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When Aaron woke up, Emily's head was still lying on his chest. He tried to slip away under her as gentle as possible so she wouldn't wake up. He put the blanket over her upper body because she didn't bother to put at least the bra back on and he didn't want her to lay there completely exposed in case someone would come into the room. He put his clothes on and searched for a piece of paper as silent as possible. He wrote a message on it and put it on Emily's pillow next to her face. The Agent gave her a light kiss on her forehead before heading out of the room.

When he closed the door he walked right into someone. 

"Oh my God.", was all he could get out when he saw who it was. The person in front of him had the same shocked look on her face.

"Let me explai-", Hotch started.

"We should get into my office.", Elizabeth Prentiss interrupted him. Hotch nodded and followed her down the hallway. He looked down on his watch, it was already 8am, he thought it was like six or something. No wonder he bumped into the woman, she probably wanted to speak to Emily about the things that happened last night. While walking to her office Hotch thought of all the things that could probably happen now and was more than nervous when the ambassador told him to sit down in front of her desk. He took a seat and waited for her to say something first but when that didn't happen he said politely: "Ambassador Prentiss please let me explain the situation to you."

"I don't think there is much to explain, a 25 year old Agent took advantage of my 17 year old daughter.", the woman replied cold.

"I know it looks like that is what happened but I promise you it's not.", Hotch said.

"What is it then?", Prentiss asked with an raised eyebrow but her voice was very disinterested.

"I love her. And she loves me that's at least what she told me. I didn't take advantage of her drunken state, it has happened before and-"

"Oh so you're telling me you did not only have once sex with a minor but it was multiple times?", the ambassador interrupted laughing sarcastically.

"And I'm not proud of that, is what I wanted to say. Also I hesitated before something happened and Emily was the one who wanted it even if I told her we can't do that."

"So now you are saying my daughter practically begged you to sleep with her and it's not your fault? That's ridiculous.", Elizabeth interrupted again.

"Please let me finish, I was about to say that I am still the adult in this situation and shouldn't have given in. That was wrong and I knew it from the start but last night I knew it couldn't go on like this. That's why I sneaked out of her room and actually wanted to speak to you to tell you that I have a job offer from the FBI that I will take, and Emily and I will have no contact again and I will quit as soon as you want me to. I'm really sorry that you had to learn about this situation by catching me sneaking out of her room, I really wanted to tell you about it myself. I take full consequences for my actions, but before you decide how you want to handle it I want you to know that I never made Emily do anything she didn't want to and I never in a million years wanted to take advantage of her, I had feelings for her and she told me she has some for me.", Hotch told the ambassador confident.

"I appreciate you telling me all of this but I hope you understand that I'm not sure if this is true or not.", the ambassador replied thoughtful.

"If you don't want to believe me what is totally fine, you could go and ask your daughter. But I would prefer it that you don't do this, I wanted to go speak to you and tell you that I will quit right now, without further payment from you, so there would be no drama. I don't want Emily to hurt more than she already will when she realizes I'm not coming back. But still it's your decision if you want to bring her into this.", the Agent told her and she nodded but stayed quiet.

"Have you made up your mind yet about what you want to do about this? I was hoping for a deal, but if you want to get police involved I totally understand that.", Hotchner said after a while of silence.

"If you did something to Emily she didn't want she wouldn't have tolerated you so long... So I believe you. I think it's for the best to leave police out of this but I hope you understand that I can not let you two continue this relationship.", the woman said with an slightly raised eyebrow.

"Of course. And I know too that this is not possible so my idea was to take the job at the behavior analyst unit. I'm going home without talking to Emily again, but I think she'll probably wants to talk one last time. I can't move out directly so please don't let Emily go to my apartment. I think it's for the best if you don't tell her that you know about us, you could just tell her that I took a new job but you probably shouldn't tell her where. Its probably for the best if we don't have any contact again, I hope this will make it easier for her.", Hotch suggested with a sad look.

"I'm fine with that. But if you ever reach out to her again i will press charges.", the ambassador warned.

"I understand that and as hard as it is I promise you I will not to that, it's for the best for both of us. Again I am really sorry about that situation."

"I should have known earlier...", the ambassador mumbled after a moment of silence.

"What?", Hotch asked because he hadn't heard her.

"I should have known earlier that there was something going on between you two. To be honest right after her birthday there was a moment were I suspected something, it was when Emily called you Hotch while she talked to me about you but I thought it was just because you two are kind of friends and because of the age. Before giving the job to you it was actually a fear of mine that you are so young but I thought you would be professional enough, it's kinda my fault.", Elizabeth told him.

"It's not you fault, it's mine. It was unprofessional of me."

"Yeah but still... Please tell me when did this start between you two?"

"Around the time of her birthday. But there was a tension right from the start. First I didn't thought that but I was confused because you told me how she behaves around everyone that is supposed to keep an eye on her but to me she was kinda nice, it took me quiet a few weeks before I realized that she sees me not like the others. And I also had already feelings towards her but didn't want to admit it to myself. I know I should have quiet right when I realized it, I'm sorry."

"Thank you Agent Hotchner, for being so honestly and also thank you for showing me that Emily has potential. I was about to give up on her I thought she would forever just drink and smoke to piss me off or even because she was just like that. But in these few months you were here you showed me the real Emily, the kind one, the Emily that has the potential to be everything she wants to be, the Emily that wants to be someone else than just the drinking and smoking one. I haven't gotten to see that Emily in a long time so thanks for bringing her back.", the ambassador said with a light smile.

"I hope she stays like that when I'm gone.", Hotch replied.

"I hope so too, but I know that's probably not going to happen but I know now that that Emily is still in there and I hope it gets out before It's to late."

"May I tell you something?", Aaron asked careful and the ambassador nodded to give him permission to talk.

"Just don't treat her like a child and watch her 24/7, tell her about decisions, for example you should tell her that you will move to France. It will affect her life too. She hates being treated like she is 5 years old that's what makes her want to rebell against you."

"Thanks for telling me this, I will keep it in my mind but I think it's time for you to leave now before Emily wakes up.", the ambassador said with a look to the watch.

The two said their goodbyes and Hotch drove home. He had tears in his eyes while leaving the mansion behind because he knew how much it would hurt Emily to wake up and find out he's gone for ever.

"It's for the best...", he thought to himself.

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