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The team came back home from the case on Wednesday. They were actually able to solve the case this fast because of Emily realizing the boyfriend situation of every victim. They went into the conference room and talked about the case. Everyone was still amazed by Emilys fast combination skills. They talked a while about Emily's time at Interpol and what the others did before they went to the BAU. Emily got asked a lot of questions about all the country's she has lived in. She also got to know that Rossi actually knew her mother. That made Emily a bit insecure because she thought 'What if she only got the job because of that'. She's always been scared that she only accomplished what she accomplished because of her parents. She didn't went to Harvard or Stanford because she knew that her mother had connections there, she still went to a really good college but not one where her mother knew people because she feared that she only got into these colleges because of this.
But she looked at Rossis face while he told her that and the look on his face gave it away that Emily definitely wasn't there just because of her mother.

They continued talking and after a while Rossi asked Prentiss into his office.

"Emily it was a pleasure to work with you the last days. It would have taken us probably at least two more days to solve the case without you. I also saw you and the rest of the team got along really well so Emily, would you like to sign a contract and work for the Behavior Analyst Unit of the FBI?", Rossi asked her smiling.

"You're not kidding are you?", Emily asked unbelieving.

"No I mean that seriously.", the old man laughed.

"Of course.", Emily replied with a wide smile.

"Alright, so here is the contract.", Rossi says and pulls out a paper from his desk and hands Emily a pen. After she wrote her signature Rossi congratulated her and he told her the fbi chief will sign it before lunch so by then she will be an official part of the team.
Then he walked her back to the rest of the team to tell them the news.

Every one congratulated Emily and welcomed her officialy on the team. To celebrate that they would go to a restaurant this evening, Penelope insisted on that.

"So Emily what restaurant would you like to try?", she asked and of course Emily answered laughing "Anything as long as there is Mexican food."

"That's definitely possible!", Garcia replied excited.

Around 3pm the team went home to get ready for the evening. They would meet up at 7:30pm. Emily was really glad that she had chosen an apartment within a 10 minutes radius of the fbi building because she could take a quick nap now before she had to get ready and she was quiet exhausted from the last days. But after all she had a lot of fun with the team. Emily was scared before that she and the team wouldn't work good together but it was the exact opposite. She loved everyone, all of them were so nice and acted like she was part of the team since the beginning. She was excited for tomorrow, because she would get to know the boss. She realized she didn't even knew his name by now.

When Emily woke up from her nap she changed into a more casual outfit so she wouldn't feel like she was at work and touched up her makeup because it was a bit worn off from the nap. Then the brunette grabbed her purse and car keys and left her apartment, she met a neighbor in the elevator and had a bit small talk with her before getting off and walking to her car.

She and JJ arrived at the the same time in front of the restaurant and walked inside together.
Morgan and Reid were already sitting at a big table, the two women walked over to them and soon after them Garcia and Reid arrived.

"Rossi told me he will be here soon oh and he's also bringing the boss.", Garcia tells them excited.

Emily got kinda nervous because she would meet her boss now for the first time but she tried not to think about it too much. Maybe it was a good thing to meet him in a casual setting and not at work directly.

It wasn't too long until Rossi walked into the Restaurant too, but he was alone.

"Where is your company?", Morgan asked after everyone greeted Rossi.

"He's coming a bit late, he told me we should order already.", he explained. A few minutes later a waiter came and took their orders. Shortly after the food arrived they heard the front door of the restaurant open and looked up to see their boss. Emily was shocked and the boss of the team obviously too when he looked at Emily. The team didn't notice and Emily extended her hand to the brunette man when he reached the table. Emily thought maybe it was just someone who looks really similar but when the man shook her hand and firmly said "Aaron Hotchner."

"Emily Prentiss.", she replied with a light smile and now she knew it was not just some strange similarity it was him.

It was the boy who broke her heart ten years ago.

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