Family Trip - Part 3

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The love story of Valentina and Ivan is just so inspiring. They had nothing when they started dating, they went through so much, and yet they managed to conquer it all. I wanted to be like them. It was just amazing. "Now that we have shared our skeletons, it's time for you to share yours", Ivan said catching me off guard that I almost choked.

"Sweety we know we are interesting but we are not that special. What's troubling you?", Valentine pushed making me struggle to find words. "I think Leo had something to do with it. That boy is so dumb, it's a wonder he can run a company at all", Ivan joked making me and Valentina laugh. "Well, would you look at that? Her face glows when his name is mentioned. It reminds me of when we were younger. I used to get goosebumps for this man", Valentina said while looking into his eyes.

"Does it get better?", I found myself asking making Ivan smile. "Yes, it does. But only if you communicate. You need to help him", Ivan said with a smile. "But I don't want to ruin his relationship with Sofia. I don't want to seem... selfish", I said avoiding their eyes. 

"Hey now... he is your better half. You're allowed to be selfish and as a sister Sofia needs to understand and put her brother's happiness first. Just like we have put her happiness first when she brought that gold-digging wanna-be athlete of hers", she said with so much spite. "Val...", Ivan warned making her release a breath. "I am sorry, it just irritates me, that's all. And have you seen the way he looks at Angel? Like a snack. He has problems", she said in a gossipy kind of way making me smile.

I wish Leo could catch up when I was gossiping with him like Ivan did. "I swear I was never a gossip person until I was contaminated by this woman", he said raising his hands in surrender making me burst out laughing while Valentina rolled her eyes. "He was the boy she made a bet with in high school. So it's probably nothing", I said while playing with the straw in my juice. "What? Omg! This world is so small that it's honestly terrifying. We should keep an eye on him", she said and Ivan nodded his head. We officially moved to gossiping about the times someone wanted to snatch Ivan away from her and how she went crazy. It was so funny. It made me thank god I proposed a picnic with them.

We returned at noon and Bella told me they were still at the pool so I went and changed into a one-piece swimsuit that Bella got me for my birthday. It was glittery black, it made my waistline look smaller and my booty pop. I put on Leo's sunglasses and then went to the pool to join them. I was happy that I had flip-flops on because if I had heels I would have tripped, I felt eyes on me until I reached their table. "You look amazing hun", Bella said then smacked my butt.

"What's wrong with you?", I whined but got a giggle instead. I got in the water and swam two laps across the pool. When I got out Leo was handing everyone their drinks, he looked at me from head to toe then swallowed hard before licking his lips. "Earth to Leo, do you copy?", Bella joked making Cruz laugh. He blinked a bit then turned to Bella. 

"What?", he asked looking annoyed. "Where's your minion?", she asked and right in queue Sofia appeared. "Oh hi, Angel. I thought you weren't joining us until later. Am sorry there is no place to sit", she said filling the last spot. "No need", i said then went to sit on Leo's lap, his hand falling on my waist naturally. I pulled him in a kiss which he responded to immediately making him moan. "Smitten", Victor coughed making the rest laugh. Well, all did except Sofia and Jason. Sofia looked pissed and Jason looked like he wanted to eat me. We could blame it on the swimsuit I guess.

"Can we talk for a bit?", Leo whispered when I pulled back. "Sure", i said standing up. He pulled me to the beach. "I spoke to Tyler and he kinda told me stuff that stuck to my head. I am sorry I ruined the trip for us. It's been a while since I came to one of these and I kinda wanted to please everybody. By everybody I mean Sofia. You're my top priority and I need you to know that. You're the only thing that matters to me. And am sorry I made you feel otherwise. Am sorry that I left you behind in most of the things we were doing. And I know am stupid sometimes. Am sorry. I will make it better. I love you", he said making me smile.

"Well, I had this whole getting back at you crazy speech but I don't think I will use it now since you have confessed to everything. Can we make a pact that from now on we're a first priority to each other no matter what?", I asked looking into his eyes. "Yes. Yes let's do it", he said a little too fast making me giggle. "Don't laugh at me, baby. You drive me crazy and I can't stand it when you're mad at me, especially when you are mad and looking like this", he said circling his hand on my waist. "You know they're looking at us right?", I asked meaning Sofia and the group. "I don't fucking care, I just want my girlfriend back. They can tease me all they want", he said with puppy dog eyes. They were hideous, making me laugh.

"Baby you make the most scary puppy dog eyes I have ever seen", i said making him laugh too. "You love it", he teased. "You bet I do. I love all of you", I said with a serious face making him smile. The smile that makes me melt into him every damn time. He held my face in his hands and kissed the hell out of me. We heard whistles and noises but we didn't care. I just made up with my boyfriend and it's all that mattered.

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