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"Hey sorry I know I am bit late but I got distracted by a cat that was sitting on the sidewalk when I got out of my car.", Garcia exclaimed excited when she got to the table the team was sitting at.

"Well we wouldn't have thought of any other reason why you could be late.", Morgan laughed.

"Yeah of course make a joke out of it.", Penelope replied while playfully rolling her eyes. "But I see there is still an empty seat so where is Emily?", she asked confused since Emily was never that late.

"Actually we don't know, I was about to call her when you walked in.", JJ told her.

"Did she say something earlier? Maybe she didn't want to come.", Garcia wanted to know.

"You know Emily, she would never say no to mexican food but no she didn't say something, she told me she would drive home to get ready and then come here. And she hasn't even called to let us know that she would be late.", Morgan answered.

"Hm that's weird. But maybe she switched up the time, maybe she thinks we'll meet at eight and not at seven.", Garcia thought.

"Yeah you're probably right I'll just text her real quick and then we can order some drinks.", JJ said and pulled out her phone. After a quick text message she put it back into her purse and started chatting with the others. They ordered some drinks and decided to wait with the food until eight but when Emily still didn't arrive they started to worry. It's was untypical for Prentiss to not give them at least a call or send them a message that she wasn't coming so they decided to call her but it went straight to the mailbox.

"Maybe she fell asleep or something like that. She looked really exhausted when we got off the plane.", Reid thought. The others didn't want to think of something bad that could have happened so they decided that this was probably the answer to their questions and ordered some food.

After finishing their meals they all went back home except for one of them. Hotch decided to check on Prentiss since he couldn't stop worrying. While driving to her apartment he tried a few more times to call her but all of the calls went straight to the mailbox.

When Hotch arrived at Emily's address he took the elevator upstairs. He walked down the hallway and when he saw that Emily's door was completely open he immediately pulled out his gun. Inside of the apartment he checked every room.

After making sure that no one was there he got out his phone and called Garcia. He told her to sent a forensic team to Emily's apartment and to call the team and let them know that Prentiss was missing. While he waited for the forensic team he looked around the apartment to see if he could find anything that looked suspicious and right when he was about to give up his search, something got his attention.

He saw glasses laying on Emily's living room table. It would have been a surprise if Prentiss needed glasses but there was still a little chance that she did, so he decided to call Garcia and let her look up Emily's medical informations. After Garcia confirmed that he was right and Emily didn't need glasses he wanted her to look up George Foyet's last victim. Garcia sent him a picture of her and after looking at it for a few seconds Hotch knew that the glasses laying on Emily's table were the ones of Foyet's last victim. "Garcia call the team and let them know it's Foyet. Foyet is back and he has Emily.", Hotch told her upset.

"Wait Hotch. Are you a hundred percent sure that it was Foyet?", Garcia asked scared.

"Garcia I am sure. So do what I told you and call the rest of the team. I'll be at the BAU in about half an hour.", the unit chief replied serious and ended the phone call.

When the forensic team arrived he gave them a quick briefing and then left to drive to the BAU like he said before. He rushed into the conference room where the whole team was already waiting for him.

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