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"Say that again Emily!", the Ambassador called after her daughter but Emily was already at her desk picking up her bag so she could leave the BAU. Her mother went after her because she couldn't believe what Emily had just said. The brunette was getting into the elevator and the doors of it were about to close but somehow her mother managed to get into it too.

"Emily tell me again what you just said. I don't believe you.", Elizabeth pressured her.

"Yes mom I still love Aaron Hotchner.", Emily said confident.

"He has a fiance Emily!", her mother told her shocked.

"I know that and that's what makes this so much worse.", Emily replied angry.

"Emily this man has a fiance and they are expecting a child. You should get over him it's been ten years, this was just a teenage crush it's impossible that you are still in love with him.", Elizabeth didn't wanna believe what her daughter had just told her.

"But I am. I always was. I haven't loved anyone how I've loved him, I never fully got over him. I spent so much time wondering why he left me so suddenly and now, ten years later, I am finding out that you two had a deal. And I thought well maybe this is our second chance now, because he tells me he wants to leave his fiance but then she suddenly tells the team she is pregnant.",  Emily told her mother upset.

"Never believe a man that tells you he will leave his wife or in this case fiance for you, Emily. I didn't raise you to be this naive.", the Ambassador complained.

"I know mother and that's the problem. I wish I could believe him, I want to believe him but I can't because it's not fair to his fiance. She doesn't deserve it to be broken up with after she had just announced that she was pregnant but at the same time Hayley deserves someone that can love her like she loves Aaron. And the longer he stays with her, the longer he keeps her from that. Excuse my choice of words but this situation is really fucked up, he can't get out of it without someone getting hurt.", Emily said right when the elevator doors opened.

"You're right, but this doesn't seems to be your problem. It's his, you should stop stressing out about it.", the ambassador told her clearly while they were walking towards Emily's car.

"What do you mean? I am not stressing out.", Emily denied it.

"I can smell the cigarette smoke on your coat.", her mother simply replied leaving Emily speechless because she knew she couldn't deny that.

"So what do you think about lunch at my place today? We haven't talked in a while maybe we could catch up a bit?", the Ambassador suggested.

"Yeah why not.", Emily sighed.

"Okay then see you later.", her mother replied and walked over to her own car after saying goodbye to her daughter.

Emily still had about two hours left before she would need to drive to her mothers house so she decided to take a shower when she got home. Afterwards she started to read a book but after a while she put it down because she couldn't concentrate. Hotch always came back into her thoughts no matter how hard she tried not to think about him.
Emily decided to make a stop at the pharmacy before going to her mothers, because she needed some new pain medication, so she decided to leave early.

After getting what she needed at the pharmacy Prentiss drove to her mothers house. "You're early.", Elizabeth said surprised when she opened the door.

"Yeah I needed to make a stop at the pharmacy and I didn't know how full it would be there so I went there a bit earlier in case I'd have to wait.", Emily explained and went inside the house.

It was weird being here again. Her mother's been back in Washington for about two years now but Emily hasn't visited her since then. It was the same house they had lived in ten years ago so going back into this house after just reconnecting with Hotch made Emily feel a bit uncomfortable. The two women went to the dining room and sat down at the table.

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