High School - Part 2

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Omg!! I never thought ever in my life that I would be asked on a date by the Jason Banks. I mean, all I did was allow him to sit with me in the library. I have never seen Jason in the library before. He said that he was having issues with his grades and that he needed a study buddy and I was it. We have been meeting in the library for a whole month and I was surprised to see that he was actually a great guy.

"This feels off", Janeth said as I was getting dressed. "How so?", I asked getting annoyed. Ever since she started dating Cade, she has been ditching me, no movie nights, no cooking dates, and she doesn't even go to school with me. The only reason I have been living in peace is because Sofia has been behaving. I asked Janeth and she said it was because they talked and she promised not to bother me anymore. I wanted to believe her but I just couldn't, I just had a feeling that she was plotting something.

"Well for starters, Jason is dating Sofia. It's like a known fact, yes they are on and off but they have been together for ages and second you are not his type", she said and by the way I looked at her, she knew the statement hurt my feelings. "Oh! And what is his type? Size 0?", I asked feeling my eyes fill with tears. "No, that's not what I meant Angel come on", she tried defending herself but failed. The sad part was, that she was saying the truth on both counts.

"Angel, your date is here", Mum said with excitement but when she saw my tears, she stopped smiling. "What's wrong?", she asked and I couldn't hold it in. Janeth was looking at me with guilt, her eyes begging me not to tell Mum it was her fault. "Am not feeling well, can you tell him am sick?", I said, when no one moved, I begged. "Please, I can't go on a date with him", I said making Mum nod. She left my room, leaving me with a Janeth. "Can you leave me alone? I need to finish my homework", I said hoping she won't push further because I was not in the mood to talk. She left quietly. I locked my door and went to sit by my window when my phone rang.

"H-hello?", I said while sniffing hoping that whoever was calling me could not tell that I was crying. "Angie? Are you ok? Fuck! You're really sick aren't you?", Jason asked, he was worried about me. I didn't expect that. "Just allergies. I'll be okay by morning", I said after clearing my throat. "Oh am so sorry babe, I thought you stood me up. It would have hurt my feelings", he said with relief. "Oh really? Never been stood up before big guy?", I teased earning a chuckle. "You have jokes huh?", he said making me laugh. "I like hearing you laugh. Get well soon ok? I was really looking forward to this. Will you give me another chance?", he begged. Jason Banks the Captain of our football team and the hottest guy on the planet was begging me to go on a date with him for the second time, if it's a dream don't wake me up. "S-sure, I can't wait", I replied then hung up.

"Hey Babe, this is for you", Jason said handing me a rose and a box of chocolate cookies when he found me at the library. "Oh thank you. You didn't have to though", I said with a smile. "I wanted to", he said kissing my temple. "How are you feeling?", he asked playing with my curls. "Am okay", I said avoiding his eyes. "So, I have heard some people talking and they are saying that you stood me up because you think, you're not good enough for me. Is that true?", he said while interlocking our fingers. "Angel, please tell me the truth. Am not mad, I just need to know", he said kissing my knuckles. The act made me relax. "It's true... what you heard", I said looking at our joint fingers. "Why do you think that?", he asked. "Look at me", i said and he looked at me. "I am looking. Please don't tell me you are one of those people who think I have a type", he said looking disappointed. I couldn't come up with words so I ended up nodding my head. Instead of scolding me or shouting at me, he pulled my lips to his.

It took me a while to process that Jason was actually kissing me. I mean waoh. I circled my hands on his neck as I relaxed into him, kissing him back until the librarian cleared her throat making me hide my face on his chest.

"That was amazing. I think I have a new type if you ask me", he teased making me smack his chest playfully. "Am serious Angel, I like you. Please stop listening to people that have nothing to do with what we have ok? In fact, I want you to wear my jersey this weekend. I think it's time for me to prove a point", he said shocking me. 

"But, that... only Sofia wears your jersey", I said and it was true the whole school knew that. "She did, but she's not my girl. You're my girl and I want everyone to know that and stop putting their nose where it doesn't belong", he said then gave me a peck on the lips. We went back to studying and then ate the cookies, Jason ate more than half the box... shocking.

"Honey you look happy. How's school?", Mum asked when she found me in my room,  smiling like a creep. Her question made my smile wider. "Well let's just say my dreams are coming true", i said making her hug me. "Am so happy for you", she said then left the room.

"Angel, am sorry. I didn't mean to say what I said. You're amazing just the way you are and if he says you're not his type then to hell with it", Janeth said looking hopeful. "Well, it turns out I am his type. We just had our first kiss today", I said as shock registered on her face. Guess whose getting her happy ending too little sis.

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