Chapter 25

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Angel's POV


"Yes kitten. I was forced to leave you. He threatened your life. He said if I don't agree to the marriage then he'll get rid of you. I know I fucked up but I knew you wouldn't have agreed if I told you so I became an asshole and hurt you."

We were both in tears at this moment. I really didn't know what to believe. A part of me that belongs to Xavier entirety believed every word that left his mouth. But it wasn't enough. Even if what he's saying is true he could have chosen a better way to part ways with me. What he did was cruel.

"You called me whore Xavier. You insulted my character and demeaned me. How was that protecting me?"

"I'm sorry Angel I know I should've found a better way to handle this. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry? How am I supposed to forgive you after what you did Xavier. Do you have any idea how I felt or have you forgotten everything you said?"

He looked down in shame, guilt and regret but I didn't care. I had to vent. I've been keeping this anger inside for months. Now that he's here he has to answer me. So I continued with my rant.

"Seems like you have. Well let me do the honours of rephrasing every damn word you said that night mh." I didn't wait for his response as I started speaking those cruel words.

"Did I stutter? I said we're done. I've gotten what I wanted from you now I need to move on. God I can't believe I had to act like lovestruck fool to get inside your pants. I have to give it to you though you were good to bed. But now I've had enough, it's not fun anymore. I'm going to get married soon I can't be seen with a child now, can I? It'll ruin my reputation."

"Please stop kitten" he begged. But I didn't stop there.

"I feel sorry for you. But this act of innocence doesn't make my dick hard anymore now cut it out. I've packed your shit and I need you out of my life now. Thanks for your service"

"I didn't mean any of it I swear Angel." He was miserable but I continued. I wanted him to feel it too. The sharpness of his words. How they pierced through my fragile heart.

"Love? God you're so delusional. I don't fucking love you, I loved what's between your legs. But it's not enough to make stay. Now get you shit and leave."

"Fuck I'm sorry Angelique. I love, I fucking love you with all of my heart." He held his head between his hands.

"Remember now. And you say you were protecting me." I said venom dripping from my every word.

"I'll spend the rest of my life begging for forgiveness even if I have to. But please don't shut me out. I really didn't mean any of it I swear kitten." He was crying at this moment.

As much as I hated to admit. It hurt to see him crying like this. I wish God had given me a stronger heart, then I'd not be affected by him in any way. But alas here I am. Feeling bad for making him cry. I cleared my throat and wiped my face off of tears then looked him straight in the eyes.

"I'm no saint Xavier. I can't just forgive you. But I'll let you see your children, nothing more. Now tell me exactly how Montero is involved in all of this."

Third person's pov

Clearly Xavier was hesitant on telling Angel everything but still he engaged in the conversation. He told her everything, from the deal that was made before she was born, Montero's betrayal to his father, Montero's betrayal to her mother and even Montero's involvement with the Mafia. She hated him even more when she learnt of the abuse. The sick fuck was now hitting women. He really is no man. Just a waste of oxygen.

Honestly Angel was not surprised. At this point he knew nothing could go past that wicked man who unfortunately fathered her. The fact that his dirty blood run through her veins made her nauseas.

Upon hearing all of this her heart broke for Andrea and her mother. Although she's no saint, she truly is a kind hearted person. Here she was sympathizing for a woman who had a hand in her mother's misery.

She didn't hate them though. Yes she disliked Stacey for what she has done. She and her mother had treated her like family, they invited her to their family functions, birthday parties and dinners. They had no idea who she was and what she and Damien where doing behind closed doors. They never even knew that she had a child. She never spoke of her family so they assumed she wasn't close enough to them so they never persuaded her to talk about them. They had trusted her and she betrayed them.

She used to blame her before, but now she's smart enough to understand that being unfaithful is never one person's fault. It takes two to tango. Her sick twisted father was also to blame.

None the less she felt sorry for them despite everything. Especially Andrea, she couldn't hold a grudge against her she was just a child as well. She also wanted a relationship with her elder sister and she was more than delighted to know that Andrea felt the same way.

After Xavier was done telling her everything he felt as though a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. Now he only hoped that Angel would at least understand where he was coming from. He knew it was wrong but the brute was selfish. He wanted to be in her life one way or the other.

Yes he felt like complete shit for how he treated her that night. The words that he used to insult her lived rent-free in his mind. He felt horrible everytime he thought of the words he chose to use but hearing her say them cut through his heart like a damn sharp dagger. He has really fucked up.

He looked at her sleepy form. Hearing all of this must've been too much for her. Well anyone in her position would need time to stomach everything that was said.

They talked more but it still felt like there was a barrier between them. Xavier offered to take her upstairs but she declined. She asked him to take her back home. Xavier felt hurt to hear this. He wanted to be her home but he knew and perfectly understood well that it'll take time.

He drove her back home. The ride was silent and awkward but none of them felt the need to cut the tension.

Angelique's mind was racing. Everything that was revealed to her was too much. She knew Damien hated her but to a point where he threatened her life, she was appalled. He's her father. He was supposed to protect her.

The only positive thing that she learnt from that conversation was that her sister wanted a relationship with her just as much as she did.

She doesn't know how to feel about Xavier. She somewhat understand the situation he was put in but still that doesn't justify his actions. He could have handled the situation in a different way but he chose the most brutal one. Sure he'd get to see his children but as far as their relationship is concerned she isn't sure.

She may still feel something for him but this time she won't let him in that easy. The fact that she had to keep everything that Xavier told her a secret didn't sit well with her. She doesn't keep secrets from her mother. How will she do this.

After he had dropped her off Angelique ran herself bath. She had to relax her tense muscles.

She really hope Xavier was telling the truth.


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