Part 22

2.9K 83 3

In the hospital.
Tae was still lying on the bed unconscious. Jungkook was standing beside him. He hasn't informed anyone yet.
Jk: Tae. Get up
The doctor entered the room.
Jk: Doctor please save him. Save him. Save him. Save him. Save him(he said crying and pleading)
Dr: owing to the impact of external forces placental abruption and excessive bleeding has happened. To save him we have to perform an induced abortion as soon as possible. But in this case, you will lose the baby.
Jk: what did you say?
The doctor looked down.
Jk: we will lose the baby?
The doctor gave him the file.
Dr: This is informed consent for surgery. Please have a look. Sign if you agree.
Jungkook was just blankly looking at the file.
Dr: we don't have enough time.
Jk: doctor, please there must be something else we can do. I know you can save him. I'm sure you can save him.
Dr: there is no other choice. This is the only way. Don't be hesitant to sign it. He'll be in more danger if it goes on like this.
Tae started to wake up.
Tae: ah.. my baby.
He was having pain in his abdomen.
Dr: sign it.
Tae looked up and found Jungkook and the doctor standing there.
Tae: what is this? (holding the file from Jungkook's hand)Huh! What is this?
Jk: informed consent for induced abortion. (he said looking at the file)
Tae:(started crying)what? You can't do that. (tried to grab the file from Jungkook's hand) Don't sign(breathing heavily) please Jungkook. You can't do that. I give up. I don't want it. The baby is yours. (pleading jungkook). You can have everything you want. I. I don't need the custody. Please don't sign it. It's your baby too. Don't sign( crying )

Jungkook took the pen from the doctor.
Jk: Tae. I'm sorry
Tae: you can't do that. Don't sign it(desperately while crying)
Jungkook signed the paper.
Tae: don't sign. You can't do that(crying loudly)
Dr: get the operation theatre ready.
Tae: You liar. No. You liar
They started taking Tae to the operation theatre. Jungkook started crying.
Tae: you liar! NO(crying badly)

Tae was taken to the operation theatre. He still pleaded not to do this but after giving him anaesthesia he fell unconscious.

Jungkook called Suga and told him to come to the hospital. Everyone came there along with Namjoon and Hoseok.

After sometime.
Tae woke up while calling his baby. He found Mrs Kim and Mrs Jeon beside him. They helped him to sit down.
Mrs Kim: how are you feeling? Do you feel any pain in the abdomen?
Tae: Mom. How about my baby? He is still there right? (asked a bit smiling)
He looked at Mrs Jeon
Tae: mom. Answer me. I still have my baby, right?
Mrs Kim and Mrs Jeon could answer him they started crying.
Tae understood that he had lost his baby.
He threw himself back on the bad. He started crying
Tae: It's not a dream. My baby. It didn't even have a chance to have a look at the world. Mom, my baby.
Mrs Kim: Tae, don't be like this.
Tae: I'm so useless. ( badly crying)
Tae started beating himself Mrs Jeon held his hand.
Mrs Jeon: Tae doesn't be like this.
Mrs Kim: it's not your fault. It's not.
Mrs Kim embraces him.
Tae: it is( he shouted) it even didn't have a chance to look at this world. I should've protected it better. It's my fault(he shouted). Give my baby back to me.

Outside the room
Mr Kim, Mr Jeon, Jungkook, Namjoon and Hobi were standing. They could hear Tae's crying. Jungkook was just looking at the floor.
The door opened and Mrs Kim came out wiping her tears. Jungkook immediately stood up and went to her.
Jk: mom how is Tae doing?
Mrs Kim pulled him away from the room.
Mrs Kim: why are you still here? If it weren't for the divorce agreement Tae wouldn't have suffered this. You still want to irritate him.
Jk: mom, I just want to see him. I'm worried about him.
Mrs Kim: he doesn't want to see you. Go back home Jungkook.
Jk: I'm sorry mom.
He said and was about to towards the room when Mr Kim stopped him.
Mr Kim: don't bother him.
Jk: dad, please.
Mr Kim: Go back. (pushed him) stay away from him
Jk: tell Tae to not be mad at me. Tell him to take care of himself.
Mr Kim didn't reply and he left the room.
Namjoon and Hobi took him away from there.
Namjoon: Jungkook everything will be fine.
Hobi: give him some time he needs to heal himself.
They spoke with him for some time and left.
In the same hospital, grandma got admitted. After hearing about Tae's abortion she fell unconscious. Yoongi is there with her.
Sia also got hurt and was in the same hospital.

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