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The next morning Aaron woke up and looked down where he saw Emily. She laid on his chest with her arms wrapped around his body. He smiled because he thought she looked really cute even if her hair was a mess and she still had her make up from last night on her face. Right in that moment Emily moved and opened her eyes. She just starred at him with her big brown eyes and then asked "When did you wake up?"

"Oh just a few minutes ago.", the Agent replied. Emily didn't say anything after that so the two just stayed in the bed like this for a few more minutes before Hotch said "I think i should go now before all the staff is here. I have to go home and change."

"Yeah i know.", Emily sighed while she let go of Hotch. The agent stood up and then said "See you later i guess."

"Yeah right, see you later.", Emily said and tried to smile but failed. And then Hotch was gone and Emily was alone in her room again. She still couldn't believe that she just spent the night with Hotch and that he actually stayed with her when she asked him to. She decided to continue sleeping because she was still exhausted from the last night. She often parties long but normally she doesn't cry then so it was no wonder that she was exhausted.

Meanwhile Hotch was sneaking out of the house and while doing that he felt like 16 again what made him kinda uncomfortable but he did not care that much about it. When he finally sat in his car and started driving he couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. He was kinda scared that the ambassador would find out about this because that would get him directly fired but he trusted Emily that she would not tell anyone about this. After arriving home he drank a coffee and then decided to go jogging since he only had to be at work in the evening. He thought the jogging would help to get a clear mind like it always did but this time it did not really help. So after one and a half hour he decided to head back home. There he took a shower and drank another coffee. Since he had nothing to do anymore he decided to arrive at work one hour earlier. He only entered the building and suddenly Emily stood in front of him what surprised him because she normally stayed in her room if she was not on a party or on an event of her mother. Emily didn't say anything but she probably did not even see him because there were a lot of people standing in the hallway and she was talking to one of these people. Hotch wondered what was going on but then he realised that were all people of the security team and police officers. Hotch immediately searched for the security chef to ask him what happened.

"Hey Wilson what happened?" Hotch asked upset when he finally found him.

"Someone tried to get into the house and they tried to come in through the room of the ambassadors daughter. They must have thought it was an empty room because the ambassadors daughter just moved in there at the beginning of spring." the security chef Agent Wilson informed him. Hotch just nodded and then immediately went to look after Emily, when he stood in front her he couldn't even say something she just hugged him tight and whispered "Oh my god Hotch i'm so glad that you are here now." He could see that she had cried but of course she would never admit that so the agent just asked "Are you okay? Did somebody hurt you?"

"I am alright i just woke up because i heard this strange noise and when i looked up there was somebody at my window. I just started to scream and it took not long for two people of the security team to arrive. They were fast but the man was gone when they looked out of the window. They are still unsure how he even managed to get up that wall and then get down again so fast." Emily told him.

"Wait here i'll talk to one of the officers. I'll be back in a minute." Aaron said to her and then walked over to one of the police officers.

"Did you know who that guy was or do you have any traces?" he asked the officer.

"No we think it was just a normal burglar who hoped to get some expensive stuff." the officer explained.

"So what will you do about it?" Hotch asked upset.

"Some officers will help the security team out for at least 3 more days." the blonde man told Aaron and he just nodded and then went back to Emily. "Come on, i'll bring you to your room." The girl didn't say anything and just followed the Agent. In front of Emily's door the Agent said "I'll be standing right here the whole time if something is wrong."

"Thank you." Emily said and hugged him one last time before she went into her room. When she laid down on her bed she felt really unsafe and she just starred at the window the whole time she couldn't even go into her bathroom because she was scared that while she was in there somebody would try to break in. After an hour Emily couldn't take it anymore so she stood up and opened her door. "Could you come in?" she asked Hotch and he nodded and then followed her inside the room.

"I'm not scared if you think that i just wanted to talk because i am bored." Emily immediately said after the door was closed.

"Of course." Hotch chuckled. Emily playfully hitted him and then the two began to talk. After a while the last evening came up as a topic and first Hotch just asked her if she had fun and stuff like that but then he just needed to get it of his chest. "Emily i'm sorry about what happened last night that was very unprofessional from me."

"It wasn't." Emily replied.

"Yes it was and that won't happen again i promise." Hotch said and Emily just stayed quiet for a while and then mumbled "But what if i want it to happen again?"

"What?" Hotch asked confused about what he just heard.

"What if i want it to happen again?" Emily repeated.

"Why should you want that?" the agent asked confused.

"Because i like you.." Emily stuttered and didn't look him in the eyes.

"Wait what? You like me? I thought you liked Derek?" Hotch said surprised.

"Yeah i did but since that happened on 4th July i tried to get over him and soon i started to realize that i am over him but only because i had feelings for someone else..." Emily confessed a little embarrassed. "Could you please say something?" she asked after a while because Hotch didn't say a word.

"I don't know what i should say to be honest." Hotch replied.

"I don't care just say something please. But you could tell me how you feel."

"Emily it doesn't matter how i feel. That is not going to work because your mother could find out and you are still a minor and i am 25." Hotch explained.

"I don't care about my mother and she won't find out about anything i mean i have a lock on my door and since you are the agent to watch me it is normal that we spent a lot of time together." Emily tried to convince him.

"Emily..." Hotch sighed.

"Do you like me back Hotch?" Emily asked serious.

"Yeah..." the Agent confessed.

"So where's the problem then?" the raven haired asked upset.

"Emily the problem is that your mother is my boss and my job is watching you!" Aaron tried to make her understand.

"I don't see any problem there. She won't find out and i mean what's better than getting paid for spending time with a person you like?" Emily said stubborn.

"Em-" Aaron started.

"Oh shut up Hotch." Emily said annoyed and then kissed him. At first he didn't replied the kiss but after a few seconds he was into it too. After a while Emily started to unbotton his shirt again but this time Hotch didn't push her back. And while she did this he thought

"Why am i even okay with this?"

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