Chapter 18

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Angel's POV

Six weeks. Six long weeks without a word from him. Not to even mention the morning sickness. I can't believe I'm pregnant. I've been avoiding mom ever since I knew about this. She's been asking if I'm okay and I'd flat out lie and tell her I'm on my periods.

What am I supposed to say to her. I feel ashamed because she warned me and I didn't listen. Now I'm pregnant for a man who doesn't even want to see my face. I feel so numb. I was hurt the first four weeks but now I feel nothing. I feel so empty, I don't even know how to feel about this pregnancy. But I know for sure that I'm not aborting it. After I was discharged I went home and locked myself in my room for days. Mom was busy with work so she took time before noticing that something was off. I have to say though, I'm glad she didn't notice. I don't where was I going to start because I was miserable. I still am but it's not as bad, I have accepted that this is my fate. I can't really do anything about it.

I've been drowning myself in my school work ever since to the summer break ended. It really is helping, I need to distract myself and school work is the only option I have. At least no one notices my misery. Well except for Broox. He's been bugging me about Xavier and I think it's time I told him the truth. I can't keep this hidden any longer. It'll be better if he heard it from me rather than seeing Xavier's face on a magazine cover saying he's marrying some model.

I'm currently waiting for Broox in our favourite coffee shop. I'm feeling so nervous. The only support I've had has been Martha and her wife Sierra, the two elderly women who helped me on that day that I don't want to remember. I hate my birthday now. They've been calling and asking if I've told my mom yet. I know they're worried but I feel like they're nagging. They don't understand how hard this is for me. But it feels good to have someone checking up on me.

I was taken out of my thoughts by someone placing a coffee in front of me. It was Broox and he had a frown on his face.

"Baby doll you look horrible. And don't you dare say it's nothing again because I swear I'll strangle you. Now please tell me what's wrong Angel, you know I'm here for you right." He said, his tone softened as he said the last sentence.

I couldn't hold it anymore so I allowed myself to break down. I let the tears fall down and I sobbed. He held my hands in his for comfort and I felt it. The care that I needed the affection. God I should have told him earlier, he would have helped me get through this.

" It's okay Angie I'm here. It's okay. Come we can't have this conversation here." He stood up from his sit and came to my side. He lead me out of the coffee shop ignoring people starring at us. He opened his car door and set me in the back sit. I continued to cry during the whole drive. I don't even know where he was taking me but I didn't care.

We pulled over at his sister's house. He opened the door and led me inside. He sat me in a couch in the living room before going to get some water for me.

"Brooklyn is out of town so I've been here for a week now. You can relax, we're alone here you can tell me anything. " He said holding me in a bone crushing hug. I needed it as I cried my heart out. All the pain that I've been trying to hide was out in the open now. After I called down I told him everything.

"I'm sorry Angie this is my fault. I advised you to let him in. I told you to give him a chance despite. I'm sorry sweety."

"No no No B it wasn't your fault. I let him in. I'm the one who spent three months in what I thought was a relationship. I'm the one who was stupid enough to think that a man like him would love a stupid naive little girl like me. I was warned but I didn't listen. Mom told me to stop seeing him but I didn't stop B. Now I don't know how to look her on the eyes. I'll start showing soon I don't know how will she react to all of this. She'll want to resign from work, she'll give up everything she worked hard for just for my sake and I'm not worth it."

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