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A few weeks had went by that the team spent working on cases and due to the new extra team they got more time at home just doing paperwork and all that stuff. Prentiss and Hotch were meeting up regularly and the whole team, even Spencer had noticed by now that there was really something going on between those two. But since they still weren't on best terms with Strauss everyone kept quiet and didn't mention it while being at work, still JJ made sure to ask Emily at every occasion she got and she always got the same answer.

'No nothing happened JJ, stop asking about it all the time.'

When they got back from their latest case in Ohio they went to Rossis place for a game night since Garcia had decided it was time for a team activity again.

"Oh come on I bet Prentiss is cheating again!", Derek exclaimed while throwing his cards onto the table.

"Hey I never cheat.", Prentiss said defensive.

"Morgan when will you stop behaving like a five year old when you loose?", JJ laughed.

"When Prentiss stops cheating!", he replied childish.

"Just because you are bad at Uno it doesn't mean that I am cheating.", Emily told him.

"Alright kids stop fighting and make your moves I am waiting over here.", Rossi rolled his eyes and after that the game went on.

"Okay so what about a round of twister now?", Garcia asked excited when they finished the game.

"Oh come on you're kidding right?", Morgan chuckled.

"No I swear it's fun!", Penelope argued.

"Yeah maybe when you are 5 years old.", Derek replied sarcastically.

"Please.", Garcia begged.

"I am definitely too old for that, I'll go and prepare dinner.", Rossi smirked and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Come on guys, pleeeeeaaaaseeee.", the blonde begged again.

"Only if you bring us coffee every morning for at least a week.", JJ argued.

"Everything you want!", Garcia replied and got up to set up the game.

"Come on JJ we're not really doing this.", Emily laughed thinking she was just joking. "Right?", her laughing stopped soon after she realized that JJ was dead serious.

"Oh no I am out.", Hotch got up from the couch but Emily pulled him right back.

"If I am doing this then you are too.", she demanded serious.

Hotch looked around the group for help.

"Well she's right if we are doing it then you too.", Morgan shrugged his shoulders.

"Come on help a man out.", Hotch begged desperate.

"No way man.", Morgan laughed.

"Okay so everyone get up, I'll spin the wheel!", Garcia exclaimed excited when everything was set up.

"Wait why are you the one spinning the wheel?", Derek raised an eyebrow.

"Cause I suggested the game.", Penelope replied.

"Guys I don't think this is a good idea. Y'all probably had way too much wine and one of us will end up hurt.", Spencer got himself involved into the conversation.

"I'm sure you little genius could calculate the exact risk of that happening but right now we don't need to hear this so get onto the game.", Garcia demanded and Reid seemed too scared to actually speak up against that command so he just went over to the twister mat like the others did.

𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now