Chapter 27

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Xavier's POV

Finally. Today is the day. The day for which I don't know the outcome. I'm only hoping for the best. This very day will determine my future with Angelique. Not only ours but Andrea's and her mother's as well.

The plan is simple yet risky. A lot could go wrong. I could lose everything, all of my hard work hell even my life is at stake. Truth is I don't care about all of that. I would gladly give my life in a platter if it meant my family will be saved but right now that's not the case. My kitten and our children's lives are at stake. That's why I'm feeling so nervous. Dealing with a man as vicious as Lopez is dangerous. He could go to any extent to get what he wants. One could only imagine what he does to those who betrays him.

The plan is already in motion. The meeting with the Sinclairs is set and it's decided that Lopez will lead the shipment himself tonight. Two of Joe's men will be driving the pick up trucks, disguised as one of our drivers. So they'll be ready to signal Joe and the others when it's time.

Right now I'm in my office looking at my pictures with my kitten. I really do miss her and for the first time in a long time I feel scared. Scared that something might go wrong and she will pay the price for it. I'm in need of any help right now. Whether it could be a prayer or some Vudu shit I don't care.

I wonder how are the babies, have they started kicking? Maybe. She looks so fucking sexy even with a big bump. Pregnancy suits her. I plan to keep her pregnant every damn year. Yeah just kidding.

The phone by the table rang and I answered. It was Amber reminding me of a meeting I should have left for ten minutes ago. She did remind me in time, I just don't feel like going. I won't be able to concentrate so I told her to tell the men the meeting is cancelled due to family emergency.

I don't know how long I stayed in my office because later I saw Andrea walking in all dressed up. For a moment I was shocked, I've never seen her in a formal outfit. She likes these short satin dresses that clung to her body like second skin. If not those then she in comfortable clothes but never formal clothing. She really looked nice.

"You know starring is rude right." She said with a smirk.

"Yeah. I'm rude you should know that by now. You look nice."

"Nice? Just nice? You can do better man."

"Just take a compliment Andrea."

"Right thank you brother."

"See, that wasn't hard now was it?"

"Yeah it wasn't." She said with a smile, sarcasm dripping off her every word.

"Now enough about my outfit. Damien said the meeting will be held here, I don't know why, don't ask me. Said he wants everything to be perfect."

"You got a total douche for a father, no offences."

"None taken. Better yet Damien's an ass."

"That he is."

"So how are things going between you and Angie? Has she called yet."

I sighed before answering. I really hated this question it makes me emotional.

"Nah. And it kills me. I just want her to at least keep me updated ya know."

"I'm sorry to hear that but I think it's better this way."

"The hell you mean it's better this way?"

"Woah easy tiger, don't bite my head off. I'm just saying it's better for her to keep her distance before everything blows out you know. I think it's better if Lopez and Montero are under the impression that she hates you. That way she won't be a target and they won't even suspect a thing. Your sudden closeness with her might tick them off."

"Oh yeah. You're right."

"I know, I always am."

"You're hopeless." I said with a laugh.

Our faces fell as soon as the grey headed man walked in. His suit tan as his skin. He had a smile on his face, one that'll be wiped off in a few hour. Oh just you wait you deep shit. You'll reap what you sew.

He confidently walked in to my office and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"Ah. This is my day. Shouldn't you be getting shit ready Andrea. I did not call you here to sit around and whore around with Collins."

When Andrea did not move he put his glass down and stormed to her. She looked frightened now and I hated to witness this. He grabbed her by her chin and held her face to him roughly.

"When I talk you listen you whore-"

"Montero get your fucking hands off of her you fucking cunt." I said storming to him.

I pulled him away from her and looked him dead in the eyes.

"What? She has forgotten her place now that she's with you huh? I ordered you deliver or have you forgotten daughter?"

"Not anymore Montero. You don't get to tell her shit. She's my fiance and you're the one who's forgotten their place. This is my office"

"Such arrogance huh. You're too soft. You're not man enough."

"You're wrong father. He's ten times a better man than you'll ever be. Hitting women doesn't make you a strong man Damien."

"Oh would you look at that-"

"Fucking stop Montero. If you want my fiance and I to attend this meeting with you then I suggest you keep your shit to yourself. Got that."

That instantly shut him up. The matherfucker doesn't even have a backbone. He's just one greedy son of bitch.

"Fine. I'll be in the conference room. Don't get so cocky just because I need you Collins. And you, you should thank your lucky stars." He said then stormed out.

I went to Andrea and inspected her face.

"I'm sorry I let him get his hands on you."

"It's not your fault Xavier the man's lunatic."

"Yeah but still I'm sorry. At least it didn't leave bruise."

"How did you survive him?"

"Well I tolerated this until I was 16 after that I started sleeping over at my friend's house. I couldn't say shit to anyone because no one would believe me. Mom drowned herself in alcohol. He's a monster Xavier. I still remember one night when I was 13 it was right after they got married. He was still upset about his divorce so he'd drink every night. That's when the abuse started. He hit my mom for not making Lasagna the way miss Gabby used to do it for him. It was traumatizing Xavier. After that day it never stopped. He'd force my mom to dress like Miss Gabby, cook like her hell he even forced her to dye her hair red."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

"Yeah. I just hope tonight goes as planned and the motherfucker pays."

Amber knocked on my door and told us the Sinclairs have arrived. Andrea fixed herself then we went to the meeting.

As we all sat down I sent Joe a text informing him that Montero is occupied. Time to get started.

Lord Have Mercy


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