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Emily nearly jumped out of the car as soon as she and her 'babysitter'arrived at the sea and she already spotted her friends near the water so she made her way to them. Surprisingly there were nearly no other people only a few at the other side but the reason for that was probably that most of the people in Washington D.C were politicians so they could be found at the partys from other politicians. Aaron stayed in the car like he promised Emily and watched everything from there. They were already about one and a half hour there before Aaron watched Emily leave the group with some boy. He just sighed and rolled his eyes. He kept an eye at the group because he could not see Emily anymore since she walked behind a boat with the boy.

Agent Hotchner was lost in his thoughts when suddenly he heard someone screaming. And after a few seconds he realized it was Emily. He got out of the car really fast and while he did this he saw Emily running away from the boat towards him. And in that moment the firework started like it always did on 4th of July. A few seconds later Emily stood in front of him and she was crying. She didn't say a word and Aaron was still too confused to say something and suddenly Emily fell into Aaron's arms and broke down crying. He tried to held her up but after a while he sat down together with her and now they just leaned against the car while Emily was shaking because she cried so hard. The Agent just tried to comfort her somehow and drew circles on her back with his thumb. After a while the teenager had calmed down a little so Agent Hotchner asked "You wanna talk about it?"

Emily didn't say a word so Aaron guessed she did not want to talk about it but a few moments later she actually sobbed "It's Derek."

"Who is Derek?", Aaron asked her.

"The guy i have a crush on or better i had a crush on you idiot.", she hissed.

"What happened with him?"

"As you probably saw we walked behind that boat and we made out so i thought at the party last month were he and my best friend kissed it was just because they were drunk because my best friend told me she kissed him because of the alcohol and i thought same goes for him. But i was wrong like i said we made out but then suddenly he stoped and told me that he has feelings for Laurel.", Emily sobbed.

"I'm sorry. I know it is hard.", Aaron tried to calm her down.

"Can you please just bring me home now?", Emily asked and looked for the first time since she came to him up so that Aaron could look in her face which was full of tears.

"Of course.", the Agent said so he got up and then offered Emily his hand to help her stand up. When the two sat in the car Aaron started it but before he got to put his foot on the gas Emily screamed "Wait!"

"What's wrong? Do you need to throw up?", the Agent asked worried.

"No, actually i let my purse with my friends...", Emily mumbled.

"Should i get it for you? I can imagine that you don't wanna go back there.", Hotchner offered.

"That would be really nice from you.", Emily said embarrassed. Before she could even look up Aaron was gone and came back a few minutes later. While getting into the car he handed Emily her purse. "Thank you.", Emily said and gave him a little smile.

"You're welcome." the brunette man replied.

They didn't talk much while the car ride and when they arrived at the mansion they could see a lot guests were already leaving. Emily wasn't really drunk so the two could take the normal entrance instead of one where nobody would see her. When they walked through the entrance they collided with the ambassador.

"Ah there you are again. What did the doctor say?", she asked.

"Looks like you daughter got the flu.", Agent Hotchner replied politely.

"I guess you should take her to her room then.", the ambassador said and Hotch nodded before he and Emily continued their way. He brought Emily into her room and while she got changed he thought it would be a good idea to get her some water so he came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water. Emily thanked him and he just wished her a good night before leaving. Before he closed the door he asked her once again "Are you okay?"

"No but it's fine." Emily said and tried to smile but failed. Aaron thought if he should ask her if he should stay again until she was asleep but he thought that would be inappropriated so he left and drove home after he told his boss that he would leave now.

Emily couldn't sleep after Aaron left she regretted that she did not ask him to stay with her. She thought about that but she was scared that it would come off wrong when she asked him for that a second time. She couldn't stop thinking about what happened with Derek and she didn't want to start crying again so she stood up and went to her window. When she inhaled the cold fresh summer air she closed her eyes and for a little moment she could stop thinking. Her head was empty but sadly that only worked for a moment and after that everything was back in there again. Emily lit up a cigarette and inhaled the smoke. Smoking was her way to cope with a lot of things since almost 2 years. She started it soon after she and her family arrived in Rome. Her friend Matthew was actually the one that made her touch a cigarette for the first time. But she wasn't mad at him for that because before her ways to cope were worse than that so she was actually thankful. After the cigarette was finished Emily stood at the window for a few more minutes and then went back to bed and finally she fell asleep.


The next morning Emily woke up because someone knocked harsh on her door. "Who's there?", she groaned.


"You better have a good reason to knock this early on my door.", Emily said annoyed while looking at the clock it was only 7am what the hell could Aaron Hotchner want from her so early. He kinda answered her question when he opened the door. He had not his normal clothes on. Instead of a suit he wore clothes that you would wear if you were about to do sport.

"Get up and change we'll go jogging.", he told her.

"What the hell, that is a really bad joke."

"It's not a joke so change now. I'll wait outside for you.", Aaron told her serious.

"Oh my god.", Emily mumbled annoyed but then surprisingly she got up as soon as the door of her room was closed again. Emily herself didn't even know why she got up. Normally she would scream at every person that would come in this early and then tell her that they would go jogging now but somehow Aaron Hotchner was not like other people so Emily went to her bathroom and brushed her teeth. Afterwards she went to her closet and picked out a basic black top and a grey sweat pants. She took out her white trainers that she had not touched in months and then went out of her room. She could still not believe what she was doing and while walking down the stairs she thought to herself

'Aaron Hotchner what the hell did you do to me...'

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