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It was already a week since Hotch got shot and today was his first day back at work. Emily got him a little surprise. She bought him a new watch because she was scared that Wilson would recognize his from her room if he saw Aaron wearing it.
Hotchs shift would start at 2 pm so until then Emily cleaned her room a little bit and then waited for him to arrive at the mansion. She went down the stairs and waited at the door for him. When he walked into the building she was about to jump at him and hug him really right but of course she couldn't do that when people were around. So she waited patiently for everyone to welcome him back and then went to her room with him. As soon as the door was closed Emily kissed him passionately and they only stopped because they were in need for some air.

"What was that for?", the Agent asked a little bit surprised.

"I'm just happy that you are back.", Emily replied smiling.

"Yeah me too.", Hotch agreed and he even had a little smile on his lips too.

"I got something for you!", Emily said excited. Hotch looked at her a little confused and just waited that she said something. Emily just got out the little black satin box and handed it to Hotch.

"What is this?", Aaron asked a little nervous.

"Just a little present don't worry.", Emily answered and she was really excited for his reaction. Hotch slowly opened the box and then said shocked "Emily this is a Rolex this is way too expensive."

"Oh don't worry it's just the money of mother.", Emily laughed.

"Emily really-"

"You'll keep it.", the ambassadors daughter interrupted him before he could end his sentence.

"Fine but why did you even get me one i have my watch, it's missing right now but you couldn't know that.", the Agent said.

"Oh you mean this one?", Emily smirked while holding up the watch he forgot under her bed.

"Where did you find it?", Hotch asked.

"It was under my bed and to be exactly i did not find the watch, it was one of the other agents on the day after someone tried to break in, they searched my room again and found it under my bed. They thought it was from the housebreaker but i told them it was from a friend but now Wilson has seen it and i was scared that he could recognize it so i thought getting you a new one is the best i could do.", the brunette explained.

"You are so clever.", Aaron said and gave her a kiss on her forehead and then he thanked her for the watch again. The two laid down in bed soon after this and cuddled a bit before Hotch had to leave to actually do his job. In the evening he came to say goodbye to Emily and then drove home. She wished that he could stay with her again but since there were more Agents now that someone tried to break in multiple times it was too risky for Hotch to stay with her over night. Someone could see him when he tried to leave in the morning or see him after he said he would leave.

At home he made himself some food and then settled down on the sofa and opened some letters he got. There was one which made him really curious because he realized it was from the FBI. He opened it and read the whole thing and it was really long. There were about 4 pages. When he finished he layed back and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

The FBI really wanted him. He was the best when he went to the academy but he still couldn't believe that they wrote him a letter and asked him to work for them and not for the ambassador. And it was not only a 'normal' unit at the FBI they wanted him for the BAU. The behavior analyst unit. He was always interested in that Unit but now he was unsure if he should take that job offer. 3 months ago he would have totally said yes but now he didn't know what to do. Of course he thought his job at the ambassador was boring but now he had something with Emily what he would almost call a relationship. He could take the job at the BAU but because of his job they wouldn't see each other much and they couldn't see each other a lot because Emily would always have to sneak out at least as long as she would live at home. Hotch was really overwhelmed with the situation and did not know what to do. He decided to take a few days for that decision. It was almost November and they only wanted a yes or no until December so there was a month left to decide.


The next morning Agent Hotchner drove a little bit earlier to work because he wanted to talk to the ambassador. He wanted to ask her about the FBI job offer. When he arrived at work he realized that his plan to talk to her would not work out. When he arrived Elizabeth Prentiss rushed out of the building into a car and Emily was behind her. She looked really confused and luckily catched Hotch's look before a security officer shoved her into the car. Hotch went straight to Agent Wilson and asked him what was going on. The Agent just told him that the ambassador got a call from the vice president that she should come to his office as soon as she could. She wanted her daughter to come with her because she thought Hotch would only arrive in an hour.

"Emily is normally still asleep around this time.", Hotch told the security chef suspicious.

"Yeah i told that the ambassador but she insisted on taking her daughter with her. Maybe just because of the events in the last few weeks.", Wilson replied.

"Hmm probably.", Hotch replied still confused and then walked away. He would do some paperwork while Emily was not home. He got more impatient with every hour he had to wait. He asked himself what topic would take so long for the vice president and the ambassador to talk about. And what was so important that the vice president wanted Elizabeth Prentiss in his office as soon as she could get there. Hotch had done almost every paper work he still needed to do for this month and it was a lot since he had to document Emily's Birthday and a lot more events.

Around 4pm the ambassador and her daughter came finally back. Hotch immediately went to the entrance to greet them and walk Emily to her room so she could ask her what was going on but Emily couldn't tell him anything. She knew nothing she even asked her mother about the meeting but she was very quiet the whole car ride and told her not to ask anymore questions about the meeting since she couldn't answer them. That lead Emily and Hotch to the thought that it had to be something really important what should stay a secret. The two stayed in Emily room for a while and then Emily decided that she wanted to meet with a friend so Hotch drover her and waited in front of the house for Emily to come back.

Emily stayed with her friend really long and was a little bit sorry that Hotch had to wait in the car the whole time but he was the reason why she was here. She wanted to tell her best friend about him. Of course she didn't told her that it was Hotch and that it was the Agent who should watch out for her. She trusted her best friend but she couldn't risk that her mother finds out. So she told her about Hotch but never mentioned a name or something else how her best friend could know that it was him. Around nine Emily decided it was time to leave because she was already tired. Her mother woke her around 7am so they could leave at half past nine. In the car she and Hotch did not talk much because Emily just had her eyes closed and tried to not fall asleep.

When they arrived at the mansion Hotch brought Emily to her room where they said goodbye, right after that Emily went to bed and fell asleep while Hotch was driving home. On his way he thought about the job at the BAU and thought.

'I don't wanna leave Emily maybe i am really in love... Fuck.'

𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu