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Today was the day of the ambassadors event and she told Agent Hotchner that Emily needed to attend it. He could hear in her voice how important it was that Emily would show up there at least. So around noon he went to the room of the ambassadors daughter and knocked like always there was a annoyed 'Come in' so he opened the door and went into the room.

"What?" the brunette asked annoyed without looking at him, she stood in front of the window and smoked.

"You know that there is an event tonight. You mother wants to have you there and she wants you to behave since a lot of important people will be there."the Agent explained.

"I know about the event and like the other events in the past years i won't attend it and nothing you will do can make me go there." Emily hissed.

"Oh i am sure that you will go because if you don't i will personally put a dress on you and then bring you down there.", Aaron said, what kinda shocked Emily. She didn't expect him to say something like this. "I'll pick you up at 6:30 pm and you better be ready then." he told her while leaving the room. Emily sighed and finished her cigarette. Afterwards she took a shower, she really would have to attend that event she knew Hotchner didn't make a joke about putting her in a dress by himself.

Around 6:30pm Agent Hotchner went to Emily's room, he really hoped that she got ready because he didn't wanted to make his threat true but he knew he would have to so that she would take him serious in the future. He sighed before knocking on the door and it bursted open a few moments later.

"You ready to go?" Emily asked in a fake nice voice. The Agent didn't say anything and just started walking. Emily wore a simple black dress which ended right over her knee and her hair was falling down her shoulder in waves. She was really pretty Agent Hotchner thought but he stopped himself thinking that because that was not the way you should think about you 'job'.

The two went downstairs where the event would take place and as soon as Emily saw staff with champagne she went there and grabbed a glass. She just poured it down like it was water and soon grabbed another one. Aaron sighed he just hoped that this evening would end soon, he did not want a drunk Emily again and especially not at the event of her mother. Sometimes there came people to talk to Emily and she told them how annoying Hotchner was but he didn't mind he was just doing his job by following her wherever she goes. A few times he had to follow her outside because she wanted to smoke and every time he had to convince her to at least do it behind the house so the guests wouldn't see and at first she always refused but after the Agent just took her cigarette she moved.

After two and a half hours Emily was already a bit drunk and the evening was not even half over so he stopped her from drinking more champagne. A bit later Emily went to the toilet and Agent Hotchner waited for her outside. But when she didn't came out after 10 minutes he decided to go in, he took a key the ambassador gave him that would fit into almost every lock in this house. When he walked into the bathroom Emily wasn't in there and the window was open so he directly knew that she sneaked out. He immediately went to his car and tracked down her phone. Right now she was still moving so he started his car and followed her. After a few minutes the red point on his phone stopped moving so she must have arrived where she wanted to arrive. The Agent would still need about 10 minutes but he thought to himself she couldn't fuck up that bad in 10 minutes.

When Aaron arrived at the point where Emily should be he went inside the house and asked a few people if they saw her but most of them were way to wasted or didn't even know her so he just had to search by himself. After a while somebody couldn't finally tell him where he last saw Emily and that was on the way to the roof. The Agent sighed and made his way to the roof but he was a bit confused because there where no people upstairs but he guessed they were inside the rooms or on the roof. He took the stairs to the roof and he couldn't hear any music just the one from downstairs so he got even more suspicious. When Agent Hotchner arrived on the roof there was nobody and he was really confused maybe the boy just wanted to trick him but after looking around for a while he heard someone sobbing. He followed the noise and there she was. The ambassadors daughter sat on the roof behind the chimney.

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