Chapter 30

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Angel's POV

It's been 2 weeks since the tragic incident. My Xavier still hasn't woken up and I feel like I'm losing it. He can't leave just yet. I haven't told him I forgive him and that I love him. God I'd forget everything he did to me this instant if only you could bring him back to me.

I was kinda okay with living separately with him but him being on death's doorstep makes me lose my mind. He can't leave me yet. I need him his babies need him. I can literally feel their pain.

Andrea and Ethan has been taking care of him when I'm not around. I don't want him to be left alone. I'm afraid the attackers might come back to finish the job. Ethan says they were sent by Lopez the Mafia man my father was working with. I don't understand why would they attack Xavier, I thought he said nothing would lead back to him. He promised me he'll be careful. I knew that what they planned was dangerous but at least I was at ease that he won't be there. Unfortunately danger came knocking on his doors, in fact it didn't even knock. It literally barged in.

Mom has been telling me to not worry because it's not good for the babies but how can I not worry. I know stress is not good for the babies, but this is so hard not to think about.

And that Montero, it's like he has vanished from the face of the earth. Ethan says Joe and his team are looking for him. I hope he gets found and put behind bars. I hope they give him a good thrashing before they do so.

My relationship with Andrea has elevated. We're so much different yet the same. It's so hard to understand. She probably took her mother's outgoing personality, well I don't know who's personality I got cause my mom is bubbly and charismatic while I'm the wierd and awkward child. But I love myself none the less.

" by the 3rth we'll be writing Statistics, God I hate that module. Uh you've got to be kidding me, ANGELIQUE."

And just like that my thoughts were cut shot.

"Yes I'm listening B. I just... I .." I tried to explain but I couldn't even form a sentence.

"Listen here young lady, I know you're worried and scared for your lover's life but you have to study. We're left with a week before the exams start and we need to be prepared. Just please Angie." B said.

"I know. I just can't help it okay. Can we go see him. I haven't seen him in 2 days. Please."

"Uh really!"

"Yes please, I promise we'll study when we get back. Please." I said.

"UGH fine. Don't give me that look. You know you can literally make a person agree to rob a bank with just one of your puppy dog eyes. You're so cute."

"Hey I'm not cute. The babies will be cute not the mother." I said laughing.

"It's so nice to see you laugh like this Angie. I miss your smiles. These past months hasn't been the best but right now you're getting worse. Please try to liven up."

"I'll try. Now let's please go see him."

The drive to the hospital was really short. We found Mrs Leela and another lady with Xavier. We've met already and I wish it could have been on better circumstances. Her face lightened up when she saw me.

"Angie my dear you're here. " She said as she stood up to give me and B a hug.

"Hello Mrs Leela. How's he?" I asked moving to his side.

"He's still the same child. Ugh where are my manners. Angie this is Oya, Oya is my daughter." She introduced us.

"Oh hello Oya I've heard a lot about you from Xavier."

"Ncoah really. I hope it's only good things." She said smiling.

"We'll give you some time. Oya let's go get some coffee. Do you need anything from the cafeteria? I'm sure my grand babies must be craving something."

Well first things first I never say no to food. Food is life. Food is happiness. So who am I to deny myself the opportunity.

"I'd like some chocolate muffins, a cheeseburger and fries please. Oh and tea please."

The trio left the room and I was left alone with the love of my life.

"Oh Xavier, please wake up. I know you can hear me just fight. Fight for me, your babies, your family but most of all fight for yourself. We're waiting baby."

His hand twitch as I said this. I couldn't believe it so I took his hand and placed it on my belly. Like always the babies started moving against their fathers cold touch.

"You feel that. That's our babies moving. Please come back to us."

The machines started beeping loudly and his hands moved God what's happening. Is he okay? is he waking up?

"Please just follow my voice Xavier. Come back. Come back to me."


Xavier's POV

"Oh Xavier, please wake up. I know you can hear me just fight. Fight for me, your babies, your family but most of all fight for yourself. We're waiting baby."

I'm in beach and it's peaceful but this woman has come again. Whenever she's here I always feel this pull. She's back again. She always tells me to come back but where am I? Am I dead? Am I dreaming?

I always try to reach out to her and touch her but I can't. Everytime I get close she goes further into the water. But not this time. I ran after her till I touched her. I felt myself shiver at her touch and she spoke again.

"You feel that. That's our babies moving please come back to us."

I looked her closely that's when I saw her. Angelique. She's my angel. I looked down to her belly and I saw her bump. The babies my babies. I touched her belly and I felt movement. I felt happiness and then that feeling came again. I felt this pull that I couldn't fight. She spoke again.

"Please just follow my voice Xavier. Come back. Come back to me.

I stopped fighting the pull. I let myself float in to the light as I followed her angelic voice. I felt like I was in another world. I could hear other voices this time. There was this beeping sound that irritates me.

I opened my eyes and but closed them again.

"How are his vitals?" I heard a male voice.

"All normal doctor." A female voice answered.

"This is a miracle. There are no signs of struggle. The patient just woke up." The male said again.

"Angel." I croaked out. My throat felt dry.

"Angel." I called again.

"Yes yes baby I'm here. We're here. Oh Xavier."

I opened my eyes and found her face hovering over mine. Her eyes puffy and her clear skin red.

I have never been this happy to see anyone. A tear fell from face. I was so happy.

"Angel. You brought me back." I said hoarsely.

"I thought I'll never see your beautiful eyes again. I missed you Xavier. I missed you so much. Don't ever leave me again."

"I promise I won't."

She kissed my forehead.

I've never been this happy.


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