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A few days went by and the event from the ambassador came closer, it was in two days.
Emily and Aaron couldn't stand each other. The last three days he caught her every time she wanted to leave the house at night and he was thankful that Wilson told him about the normal ways that Emily usually took that's why he could catch her every time. He didn't want to experience it that she got out because Elizabeth Prentiss would probably be not amused.
Agent Hotchner was on his way to Emily's room and knocked on the door when he arrived, like always he waited but even after two minutes there was no 'come in' or something like that so he decided to open the door. And he hoped that it would be not like he thought but it was exactly what he thought when nobody answered after he knocked. The room was empty and he even checked the bathroom next to Emily's room. He sighed because he hoped that he would not have to do what he would do now. He tracked down Emily's handy. She must have figured out that he just watched her ways to go out around evening so she sneaked out around the afternoon this time.

When he finally got the address she was at he made his way outside of the Prentiss mansion and went to his car. It was only 5pm so he thought the party Emily was probably at would not have even started yet but when he arrived at the house he got proved wrong. There were a lot of teenagers in the yard with some red cups with beer or other alcohol in it and you could hear really loud music. The agent just wanted to find Emily fast. He got out of his car and went towards the house he asked a group of girls if they knew Emily and maybe even knew where she was but they did not know anything because they were way to drunk now and it wasn't even evening where the most parties only started.
Aaron went into the house and it was full of people it would be really hard to find Emily in there but he didn't give up and after 20 minutes he finally found her she was just about to go upstairs with a boy. He followed them and saw how the door of one of the bedrooms just got shut and even if he did not want to interrupt Emily Prentiss in a situation like this he knew he had to otherwise her mother would find out that she was gone so he went inside the room and immediately a upset Emily shouted at him "Who do you think you are that you can come in when-"

"Shut up Emily." Aaron just said and that made her speechless for a moment, she never imagined him to treat her like this every other agent before tried to be especially nice so maybe she would tell her mother something good about them. Hotchner walked towards the bed.
"You should go now she is way to drunk to give consent anyways." he said to the brunette boy who was laying on top of the ambassadors daughter.

"I'm not to drunk for anything." Emily defended herself.

"Put your shirt back on and come with me." the man told her annoyed.

"You will pay for that i was just about to get laid." the raven haired said upset while she put her shirt back on.

"Oh believe me you will even thank me for that when you're sober again he didn't even look that good." Hotchner told her and rolled his eyes. "Now get up if we are missing any longer you mother will find out that you didn't just go for a walk like i told her"

The ambassadors daughter tried to get up but she was to wasted for that and the agents patience was at the end so he just picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the house and into his car even if the brunette fought back and screamed at him that she could walk by herself.
In the car agent Hotchner handed her a plastic bag if she needed to throw up but luckily she managed not to do it while the car ride but as soon as they arrived at the Prentiss mansion she couldn't hold it any longer and started to throw up. Hotchner sighed and walked around the car to her side and hold her hair back. Emily was even to wasted to snap at him for helping her. After she was done throwing up Aaron walked her inside the house and brought her in her room. "Go take a shower, but sit down i don't wanna come in there because i hear you fainting." he told her while rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." the girl said as annoyed as always.

While the ambassadors daughter showered the agent opened her closet and picked out a big hoodie for her to wear when she was finished. He sat down on a chair that was standing behind her desk and waited for her to finish showering. After a while the water stopped and a few seconds later Emily stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel on, her raven hair was wet and some water drops fell down on the floor from it.

"There is a hoodie." Aaron said while pointing to the bed.

"I may be still drunk but i can still pick clothes by myself." Emily snapped. The agent just sighed and the ambassadors daughter went towards her closet after she picked up some clothes and threw them on her bed she just let the towel fall down to get dressed. Agent Hotchner of course looked away immediately. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he said annoyed and upset at the same time.

"You are the one who is in my room i can do what I want in here." Emily said and was dressed really fast so after that she just lightened a cigarette.

"I guess you don't need my help anymore. I'll go now and try to convince your mother not to look after you." the agent sighed.

"I told you that i would make your live a living hell." the girl hissed.

"You should better stay in and not try to sneak out again today 'cause if you do i will embarrass you even more the next time." Agent Hotchner said while walking out of the room.

"Whatever." the raven haired shouted after he closed the door. She already thought about what she could do next to make his and the life of her mother harder but she couldn't sneak out today again. She couldn't go back to that party because probably everyone would laugh at her because the boy she wanted to hook up with probably told already everyone about Aaron walking in on them.
She sighed and after she finished her cigarette she laid down on her bed and fell asleep because of how drunk she was.

Meanwhile Aaron was walking around the house trying to avoid Elizabeth Prentiss. He hoped she wouldn't find out about Emily's condition right now and hoped that she was too busy with work like she was normally. He just thought

'I don't wanna get fired after not even a week."

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