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The next few days went by fast and there wasn't any clue to Foyets location. They thought that he would have had a new victim by now but luckily that wasn't the case. But since they got not even one hint they had to leave Boston and fly back home. So Hotch told the local police what they had and that it wasn't enough for them to stay since Foyet also didn't do anything.

They arrived back in Quantico that afternoon. Until now Prentiss and Hotch had actually managed to not talk to each other unless it was about the case. But now Morgan wanted to go to dinner at their usual Mexican restaurant. There it would be hard to ignore each other the whole time without the team getting suspicious. Right when they wanted to leave the BAU and some of them just went to grab their things someone they hadn't expected showed up.

"I need to see Emily Prentiss.", the woman said confident to a security man.

Reid, JJ and Morgan had heard that and turned around to see who was looking for Emily but nobody of them knew her. Then Emily came out of the briefing room with a shocked look on her face. "Mother?", she called out surprised and walked down the stairs to get to the woman.

"Emily, it's good to see you.", she greeted her.

"Wait what are you doing here at my workplace? You didn't even call?", Prentiss asked surprised.

"I actually have an emergency.", her mother claimed.

"Why?", Emily wanted to know.

"This are Natalya and her mother.", the ambassador said and pointed to the two brunette women behind her. "Their father got kidnapped from the Russian mafia.", she told her daughter.

"Then why didn't you call the police?", Prentiss asked confused.

"They don't trust the police and also they were told not to inform the cops.", her mother answered the question.

"We can't just work on that case mother, we need to be assigned a case.", she explained to her mother.

"I'm sure that is possible somehow.", the ambassador said confident.

"I have to talk to my boss about that first.", Emily told her nervously.

"Then go and talk to him.", Elizabeth Prentiss demanded. But Emily didn't need to get him because he was already there.

"What's going on here?", Hotch asked when he opened the door of his office and looked down to his agents and the visitors.

"Aaron Hotchner.", the ambassador said slowly when she realized who was standing in front of her. Emily looked to her mother and panicked a little, then she looked over to Hotch who looked just as shocked as Emily did when the woman had walked into the BAU.

"Ambassador Prentiss.", Hotch realized who it was.

"Well I didn't expect to see you here.", she said harsh. "I have a case that needs the help of your unit.", she added fast.

"Uhm with great respect but we need to be assigned to cases.", Hotch stuttered a little.

"Did he just stutter?", Morgan whispered so quiet that only JJ and Reid could hear it.

"I'll make a call so that won't be a problem. Can you start working now please because this mother and this daughter only have little time left to get their husband and father back alive.", the ambassador told him impatient.

"He never stutters.", Reid realized confused.

"Uhm sure. Follow me.", Hotch said still a bit shocked. The ambassador and the two women followed him to the conference room together with Emily, while the team talked about what had just happened.

𝐰𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 | 𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒔Where stories live. Discover now