Chapter 28

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Third person's POV

As Xavier, Andrea and Damien were in the meeting, Lopez was getting ready for his shipment. He was pissed, he's the boss yet he's doing shit himself. What's the point of hiring men and pay them a hefty check.  He thought to himself.

He knew Montero is a greedy Bastard. He has witnessed it on multiple occasions. The fucker doesn't even care for his family. But that's the kind of men that Lopez wants. The type that doesn't mind to get their hands dirty for money. The type of business he does is not little boys and weaklings.

He was glad to know that Montero prepared everything for him. Little did he know that Montero didn't do anything, he dropped everything after the Sinclairs called. Leaving the very important task to Samuel and David.

The Mafia man gathered his team and instructed them. This was not new to them so felt like he didn't need to preach to them. The men got ready. They drove to the wearhouse where the shipment will arrive. As usual when they got there, two pick up trucks where parked just outside the wearhouse.

Collins is a coward. The brute thought to himself. He shall use him for as long as he needs. Like always Collins's drivers remained in the car. They're not needed outside.

The plan is simple Joe and the rest of the team would wait in shadows. The pick-up trucks has small cameras installed in them. They'd record everything that'll take place. The exchange between the two criminals will take place smoothly. As soon as Lopez signs the papers that incriminate him that's when Joe will emerge. Lopez will be caught right handed with strong evidence. He's outnumbered so he won't stand a chance.

And just as planned, the merchandise arrived. A man in a black suit came out of one of the SUV that accompanied the truck.

"Mr Lopez, I see you came here personally. What an honour to see you again." The man said.

"Russo. It's been a long time."

The two men shook hands and then got down straight to business. How much Joe wished he'd pounce on both of them right this instant. But he knew Russo is impossible to touch. The entire Italian government is in his father's pocket. It'd be useless to arrest him just to get him release again so he waited patiently.

Then right after the men exchanged the drugs for money then signed he had his team ready. Russo and his men left. Lopez's men started packing everything in the pick up trucks. The red button in his hand beeped signalling him.

Right when Lopez was ready to leave Joe emerged from the dark.

"Lopez you bastard."

The hairs on Lopez's neck stood. The colour drained from his face. Joe Fishers. What the hell was he doing here. This is a private property. This only mean one thing. Montero.

Montero fucking set me up. He thought. Why else would Joe be here. Montero that fucking greedy shit.

Lopez's men drew their guns turned them to him.

"You not value your life Fishers. Coming here alone."

"Oh trust me Lopez I'm never alone. You're the fool here. Your so called friend sold you out. What's his name again, yeah Montero. Damien Montero."

Just as those words left Joe's mouth Lopez flipped. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Joe. Little did he know that's exactly what Joe wanted. The Mafia man incriminated himself in so many ways now. He's beyond saving. Not even his money can save him.

"This will be your last day Joe I swear. Even that Montero you've plotted with will never see the sun rise."

In a blink of an eye a gun shot was heard and Joe fell to the ground. This set of his team as the bullets started flying. Lopez's men were outnumbered. Back up was on the way and as soon as they got there Lopez's men had no choice but to surrender. Joe luckily had a vest on. He recovered fast.

"You will pay for this Fishers." Lopez shouted as he was being handcuffed.

They took the rest of the men and left to the headquarters. Lopez is smart man though. Through out everything he had ordered his men to send the best hitmen he has  for Montero's head. The traitor shall die today.

Meanwhile in Collins Enterprise and Co, Montero was in a happy mood. His meeting went softly, everything seems promising so far. The next meeting will be tomorrow. Everything shall be finalised then. He was currently in the ground floor. Seeing his soon to be investors out.

As soon as the Sinclairs left he turned to the couple behind him. Unfortunately he didn't get to say anything before the bullets started flying and provide screamed. Everything was happening in a blur. He saw Xavier taking Andrea to safety. He was about to take a corner before a bullet hit his left arm.

He shouted in agony but he never once stopped running. He hid in what seemed like a closet. The sound of people screaming and guns blazing, glass shattering and the loud thumping made his heart beat fast. What was happening.

He heard two people coming his way.

"Are you sure you got him?"

"Yes he came this way. The rest of the blood trails ends there. I'm not sure where he went from there."

"Mr Lopez will have our heads Diego. The instructions were clear shoot to kill. How could you miss."

"I didn't miss you idiot I know I got him. He'll sure die in his hide out. Let's get out of here before the cops come."

And just like that they left. Montero was stunned. Did Lopez send men to kill him why? Just because he decided to take a day for himself? Shit he needs to get out of here.

He waited until he was sure everything has cooled down. He left by the back door that lead straight to the underground parking lot. He carefully went to his car and calmed his chauffer. He waited for Mateo for about twenty minutes.

After Mateo helped him in to the car they left. He told him to take him to his safe house in the mountains. His life was in danger in he was not going to take any chances. The selfish part of him emerged as he didn't think twice about leaving his daughter and wife behind. They're nothing but a burden he thought.

He got Mateo to dress his wound. Luckily the bullet only grazed his arm. Shit he  got lucky today. He has worked years for that Lopez and this is how he repays him.

He lay low for a while. Well not exactly a while but but he needs to know what went wrong. How did it get to this.

He thought Lopez trusted him. Didn't years of friendship mean anything to him. What could have set him off like this? Only one answer came to his mind.


He is sure Collins is to blame for all of this. He must have done something.

He shall pay for this.


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