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"Agent Emily Prentiss should have been brought to this hospital, can you tell us where she is?", Hotch asked a nurse when they rushed into the hospital.

"She just got here she is still getting checked out, you can wait in the waiting room for her. Somebody will get to you when she is ready for visitors.", the brunette told them.

"Thank you.", the unit chief replied, the nurse gave them a quick nod and then left them to themselves. The team went to the waiting area and sat down there. Morgan decided to go and get some coffee for everyone since they haven't slept much and didn't know how long they would have to wait. Nobody said a word, they all sat there in silence until Morgan was back with the coffee, they thanked him and after that it was quiet again. It was JJ's ringtone that broke the silence, Garcia called to ask them if they had heard something from Emily since nobody had told her anything. JJ explained what they did this morning and that they were currently waiting in the hospital.

After that phone call ended there was silence again and this time it was Spencer who interrupted it. "Do you think she will be okay?", he asked worried and you could see that he had tears in his eyes.

"Spence if someone could be okay after something like this, it's Prentiss.", Morgan told him confident but he still had a worried look on his face.

"But what if she isn't? I mean i made her do this... It was my idea.", Reid told them and you could hear in his voice how guilty he must have felt.

"Reid come on we all let her do this.", JJ brought herself into the conversation.

"But it was my idea JJ.", he repeated.

"Reid if there was someone to blame it would be me. I am the boss and i agreed to this idea. I didn't think of there being enough safety back up plans so if you need someone to blame, then blame me and not yourself.", Hotch told the youngest one on his team serious. "Also i am pretty sure that she will be okay, she made it out alive and that's the most important for now.", he added. After that there was silence again and Hotch buried his face in his hands for a moment before leaving the waiting room without any further word. The team members looked at each other, everyone seemed confused. "I'll go and look after him, i think he got less sleep than the rest of us so he is probably just really exhausted.", Rossi said and went after his boss.

He found outside of the hospital leaning onto a wall. Hotch didn't even noticed him until Rossi said something to him. "So what's the matter with Prentiss?", he questioned with a knowing smile on his face.

"What do you mean?", Hotch asked him confused.

"Come on Aaron at first you don't even acknowledge her and try to talk to her as little as possible, while ignoring her the rest of the time and now you storm out of the waiting room because you're on the verge of tears. I know you long enough now that i can see when there is something clearly wrong. Why are you so upset because of this? You don't even know her that much, she's been on the team for not even three months, so that makes me think that you two have already met before.", Rossi confronted him.

"I think i told you that i have worked for her mother before, but i didn't know her that much back then so i don't know what you mean Dave.", Hotch replied.

"Then why is this making you so upset?"

"I don't know, maybe because a team member got hurt because i made the wrong decision?"

"You weren't that upset when the agent in training, that was with us for a few weeks last year got hurt on a case."

"That was different, it wasn't this bad. Prentiss got kidnapped and tortured, that Agent got shot in the arm."

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