in front of me followed by a plate of pancakes beacon and eggs. Before I could even ask she told me she got a promotion at work and that she'll be able to buy me my own car, even though I've told her multiple of times that I don't mind walking to college she still insisted.

"Wow!! Mom that's great news, you deserve it. You've been working day in day out for about ten years now. Its about time."

"Thank you so much. I'm really exited. I couldn't believe it when Mr Collins told me."

she smiled and kept eating her food with a very happy face. After breakfast I went to brush my teeth and dressed in my usual baggy clothes and headed out to college. It was a ten minutes walk so I didn't bother mom about driving me unless its raining.

As I walked in the busy streets of New York I kept my head down as I was pulling the hoodie over my head I bumped in to a very hard stone wall. I slowly took in what's in front of me and it was a guy. No scratch that, this is a man. His very tall figure towered over my 5'3 small one. He's surely around 6'4.

"Watch where you're going, kitten." The stranger said with a slight smirk on his face as he saw my reaction.

I was as red as a tomato when I realised I've been staring. Like the coward I am I simply murmured a 'sorry sir' as I literally ran away from there. This is how I am, I get really awkward around guys and the one I just ran into is a man so you could imagine how dumbstruck I was. 

When I got through the gates of campus my friend Broox was waiting for me with a smile on his face.

He is the only person who I considered a friend apart from my mom of course, that woman is my everything. He embraced me and started rambling on about the visitor called Xavier Collins who will be giving a speech on the event the school has organised for the motivation of students. He went on and on about how sexy and manly he was and that he was every woman's fantasy. Apparently he's some big shot. A billionaire bachelor to be exact.

Honestly I didn't care who was coming, I didn't need motivation being the nerd I am. Also I was already motivated by my strong mother. I didn't need to attend the event. I hate crowded places but of course I didn't tell Broox that, I didn't want to sound stuck up or something so I just kept listening while he was doing the talking. He always talk and I listen.

We went to our first lecture class being Business management. The class was really boring as I was already forward with the sillubus and knew most of the things Mrs Anderson was teaching. My mind kept going back on a certain someone I walked in to this morning but I kept reminding myself that men a no good. But I couldn't help it. I've never felt so interested in man like that. Funny thing is I don't even know the man so how can he be so embedded so deep in my mind. Ugh!

"Never trust a thing that'd fuck anything with a hole on it."

Yeah I know my mom's words not mine. The class finally ended and I was the first one to get out since I was very eager to visit the library.

"Wait up smarty pants, I know you love the library more than me but at least walk me to my next class duh"

Broox told me he had a class so I just walked him to his next lecture hall and went straight to the library. I greeted Miss Rakhi, our nice Indian librarian.

As much as I tried to focus on the book in front of me, his face kept on flashing in my mind. His manly voice oh God he smelled so nice 'really Angie day dreaming about strangers now. Cut it out.' I scolded myself.

The day went by terribly slow. I don't know what was so wrong with me but I really couldn't keep the stranger out of my mind. Maybe it's because he was nice looking. No he's hot. Okay he is nice looking but not enough for me to keep thinking about all day. Ugh really.

When I got home mom was already there. We were both lazy to cook so we just ordered pizza. I told her about the event and she told me we should look for a dress. We spent a lot of time online looking for a perfect dress for me. After that we watched pretty little liers.

I don't know when did I sleep because I woke up in my mom's bed but went back to sleep again. I love cuddles and my mother's are the best.

I dreamt about the stranger but this time we were in a picnic being romantic and all. I woke up again and went downstairs to drink some water. I really have a problem.

Who is this man that's now haunting my dreams?


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