Chapter 26

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Third person's POV

Confused. That's the word to describe how Angelique felt at this moment. Her feelings are all over the place. A part of her wants to forget everything and start over with Xavier but the other is still hurting. It'll take time for her to heal completely, she may forgive but this will definitely be hard to forget.

She didn't know where to start, it has been two days since she last saw Xavier. Actually she's glad that he has given her sometime to digest everything. She needs to talk to someone about her feelings. But how can she do that without disclosing the information that she has to keep a secret. This was eating her from the inside so she did what she think is right.


Angel called to her mother who was currently repacking the pantry. She was off for a few days so she was free to do small tasks like this one. The elder woman stopped her work and payed full attention to her daughter. She has noticed that she hasn't been herself lately.

"Yes Sweetie?" She answered.

"I... I uh remember that day I went to talk to Xavier?"

"Yes. What about it? You said he didn't show up right?"

"Well I uh, he did show up I just. Can we go and sit down? I need to talk to you about something. Please don't be mad."

"What's wrong baby? You're scaring me. Come let's go to my room."

The mother and daughter duo went upstairs. Angel's heart was beating so hard it felt like it could jump right out her chest. They took a sit in her mother's bed and she started talking. She told her mother everything that Xavier has told her. She needed help to understand things better and she knew her mother will always have her best interest at heart.

After she was done her mother was raging. Gabriella knew Damien doesn't like Angelique but she never once thought he'd stoop this low. Endangering his own daughter's life for what, wealth. This man is really gullible. She couldn't act on her emotions though. She needs to be strong for her daughter. So like any mother would, she showed her daughter what she thought was right.

"My dear I know you're confused right now. I'll have to be honest with you though, I don't think Xavier is lying. Why would he lie about this? I'm not saying you should forgive him for what he did but dear, do take his words to careful consideration. He never wanted to get married from the start then suddenly he was ready to get married. What could have changed? What do you think changed his decision that fast?" The elderly woman said.

"I hear you mother but I don't know where to start. Where do I go from here?"

"Take things slow Sweetie. Start by accepting the situation. Let Xavier deal with everything and let's hope he succeeds because this dangerous mission he's planning will define your future."

"What do you mean by that mother?"

"What I'm saying is. If Damien really is associated with the Mafia then things are going to get ugly. You should stay safe and stay away from Xavier for a while. If things goes wrong and your father gets to know what Xavier is planning you might be his target. So please let everything settle then talk to Xavier about this. You don't have to make a rushed decision."

"Oh mother." Angelique cried in her mother's embrace.

They spent the rest of the day keeping their minds off of the danger that lays ahead.

Meanwhile Xavier was working hard to make sure his plan succeeds. Everything was in place.

Just like all the time Montero was also preparing for the drug shipment. He was glad that Collins has accepted defeat. This is his victory. Soon the whole Collins Enterprise and Co will be his. He got a text earlier from his daughter. The text was to let him know that he has to attend a meeting with the Sinclairs. It's a meet has been working so hard for and finally they had agreed to meet him.

He had to be there. He couldn't miss it. So he made his decision. He'll attend the meeting and Lopez will handle everything himself tomorrow. Yes that's right. For once he'll miss the shipment.

He'll take Andrea and Xavier with him. Surely the Sinclairs will take him up on the offer once they see the alliance he has with Collins. He'll be richer. And just like that he left everything and prepared for his meeting.

Everything was going as per planned. Montero's focus has been shifted from the Shipment. He'll surely make mistakes and Joe will take advantage of that.

Xavier knew that Montero is one greedy son of bitch, so he used that against him. He made a few calls and the meeting with the Sinclairs was set. He knew that Montero will leave everything for this contract.  He is more than happy to know that he has left Samuel and David in charge of the shipment. He'll make sure that they do a shitty job. He knows that once Lopez is caught he'll blame Montero for his demise and that will break their so called friendship.

Joe had his team ready for tomorrow. This time they had a solid plan, they'll catch Lopez right handed and he'll be put behind bars for sure.

"I just got off the phone with him. He wants us to accompany him just like we planned." Andrea said with a smile.

"Good I hope everything goes as planned. They'll pay for everything they've put us through Rea." Came Xavier's reply.

They were currently in his office. The two have formed a friendship. They'll soon be in-laws so they had to have a common ground anyway. He couldn't stay in that house any longer, it suffocates him. Now that Ethan has turned it in to his whoring space he hates it.

"So what's the deal with you and Ethan?"

"Nothing really. We're just... you know.... I just...I don't know man."

"Well be careful with that one. He's a heartbreaker. I don't want to have to break his jaws for breaking heart mh."

"Let's hope it doesn't get to that brother."

Xavier hummed in satisfaction.

Andrea smiled. Her sister us really fortunate to have someone like Xavier. She hopes things work out for them. All she wants is to see her sister get the love she deserves. But in all of this she forgot that she deserves happiness as well. She felt guilty for so long. None of this was her fault.

After everything has settled down she'll surely pay her a visit.

Tomorrow is a big day and everyone hoped for the best. Even though Lopez wasn't pleased with Montero's decision to drop everything in the last minutes. Lopez is a very old man this is not his thing anymore, which is why he has entrusted Montero to do everything but the boy clearly doesn't deserve it. He decided at that moment he'll do it on his own and that Montero will be alone. He'll lead his shipment he's the boss after all.

His arrogance will be his downfall.

Shits about to hit the roof!

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