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When Emily came back to the waiting room of the hospital, Morgan and Reid got up to visit Hayley. After they were gone Hotch stood up and grabbed his coat. "I thought maybe I could drive you home?", he offered to Emily.

"That would be great.", Emily smiled lightly. After the two had said goodbye to the rest of the team they went to the parking lot and got into Hotchs car. The car ride to Emily's apartment was mostly quiet since both of them were really tired. But Hotch still asked her how she was and what the doctor had told her.

"Nothing too bad, just a few bruises and a concussion.", Emily answered his question.

"How long are you supposed to stay home?", he wanted to know.

"The doctor said about three days off should do it.", she told him.

"Take five.", Aaron replied.

"No really I'm fine, I can go back to work by the end of the week.", Prentiss tried to convince him.

"Emily I told you to take 5 days off, so do it please. The physical wounds are not the only ones that need to heal.", he said serious.

"I guess there is no way winning this discussion.", Emily sighed.

"You guessed it right.", Hotch replied and for the rest of the car ride they didn't talk much more.

When they arrived in front of the apartment building Hotch got out of the car too and brought Emily upstairs to her apartment. While she unlocked the door he said: "Oh my god I forgot to tell you, but be prepared for a mess. I let Garcia sent me a forensic team when I got here and you were missing. You know how they leave their crime scenes."

"Oh no please say this is a joke.", Emily groaned annoyed and opened the door. Like Hotch had hinted, the apartment was kind of a mess. "Looks like I have some cleaning to do in the next few days.", she said still kind of annoyed but she just accepted her fate.

"I could help you if you want.", Hotch offered.

"Oh don't say that, I may get back to that offer.", Emily laughed. "Do you want something to drink?", she asked before Hotch could reply something.

"Not right now but thank you.", Hotch declined her offer politely.

"So you just said that you were the one who went here to check on me, why did you do that?", Prentiss asked curious.

"When you didn't show up at dinner and hadn't even texted one of us I got suspicious. I thought that was an very unlikely thing for you to do and I kinda had a bad feeling about it. So I decided I should probably check on you. When I arrived here your door was completely open so I pulled out my gun and searched your apartment but I found no one so I immediately called Garcia. I just knew that something was definitely wrong, you wouldn't just leave your apartment door open after you didn't show up to a dinner with the team.", Hotch explained to her.

"So you found out that I was missing at the same evening?", Emily asked surprised, she had thought they would have only realized that something was wrong when she didn't show up at work the next day.

"Yeah and I'm glad I did, because that gave me more time to think about places where Foyet could have brought you. And then when he kidnapped Hayley too I had a feeling he would bring you two to mine and Hayleys old house but it kinda seemed unlogical for most of the time. But then when you weren't at the warehouse I knew it really must have been that old house so when he called me I got into my car and started to drive there while I was still waiting for Garcia to confirm it. In the end I'm glad I did that because if I had waited the whole time for her to confirm it I doubt that I would have made it there in time...", Aaron said and you could see in his face expressions that he was still scared when he talked about the possibility of him being to late.

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