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Emily woke up around 10am, she slowly opened her eyes realizing Hotch was gone. She turned around to find a little piece of paper next to her head.

"I love you. ~ A.H." it said, Emily couldn't keep her smile in. She sat up and quickly put a t shirt over herself because she was still naked. She put on underwear and a leggings before walking downstairs to grab something to eat. The whole time she was smiling because of the cute note Hotch left her. She couldn't wait to see him later, when his shift would start. Emily didn't say a word to her mother when she met her in the hallway, she thought her mother would say something to her because of last night but she stayed silent. Emily went back to her room with a plate full of French Toast and fruits. She watched a TV show and around noon she started to wonder where Hotch was because normally he should have popped in already to say at least hello to her. She decided to text him asking where he was but when she hasn't gotten a replie by eight she went down to her mother's office.

"Where is Agent Hotchner?", the girl asked her mother without saying anything else not even a hello before.

"Yeah I wish you a good evening too.", the ambassador said annoyed.

"Just answer my question please mother.", Emily told her.

"Sit down.", she replied and pointed to the chair in front of her desk.

"First of all I'm going to inform you over something else. We are moving next month.", the woman said when Emily sat down.

"Wait what? Where are we moving? Does that mean Hotch is packing because he comes with us?", Emily asked hopeful.

"We are moving to France.", Elizabeth answered with hesitation.

"You didn't answer my other question.", Emily demanded an answer.

"Agent Hotchner actually quit this morning. He got a job offer from the FBI.", the woman said calm.

Emily said nothing, she stormed out of the room and ran to her room to get her phone. She dialed Hotchs number a few times but he didn't pick up. After the 8th try she gave up and send him a message asking what is going on. Emily had started to cry but she only realized it now that she was looking up into her mirror. She looked on her bed, seeing the note Hotch left her telling her he loved her. Why did he leave that for her if he knew he would just leave without telling her? Was she just another girl he fucked in the end? Was all he told her a lie? Did he never have feelings for her?
That were the questions in Emily's head in this moment. She could feel how her heart broke realising he wasn't going to come back. Emily felt so betrayed and was angry at him but also angry at herself that she let him use her. She stared at her reflection in the mirror she felt so ashamed, she couldn't look at herself anymore, she took Hotchs old watch and threw it at the mirror, leading to it breaking into a hundred or more pieces. After that Emily just fell onto the floor sobbing. She cried for probably hours. Around noon her mother knocked on the door telling her lunch was ready but Emily didn't want to eat, she felt more like throwing up.

While Emily was in her room crying, Hotch was at his apartment packing his things because he would have to move so he wouldn't have such a long way to his new work. When he looked on his phone he saw Emily's missed calls and her messages. He was about to call her back but he knew that would make everything worse. He read her messages and started to cry. She really thought he just used her and now that had what he wanted he left. How could she think something like that, he thought. He loved her and he was so angry at himself that now she didn't believe that. He wanted to distract himself by continuing packing but while clearing out his night stand he found a photo frame he wanted to gift Emily for Christmas. In it was a photo from her birthday party, she was wearing her white jump suit in with she looked stunning, she had her hair curled which Hotch had loved. He started at the picture in his hands and thought about what could have been if they never kissed in that night. It was her birthday and she got hurt by her crush what if he was just a distraction for her. He should have never let this happen. But then he thought maybe it was for the best. Now he would be working for the FBI, that was always his dream.

He put the photo frame away and went to his little office next to his bedroom. On his desk was the letter from the FBI offering him the job. He sat down and wrote a reply, stating that he could start on the 1st of December. After that was done he started to research a bit more what the BAU was actually doing. Of course he knew about the profiling and all that stuff, he always wanted to work there but he looked through a few of their older cases and found a few courses he could take that would be helpful for working at the Unit. There were two courses in the last November weeks, that he wanted to take, he also had no job at that time so it was a good time filler. He signed in for these courses and then searched for apartments near Quantico.  After hours of clicking through apartments he had found 3 he really liked, so he wrote emails to the landlords.

While Hotch did that Emily was cleaning up the mirror fragments. She accidentally cut herself on her left leg because she sat down right in a fragment she didn't see before.

"Shit.", she cried out angry at herself.

She stood up and looked at her leg the mirror fragment was still in it so she took a deep breath and pulled it out. Right after that she realized that wasn't a good idea, the blood didn't stop coming. She already bled through a tshirt she took to put on the wound. For a moment she wondered if she should just let the blood come out and not try to stop it. At least everything would be over then but right when she thought that her mother opened her door.

"Emily you haven't eaten the whole da-", she started while she opened the door but stopped as soon as she saw Emily standing there with a lot of blood on the floor.

"Oh my God.", she called out and rushed over to Emily.  She called for help and someone from the house staff was there to help. They had put a bandage around my leg and decided to drive me to the hospital. The ambassador asked how it happened and wanted to know if Emily did that intentionally. It was the first time Emily realized her mother was actually worried for her and not just what the press would put on the newspapers. After going home with 8 stitches Emily laid down in her bed and realized that this was really her first heartbreak. Seeing Derek with someone else did hurt yeah, and of course she had feelings for other boys before but she realized now that these were not the same she felt for Hotch. This was truly her first heartbreak and she was angry at herself being this hurt by a man who just used her. At least this is what she thought. Now France was something she was actually excited for because there would be no chance that she would accidentally ran into Hotch. She decided she wouldn't let a man hurt her this much so she got up inside the bathroom, because the mirror in her room was broken, and then she started to cut her hair way shorter because he always told her how much he liked her long her. She also through the white jumpsuit in the trash, she liked this jumpsuit a lot but Hotch also did that and she wouldn't want to wear something that reminded her of Hotch. It was enough that she now had a scar on her leg that would always remind her of him.

Meanwhile Hotch was sitting in his almost empty apartment. He was surprised that he actually managed to clean out most of his apartment in only a few hours. He couldn't stop thinking if his decision was the right one but he tried to tell himself that it was because Emily was way to young and he now had the job ob his dreams, but he couldn't stop thinking how much he loved her. But then he remembered what his grandfather had always told him.

"What's meant to be will be."

I'm afraid that the story of young Emily and Hotch ends here but I hope you enjoyed it, like i did. I will miss to write this perspective. It was something completely new because all my other Storys are on the normal timeline from the show so I think I'll try to put some flashbacks in the following chapters here and then :)

Let me know what you think so far about the story in the comments and don't forget to give this chapter a vote :)

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