Part 28

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Jungkook was prepared for the airport. He came downstairs. Everyone gathered and they had their breakfast.
After breakfast.
Grandma: Kookie, come soon okay? I'll miss you.
Jungkook hugged her.
Jk: I will. Take care till then. Yeah.
Grandma: yes.
Jk: Mom, I'm leaving now.
Mom: Take care. Don't overwork.
Jk: yes mom.
Mom: when will you return?
Jk: I'll inform you but maybe it will take 1 week.
Dad: ok, don't stress okay? Give your best. Don't worry about the result.
He hugged jungkook.
Jungkook then hugged his mom and left for the airport.
Time skip.
He reached Paris. He had his meeting tomorrow so he decided to rest for today. He went to the hotel and stayed there.
At night.
He again reviewed the presentation and made sure everything was correct.
He made a call to his team to make sure everything was perfect for the meeting tomorrow.
Next day.
Jungkook got ready and went downstairs. A driver was waiting for him. He got into the car. The ride to the company was not that long.
He entered the conference room. The investors were present there.
Jk: good morning gentlemen.
After that, the presentation started.
He and his team have their best to convince the investors.
Soon the meeting got over.
It was almost evening when the meeting got over. There will be more meetings needed to discuss everything.

After the meeting
Jungkook went to the hotel room. He relaxed in the bathtub for an hour. After the bath, he ordered food for his room. After eating he went to sleep.

Next day.
Jungkook decided to look around Paris. He visited many places. After many years he had this trip. Ever since the incident took place Jungkook never went on trips. He immersed himself in work completely.

He was roaming the streets when he saw a familiar figure on the opposite side of the street.

Jks pov
Where should I go now? I should have at least known something about this place before coming here. It's almost 2 so I should have my lunch.

He started looking around.
Jk pov
Where is the restaurant? Ah, maybe it should be that side.
He started walking ahead looking around when he saw a familiar figure in front of a coffee shop with having parcel in his hand and walking to go somewhere.
He frowned his eyebrows.
Jks pov
What is he doing here? From when is he staying here? Grandma told me he went somewhere but I didn't know I could meet Jin here. Where is he going? I should ask him about Taehyung maybe he could know where he is?

And with that, he started to walk towards jin who was in opposite direction. Jungkook started walking but he failed to notice the car coming towards his direction. And he met with an accident.

With Tae
He thought of working in the morning instead of at night today in the hospital. He was in his cabin when someone knocked on the door.
Tae: come in.
Jin: hello.
Tae: hi Hyung.
Jin: tired?
Tae: ah no.
Jin: let's have our lunch.
Tae: Hyung I ate my breakfast late today so after the shift gets over I will have my lunch.
Jin: so want to have something else.
Tae: yeah.. umm.. a strawberry milkshake and a cheesecake.
Jin: okay I will be back within 20 minutes.
With that Jin went out.
With Jin.
He went to the coffee shop near the hospital. He got the cheesecake and strawberry milkshake for Tae. And for him, he got a latte and a pastry and some doughnuts for both of them.
He took the parcel and went to the hospital.
And while Jin was going back to the hospital jungkook saw him. But Jin wasn't aware that Jungkook was there.

With Jungkook.
He wasn't that injured. Just got some injury in the left leg. He was taken to the nearby hospital.
He was treated there and was going to be discharged in the evening. As his injury wasn't that serious he was getting discharged on that day itself in the evening.
Jungkook was now lying in the bed. His leg was sprained. He was hungry by now he called a nurse and asked her to get him some food. He had his lunch and was playing on his phone.

With Tae.
Jin came with the food. They went to the hospital cafeteria side. They were enjoying their desserts. They were chit-chatting. Tae was talking and Jin was admiring him. Today they were invited to the party in the evening by their common friend in Paris. They finished their food and went back to work.
Tae was in his cabin when someone knocked on the door.
Tae: come in.
Hospital staff came in.
Tae: yes.
Staff: these are the reports of a person who was met with an accident today. His leg is injured and these are the X-ray reports.
Tae: ok.
Staff: so could you check them if there is some serious injury?
Tae took the reports and examined them.
Tae: well there is nothing just the collision with the vehicle so I guess the leg will be swollen nothing serious.
Staff: so when the patient should be discharged?
Tae: who was treating him before?
Staff: Dr Alex was treating him but he went home now?
Tae: well he should be discharged now it's nothing serious to keep him in the hospital now.
Staff: Okay.
Tae: I'll prescribe a few medicines that's it nothing more.
Staff: Will you come and consult the patient?
Tae:  oh okay.. in which room he is in?
Staff: 204
Tae: okay.. give all the reports to me I'll give them to the patient when I'll meet him.
Staff: Okay. I'll take my leave now.
And the staff went away.
Tae looked at the reports.
Patients name: JK
Age: 28

Tae wrote the medicines on the prescription paper and went to the room of patient.

He was now in front of room number 204. He knocked on the door and entered in. He went in and was met with an unknown face.
Tae: hello. Mr Jk.
Patient: Sorry doctor but my name is Joshua. I am not Jk.
Tae: did I enter the wrong room? What room number is this?
Joshua: 204.
Tae: then I'm in the room I was told. Anyways sorry for the disturbance I will enquire again.
He then went to the reception centre on that floor.
He enquired about the patient Jk. He was in room number 206.

Tae went towards the room. He knocked on the door and entered in.
Tae: good afternoon
He said and looked up from the file but was shocked to see the person in front of him.
Tae: Jungkook..(he whispered)

With Jungkook.
He was on a call with Suga. He was telling him about the accident but a knock was heard on the door he immediately ended the call. He said come in and after seeing the person walking in the turned speechless.

Both of them were shocked to see each other.
Jk: Tae.

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