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10 years later

"No mother you don't need to call them to give me the job. I will get it without your help.", Emily sighed on the phone.

"Alright but if they don't take you i will call the head of fbi personally you can bet on that.", Elizabeth Prentiss warned.

"Yeah alright mother. I have to go in now, I'll tell you how it went, bye.", the brunette replied while rolling her eyes annoyed.

"Goodbye Emily.", her mother ended the phone call.

Emily Prentiss sighed and looked up, she was standing in front of the FBI building in Quantico and in 15 minutes she would have a talk with her possible new boss. She was really nervous because she wanted that job since she went to the FBI academy. With the help of her mother she could have easily gotten the job but the brunette wanted to achieve that herself. She took a deep breath and walked towards the building. The sliding doors opened when she was about 2 meters away and when she got into the building she saw a lot of busy looking people walking around, going into the elevator, buying a coffee or chatting with each other. Soon Emily could be one of those people. She goes and takes the elevator, the BAU is on the 3rd floor of the building. When she gets out she walks confident to the big room where a lot of desks are. On her way there she meets a friendly looking blonde woman who's dressed in crazy colored clothes. Emily asks her: "Hello I'm here for a job interview I'm searching for David Rossis office could you tell me where it is?"

"Hi I'm Penelope Garcia, of course I know where his office is.", the blonde smiles and continues to tell Emily where to go.

"Thank you so much.", Emily says friendly.

"No problem, I'm looking forward to work with you good luck with your interview!", the woman replies with a wide smile. Emily replies that smile and goes the way the woman told her to go.
When Emily reaches the office she knocks lightly on the door, an older man opens the door for her a few seconds later. He has dark hair, and a little bit of grey is already showing. He smiles and extends his hand to Emily while saying "Hello I'm David Rossi, you must be Emily Prentiss right?"

"Yes that me.", Emily replies while shaking his hand. After the hand shake Rossi nods towards his desks and asks Emily to take a seat. When both have sat down he says "Just so you know I am not the boss here but I'm doing the job interviews since he has a few days off right now."

"Ah okay that's good to know.", Emily smiles.

"Okay so let's get to the point what makes you wanna work at the BAU?", the man asks.

"Since I went to the academy the BAU is my dream. I heard about it from a professor and I just knew that's what i want to do. Analyzing people, working with the same team and not with different people all the time, trying to understand why people do so horrible things all the time. That's what makes me wanna work at the BAU.", Prentiss replies smiling.
The two talk a lot more about the job itself and in the end Rossi says "Your records are great, you were the best from your year at the academy and you seem to fit perfectly into our team so I suggest you come back tomorrow and we'll see how that goes alright?"

"Yes thank you Agent Rossi that sounds great!", Emily replies happy.

"No need for the Agent we are more like friends even like family here." Rossi laughs.

"Okay I'll keep that in mind." Emily smiles. The two say goodbye to each other and Emily goes home to her freshly renovated apartment. On the car ride she calls her mother to tell her that she practically got the job if she doesn't do something stupid tomorrow.
Emily gets herself some Mexican food on her way home and enjoys it at her new home. She watches a bit TV before she gets ready to go to bed. She picks out an outfit for tomorrow, she decides on a simple white blouse and black jeans. After brushing her teeth she gets into her bed and falls asleep within a few minutes.

The next morning the brunette wakes up at 6am and is more than excited. She gets ready, eats a small breakfast and then leaves for 'work'. In the FBI building she gets a coffee before stepping into the elevator where she meets David Rossi, the man that interviewed her yesterday. They greet each other and get out on the 3rd floor. Rossi shows Emily where she has to go and brings her to a desk with the words "That's your possible new desks so that's where you will work today but first I will introduce you to the team."

Emily follows him to a room with a big round desk where a few people are already sitting.

"Guys, this is Emily Prentiss. She is probably going to work here from now on and today she's here to see how we work.", Rossi introduces her.

The people sitting on the table get up to shake Emily's hand and introduce themselves. Emily repeats every name in her head so she doesn't forget one.

Jennifer Jareau or JJ, Derek Morgen, Spencer Reid, and Penelope Garcia, the woman she already met yesterday.

"Our boss is on a vacation until Thursday so you will meet him then.", Garcia tells her smiling.

Emily takes a seat next to Spencer Reid and the team begins to ask Emily questions what she did before and all that stuff. Garcia left after the introducing round but half an hour later she comes back with a strange look on her face. She isn't smiling and looking happy like she looked the two times Emily has seen her now and soon she hears why.

"We have a new case.", the blonde says and starts projecting pictures onto a big screen on the wall.

They discuss the case and in the end Morgan asks Emily with a smirk "So do you have your emergency bag with you?"

"Uhm yeah it's in my car, why?" Emily asks a bit confused.

"Looks like you're coming on your first case with us.", he grins. "Wheels up in 30.", he continues and every one gets up.

JJ walks over to Emily and explains everything to her, that that's how they work etc. After that she takes Emily with her to the plane.

Emily is impressed when she first gets into the jet. She's the daughter of an ambassador so she was often on private planes but she didn't thought an fbi unit would get something so luxurious.
The others seemed to notice her surprised face so Derek said "Don't worry we normally get champagne too but right now it's empty."

Emily stared at him because she can't believe that he's telling the truth and moments later JJ says "Sadly that's a lie, Morgan is just joking with you."
And everyone starts to laugh, soon after taking their seats the plane lifts into the air. Rossi puts them into teams for when they land. Emily is going with JJ to interview the family's of the victims. She is surprised that the team already gives her a task where she has to talk to people except for the local police but Emily is excited for that.

On the plane ride Emily plays chess with Reid and the team tells her that she's actually the first one from the team to win against him since about 3 years, where Rossi managed to win against him.

Emily already feels like a part of the team, every one is so nice and doesn't talk to her like she knows nothing because she is new there.

After they landed they all bring their stuff to the hotel. Emily and Jennifer have a room together, and after they put their bags away they leave and drive to the victims families to interview them like Rossi wanted them to.

Emily let's JJ ask most of the questions and after the 3rd of 5 families Emily notices a similarity. All victims got a new boyfriend in the last 3 months but no family ever met them. The last 2 families tell the agents the same so back in the car Emily tells her colleague about her theory.

"Oh my God Emily that's brilliant.", JJ says and immediately calls Rossi and the others. The rest of the team thinks too that it's a solid theory. Emily can't help but smile a little about noticing something no one else noticed before. On her drive to the local police station she asks JJ how the boss is since she hasn't met him yet and JJ answers "He doesn't smile very often so a lot of people always assume he is not the friendliest but believe me when you know him you can have the most fun with him."

"I'll think you will like him a lot and he will be thrilled of you too.", she adds too.

"I can't wait to met him.", Emily smiles.

If only she knew...

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