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It's been already about 1 month since the big event of the ambassador and since Emily was so drunk she wanted Aaron to stay with her. The next morning Emily stood up and just acted like nothing happened and was back to being mean to everyone. She snuck out a few times more since then of course. Agent Hotchner was a bit disappointed of course because he hoped that she would finally behave at least a little but she decided to never mention that night again.

Another event of the ambassador would find place in 3 days. Like always she threw a big party at the 4th of July so the stuff was more busy than normal and Aaron was stressed out too because he couldn't think of a way how he could make Emily attend that event. After what happened a month ago it looked like she hated him even more now.
While he tried to figure out how to make her attend the party Emily tried to figure out how to sneak out that night because she definitely didn't want to spent the 4th of July with her mother and other politicians. She wanted to party with her friends who would go to a sea and watch the firework from there while drinking a loooot of alcohol. When she had a phone call with a friend about that party someone knocked on the door so she ended the call and went to open the door.

"What do you want?", she hissed at Aaron.

"To inform you that i will pick you up at 6pm in three days to bring you to the party of your mother."

"Oh you really think i will go to that lame party?", the teenager laughed."

"Please Emily you know that i will find you anyways even if you sneak out again.", the Agent said annoyed.

"Yeah but when i get wasted before you arrive you can't even bring me to that damn party anyways.", the raven haired grinned.

Hotchner sighed and shook his head. "Okay look i understand that you want to party with your friends on a day like this but i can't change that your mother doesn't wanna let you go. So maybe if you behave the next three days i can make it work that you will be with your friends on 4th of July.", he told her.

"And how could you make it work that my mother actually lets me go and not attend her party?" Emily asked curious but she tried to hide it with an annoyed voice.

"You will attend it.", the Agent replied.

"Then this deal is not going to work i thought i could party with my friends.", the girl said and wanted to close the door but Aaron stopped her. "What about listening to the full Plan first? You will attend the party but around nine you feel 'sick' so i'll bring you to a doctor and instead i'll drive you to that party and watch out for you so that you don't get too drunk again.", he tried to explain.

"Okay sounds like a deal but if this is a trick and you won't drive me to a 'doctor' i swear i'll get you fired." Emily threatens.

"Alright then we have a deal but if you misbehave in the next few days that deal won't happen.", Hotchner told her and the girl nodded before she closed the door. The Agent walked away and just prayed that this plan would work because if the ambassador would figure that out he would definitely get fired.

The next days went by without any incidents and it was finally the 4th of July, the whole staff of the mansion was really stressed out because the ambassador always wanted everything to be perfect. The security chef wanted to speak to Aaron in the morning and he was really excited and just hoped that it would be nothing about Emily. He only wanted to tell him that the vice president and his wife would attend the party too so he should watch out for Emily because the ambassador didn't want to get embarrassed in front of them by her own daughter. The Agent felt released when he could leave the office of the security chef because he thought it would be something worse than hearing that he had to watch out even more for Emily today. The day went by really fast and soon it was evening and Agent Hotchner stood in front of Emily's door and wanted to knock right when it opened. "Ah there you are.", the ambassadors daughter said totally annoyed.

"6:30 like i told you.", Aaron replied.

"Come on lets go i can't wait to leave the party again.", Emily said and started to walk to the stairs. Hotchner just rolled his eyes and followed her. Everything was fine while Emily was at the party she didn't drink more than 3 glasses of champagne and at least tried to be nice to the other guests. Around nine she walked towards Aaron who was just standing on the side watching her. "So i guess you don't want me to throw up in front of all these people but if you want me to do that i totally can instead of having you just telling my mother that i feel sick.", she grinned.

"If you dare to throw up you will see none of your friends today anymore.", the agent just warned her. Emily just looked at him with high expectations so he sighed and went to search for the ambassador. She was having a talk with the wife of the vice president and Agent Hotchner definitely did not want to interrupted that so he just waited. But it didn't took Elizabeth Prentiss long to realize that he waited for her so she asked "Agent Hotchner how can i help you?"

"I am so sorry to interrupt you but you daughter doesn't feel so well and i think i should bring her to a doctor.", he informed the ambassador who excused herself and went away from the vice presidents wife to talk to Aaron.

"I think i told you to watch her and not let her get drunk.", the ambassador said upset but she still tried to sound friendly.

"Sorry ma'am but she isn't drunk. She had only three glasses of champagne and i think we both know it takes way more alcohol for her to get drunk.", Aaron said politely.

"Alright, then take her to the doctor i mean i don't want her to throw up in front of all these people so the doctor is definitely the better option. Thanks for informing me Agent Hotchner.", the ambassador told him. He politely nodded and then went back to Emily.

"So can we finally go now?", Emily asked annoyed.

"Yeah we can go but remember what i told you, don't drink too much or i will bring you home immediately.", the Agent remembered her.

"Yeah i know i know it won't be even half of fun then but alright.", the girl sighed.

"We can stay here if you think you won't have fun with your friends.", Hotchner provocated her.

"No, no, no. Let's go.", Emily said sternly and went outside. Aaron followed her and hoped that she would not drink too much only this one time. While following Emily to his car he just thought

'What the hell am i even doing here...'

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