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"Oh now look who's here.", Morgan chuckled when Emily and Hotch walked into the BAU the next morning.

"Shut up Derek.", Emily quickly replied while he was still laughing. The rest of the team kept their mouths shut but they still gave them the knowing look, even Rossi.

"Who said again that it was a good idea to have a party on a tuesday night?", Garcia asked looking like she was really hungover, when she got to the bullpen right after Hotch and Prentiss, luckily drawing the attention to her.

"Uhm babygirl that was you.", Morgan pointed out laughing a little.

"Oh yeah right.", the blonde realized annoyed.

"Well at least you got Prentiss laid.", he told her when Hotchs office door was closed.

"Morgan!", Prentiss called out.

"Wait what Emily?", Garcia asked with wide eyes forgetting her headache.

"That's simply not true.", Prentiss stated.

"Oh come on Emily we all know.", Morgan laughed.

"Yeah sorry Em but this time you can't deny it.", JJ chuckled.

"Yeah we all saw the look you gave each other before he went into his office.", Morgan was still laughing. "Right Spence? Even you noticed it.", he asked for back up.

"Well I can't deny that there was definitely some weird tension between those two.", the youngest agent answered.

"Oh come on Reid even you?", Emily asked shocked and got a shoulder shrug from him. "Guys I swear to god there did nothing happen.", she argued.

"So you're telling us that Hotch didn't stay over at your place tonight and that's not why you got here together today?", Derek wanted to know.

"I mean yeah he stayed at my place.", the brunette admitted.

"Then there we have our answer.", Morgan replied.

"No nothing happened Morgan.", Emily replied annoyed.

"Oh yeah the nothing as what happened in Rossis bathroom?", Derek teased her-

"Come on it was a kiss nothing more.", Prentiss rolled her eyes at him.

"So there did something happen at Rossis!", Garcia called out triumphantly.

"Oh god, this is my sign to leave and go to my office now.", Rossi sighed.

"The kiss was the only thing that happened in your bathroom, don't worry Rossi.", Prentiss defended herself.

"I guess you two continued that at your place.", Derek grinned.

"Believe what you want, there was nothing more than a kiss.", Emily rolled her eyes and pulled her chair closer to her desk before opening a file.

"Wait what did I hear Prentiss kissed someone?", Gina asked when she got into the bullpen.

"Oh great guys now everyone knows.", Emily said annoyed.

"How does it come that Coopers team always gets to work later than we are?", Morgan questioned, ending the topic of Hotch and Prentiss.

"Hmm maybe cause we also stay here longer.", Gina chuckled and right then Mick also arrived at the BAU.

Coopers team got called onto a case that day while luckily the others didn't get one so around four-thirty Morgan was the first of them to leave work. While he was packing up his stuff he asked: "So who's up to dinner at the new place two streets down from here?"

𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora