Chapter 19

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Angel's POV

Miserable. That's how I've been. I try to put everything behind me but ever since Xavier made his engagement public, things have been hard. Having to see his face everywhere, was making it hard for me. And what made it hard even more was that he was marrying Montero's daughter. Stacey and Demian Montero's daughter. My sister. He knew Andrea is my sister but he didn't tell me. Guess he really didn't feel anything for me. I mean who would sleep with one sister then marry the other. He was lying to my face when he said he'd fix everything, he never intended to.

I was such a fool. But now I have better things to worry about, like what colour am I going to paint the nursery. Mom, granny and Broox have been a great help. I'm grateful to have them in my life. I've decided to take online classes. I can't really be waddling all over campus with this big bump of mine.

"Angie baby I'm home. Can you please come help pack these up." Mom shouted from downstairs.

"Coming." I replied.

I made my way downstairs and helped mom pack everything. We made lunch together while mom told me about her new job. She went ahead with resigning and we're glad Sebastian and his son didn't oppose. She seems happy and I'm glad she is. I don't want her to worry about me all the time.

"So Mr Stevens was so embarassed when I told him I'm not looking for a man now. I felt a bit bad for turning him down though."

"Oh someone has a crush."

"Ugh stop it Angie I'm not crushing on him. I'm too old for that nonsense."

"Okay. If you say so." I said with a laugh and she playfully glared at me.

"But how are you feeling baby?"

"I'm trying mom really. But it's just so hard. I can't even enjoy my time alone. I can't enjoy my own company because a part of me belongs to someone else and it misses him."

"I'm so sorry bunny. We'll get through this together okay. I'll never leave you."

"I know mom and grateful to have you, Nana and Broox, you guys give me hope. And these little babies of mine are my strength."

"So you don't plan on telling him at all."

"No mom. My decision is final. What if he rejects them."

"Okay I understand honey. As long as you're happy I'm happy as well."

"Thanks mom you're the best."

I gave her a hug suddenly crying. These damn hormones.

We made lunch and ate in peace. Enjoying each other's company. I was starting to get better and I'm happier. I have accepted that what happened to me was unfortunate but I can't do anything about it now.

These little bundle of joy keeps me going.


Xavier's POV

She's gone. She hates me now. She fucking hates me now. Who wouldn't. And me well I've seen better days. My life is a mess. Montero and Lopez have been doing as they please with my father's company. As of que the motherfucker barged in to my office.

"Collins. Shouldn't you be with your wife to be at this hour." Montero said with a smug on his face.

"Montero shouldn't you be with your wife at this hour?" I responded.

"Don't act smart with me boy."

"Then stop bothering me Montero. This is my business not your house."

"There will be a million dollar shipment taking place this Tuesday, make sure everything is ready."

"Oh I see, Lopez sent his lap dog to do his dirty job."

"Don't forget who you're talking to boy."

"Then don't forget your place Montero. I may have agreed to this shit but you're not the boss of me. Now leave, I got shit to do."

"Fine. Must you be so rude. Just make sure everything is ready."

He left slamming the door in the process. I packed my shit and left. My mood already spoilt. I had been drowning myself in work and alcohol ever since she left. I'm just glad Andrea doesn't want more than what we have. We only agreed to make public appearances during interviews only. We never spend time together. She understands that I only have eyes for her sister.

I made my way to the club driving furiously. When I got there I went straight up to my office, ignoring these women trying to flirt. I haven't been with anyone since my kitten and I'm not planning on taking anyone other than her.

I drowned myself in alcohol like I do every night. I don't sleep in that house anymore it holds so many memories. I wish there could have been a different way to deal with this situation. Nothing hurts like hurting the person you love the most.


I woke up with a swore body. Sleeping on the couch was a bed idea. I went back to my house to change. This house felt so hollow. I took a much needed shower and changed my clothes. I didn't feel like having breakfast here so I went to Mandy's. My kitten lives the food here. It's a nice diner and they make good food.

I entered the small diner and the smell of fresh food hit my nose. I took a sit in the booth and looked at the menu. The waiter soon came and took my order then left.

I was on my phone looking at our pictures when I heard her voice. The voice I've been yearning to hear.

"Hey Sam is Mandy in today?"

"No sweetheart. But Jeff is in the office I'm pretty sure he can help you."

Sweetheart he just called my kitten sweetheart. Fuck I hate him already. Her back was facing me so she hadn't noticed me yet. I didn't know how to react so I just sat there and admired her. This guy named Sam then gave her a takeaway bag then she faced me. That's when I saw it. A baby bump. She's fucking pregnant. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Is it mine? Does she have a boyfriend? No she wouldn't have another boyfriend so soon. Which leaves me with one conclusion. It's mine. She's pregnant with my baby. We never used protection because I always lost it when I saw her naked. Shit. I really fucked up.

I quickly stood up from my sit and went after her. She was walking faster but her legs are small. She couldn't get away so fast, we had to talk about this. Why didn't she tell me? I wouldn't have left her if I knew she's pregnant. She was heading to a car but I reached to her faster. I grabbed her wrist but she yanked her hand forcefully.

"Get your fucking filthy hands off of me you prick."


"Don't you fucking dare call me that."

Before I could even say anything she had left. I was completely stunned. She hates me.

But that doesn't matter now. She's pregnant and I need her back. I took out my phone and called my assistant.

"Amber cancel all my meetings for today and tell Ethan to meet me at my house."


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