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"I'm happy that you agreed to go out with me.", Hotch smiled while pulling the chair back so Emily could sit down.

"And I'm happy that you made it work.", Prentiss replied also with a smile on her face.

"Yeah I mean there wasn't much left that we could do today so it's better if we all come back tomorrow with enough energy.", Hotch replied and sat down in front of her.

A few moments later a waitress brought them the menu.

"You really booked the best restaurant in town.", Emily said while looking around the room.

"I thought since we had to cancel the lunch it would be the least to go somewhere nice, as a make up to it you know.", Hotch replied.

"Oh you definitely made up to it with this.", Prentiss chuckled.

When the two had finished their desserts Hotch got up to pay the bill, of course Emily didn't want him to pay but Hotch didn't gave her another option. Afterwards they left the restaurant and decided to go for a walk at the beach.

The sun was going down and made everything look golden while they walked next to the ocean. The two chatted the whole time and really enjoyed the evening together. Emily had been a bit scared since she had thought that maybe it could turn out to be a little akward but that was definitely not the case. She really enjoyed spending time with Hotch outside of their worktime. He seemed so changed, kinda like a completely different person. But when Emily thought a bit more about that, she realized that was exactly how it had always been. Back when he worked for her mother he was always so different when he was actually working, Emily had thought that this had to do with the fact that he didn't want someone to notice their relationship but now she seemed to realize that he was one of these person that had a completely different character at work. Maybe that was necessary in a position like his but it still made Emily kinda sad to know that Hotch could be so different, that he was actually so funny and not as serious as you thought of him.

When they were almost back at the hotel they sat down on a bench at the beach and watched the sunset while talking more about what Emily did in the last few years. Hotch was happy for her that she studied what she wanted and not what her mother required from her, he knew that it wasn't easy for her to do things that her mother didn't want her to do, at least when it was about her education.

"How late is it?", Prentiss asked when the sun had already gotten down quite some time ago.

"Uhm wait let me check.", Hotch replied and pulled out his phone."Ten-thirty.", he let her know.

"Oh it's getting late.", Emily said a bit disappointed.

"What's wrong?", Hotch noticed her sudden mood change.

"It means that we have to go back to the hotel otherwise we will be tired tomorrow and actually I don't want this evening to end.", she told him and gave him a shy smile.

"Me neither.", Hotch smiled back. "What if we stay for fifteen more minutes and then go back to the hotel. And as soon as we get back from this case we can do something like this again?", he suggested nervous.

"That sounds like a great idea.", Emily replied excited.

The two remained sitting in silence for a few minutes after that, but it was the good kind of silence, the kind where you just enjoyed each others company without the need to talk.

Emily was the one to break this silence.

"Aaron?", she asked and you could hear that she was distressed.

"Yeah, what's wrong?", he replied worried.

"What about Strauss?", she seemed concerned.

"I thought we had already talked about this? We should just look forward I don't think she will do more about our past.", he told her a bit confused.

𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu