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A few days went by, the team had found out which nightclub the women went to and talked to the owner a few times but he wasn't really helpful since he deletes the security camera footage after 48 hours and he himself couldn't remember someone strange.

"So tomorrow is Friday, the suspect will probably pick out his new victim then, what are we gonna do?", Morgan asked while their were sitting at the big desk they had in their room.

"We got no clues to who the suspect might be and we can't just wait for him to strike again tomorrow night.", JJ got involved.

"I may have an idea.", Reid exclaimed.

"Then tell us Reid.", Hotch requested.

"You won't like the idea but hear me out please. So we know that he has a preffered type, he likes young brunettes and he-"

"Reid come to the point.", the team leader hurried.

"Yeah so we have someone here who just matches his type we could-"

"No way, we're not putting Emily at any risk.", he got interrupted again but this time by Morgan.

"We could all be at the club too and put a GPS and a microphone on her.", Reid continued unbothered.

"I don't know Reid, Derek is right it's a big risk.", JJ said.

"Why don't we ask Emily what she thinks of it.", Rossi suggested and looked at the brunette, the rest of the team tilted their heads also to her.

"I've been undercover before so it might be worth a try.", Emily told them slowly.

"So what do you say Hotch?", Reid asked.

"If she is okay with it we should do it.", the boss answered looking slightly uncomfortable with this decision.

"Emily are you sure that you want to do that?", JJ looked at her worried.

"It's fine really. Like Reid said we don't have any other hints so we should try this before another woman gets harmed.", Emily reassured them. No team member looked amused about the decision but every one knew that it was probably their only chance to get the suspect before another woman got kidnapped. After the talk ended Hotch sent the team home, well to the hotel, to get some sleep before tomorrow.

The next morning the team spent planning Emily's undercover mission. They would all be at the club with her except for Rossi and Hotch, these two would wait outside in a car if there was any emergency.

Around six pm Emily started to get ready, when she almost finished and touched up her hair with some hairspray Hotch walked into the changing room.

"Wow.", he mumble quiet and was surprised by himself.

"What?", Emily hadn't heard what he said.

"I was just asking if you are ready for the microphone and GPS.", Hotch lied.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute.", Emily replied while putting in her earring.

"Alright.", Hotch said and starred for a moment before he left.

"Whoa who's that?", Morgan called out and winked when Emily came out of the changing room.

"Stop that Morgan.", Emily groaned annoyed which made him laugh even more.

After Emily had the microphone and GPS tracker on her the team headed to the cars and drove to the night club. There would be also a few local police officer outside of the club to step in if it would be necessary.

"So will you finally tell me why you don't like Hotch?", JJ asked while she and Emily drove to the club.

"What do you mean?", Emily acted unknowing of what JJ meant.

"Come on Emily, we all noticed that you two still haven't warmed up with each other. You two are always acting so strange, you're talking only the bare minimum so what's going on? Have you slept with him before?", the blonde joked.

Emily was shocked by question, she knew JJ meant it as a joke but she still thought that she maybe had found something out. She tried to think of a lie to tell her but she decide it would be the best to tell her the truth. At least a little bit of it... "We already knew each other because he worked for my mother for a few months when I was a teenager", Prentiss said.

"Oh what did he do for her?", JJ was curious.

"I don't know, I didn't know him that much.", Emily lied now.

"But why are you acting so weird around each other, did something happen while he worked for your mother?"

"No like I told you, I didn't know him that much but I guess it is still strange for us to work with each other now.", Emily shrugged her shoulders. JJ just accepted that answer and the rest of the car ride was mostly quiet.

"Are you sure that you wanna do that?", the blonde Agent asked when they parked in front of the night club.

"JJ really it's fine, I've been undercover before and I trust all of you to not let me get kidnapped.", Emily laughed. JJ sighed and the two got out of the car at the same time as Morgan and Reid.

"Ready?", Hotch asked from inside the car, his window was rolled down. All of them nodded so he sent them inside.

The air inside of the club smelled like to much perfume and fries. It was already crowded even if it was just nine pm.

"Emily you should go to the bar. You can see almost the whole club from there so the unsub will probably also be there most of the time.", Morgan ordered.

He and Emily made their ways to the bar while JJ and Reid stayed near the dance floor.

Almost an hour went by before they noticed something suspicious, there was a tall blonde man that spend most of the time by the bar just watching.
Emily looked to him a few times and noticed that he starred at her the most times she looked over, even when she went to the dancefloor he wouldn't look somewhere else. Emily looked to Morgan and signaled him that the guy is acting suspicious. Morgan nodded at her to signal her that he is alarmed. Around midnight he finally walked over to her and started a conversation. He acted just like the profile they constructed. Emily excused herself to go to the toilet, there she called Rossi.

"I think i got him.", she told him and Hotch. "He starred at me for hours, he just walked over to me a few minutes ago and he acts just like we predicted the suspect to act.", she continued.

"Okay we need something to get him arrested so it's probably the best if you keep playing along and leave with him. We will follow you to his house or whatever and there will be probably enough evidence of the murders so we can get you out and arrest him.", Hotch told her. Emily agreed and went back to the bar but as soon as she got out of the bathroom she felt a needle inside her arm.

"Shit.", she mumbled and fell into someones arms.

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