Heart Broken

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I can't believe two months flew so fast and am finally at the airport waiting for Ethan. I've missed him. We haven't spoken for a whole month but he texted when he was taking off so here I am. I saw him walk out the arrival doors and ran to him. He opened his arms for me and hugged me, he kissed the crap out of me and we heard a couple of 'aaawwws', from the people who were standing close to us. "I missed you so much Ethan", i said with a huge smile. "I missed you more love. You look beautiful than I remember", I rolled my eyes at him making him chuckle. When we reached his apartment, I gave him a welcome back present which he loved because he said it was the best gift ever because it made me scream his name. We ate and watched a movie just before falling asleep.

The next day I went back to Bella and I's apartment despite the temptations Ethan tried to bribe me with. My friend was coming back and I had to do some cleaning and make her favourite food just to welcome her back. Ethan only accepted when I told him I would return after dinner. So here I was prepping some food when the door was opened and I heard Bella explaining something to someone. 

"Hi, roommate! Smells amazing in here. Is this my welcoming committee?", she said playfully making me smile. "Yes, welcome back", I said hugging her. "Oh gosh! This is my boyfriend... Tyler", she said gesturing to the blonde guy behind her, he was looking at us with amusement but offered his hand to me. "Nice to meet you, Angel. I've heard so much about you", he said. I was still unable to talk considering I never knew he existed. 

"Angel? I know, just... can we talk about this later?", she said nervously. "Anha! Nice to meet you too Tyler. Welcome", I said gesturing them to the living room. "We're gonna go freshen up then we'll be right back", she said then pulled the guy to her room. The fact that he was taller and bigger than her made me smile. It was obvious that he was letting her pull him at will. Half an hour later, they were back and we ate while Tyler told me how he met Bella. They were family friends and he was admiring her from afar. 

They started getting close when she started college. It was a lovely story. "Am happy that she finally agreed to be in a relationship with you but if you ever hurt her, I will kill you and nobody will find your body", I said looking him straight in the eyes and making him swallow hard.

 "Angel!", Bella whined making me look away. "Ok, I have to go back to Ethan's, I promised him I would so, good night love birds, and do not consume my bedroom", I said making Bella choke on her wine, and Tyler smiled. "I like her", I heard Tyler tell Bella as I walked out.

I reached Ethan's apartment an hour later because I passed by the grocery store to get some things for breakfast. I wanted to make him breakfast in bed. "Am back!", I shouted when I entered the apartment but there was no response. He must be in his study. 

I placed the groceries in the kitchen and then walked to his study. I started hearing voices and I knew it was a conference call so I walked slowly not to make noise. "Ethan baby, we can't have you disappear for two years again. Am sure if you ask the Dean, they will give you some time off. I mean the kids miss you. I miss you. What kind of a marriage is this if I don't see you or come visit you?", a woman said and I felt my blood freeze. Maybe I was just hearing things.

"Baby am sorry, but this is my job. Look, I will try to talk to them ok? I love you and you know that. Haven't I proven that to you this whole holiday break?", he said in a soft voice. The same one he used on me when we were making what I thought was love. "Yes, you have. It felt amazing waking up in your arms every morning. Making love to you every night but I want more Ethan. I want another baby", she begged making him chuckle. 

"Look, I promise to find more time to visit and I promise to make another baby with you. I have to go now ok?", he said with sadness in his voice. "Me and your three nuggets love you, right kids?", she said cheerfully and the kids shouted 'love you dad' my hand went to my chest. "I love you guys too... I love you very much, baby. Take care", he said then ended the call. I heard him standing up then released a breath. My phone started ringing when I looked, it was him. I pushed the door open and the moment our eyes connected he dropped his phone.

"Angel... how long have you been standing there?", he asked with a shaky voice, guilt all over his face. "Long enough", I said as tears ran down my cheeks. He just stood there quietly as if waiting for me to say something. But I couldn't, I tried but nothing came out. My chest started tightening and when Ethan tried to touch me, I pushed him away. I tried blinking and thinking of happy thoughts but they never came. I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.

"You're a selfish bastard! Get the fuck away from her. I'll call security if you don't get out of here!", "Am sorry", I heard voices, I tried to focus but I couldn't open my eyes. "Angel come back to me. I will take care of you. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise", Bella whispered in my ears, I tried to open my eyes again but they were too heavy so I gave up. "B, you need to stop being stubborn and let me take you home, you need to rest", I heard Tyler telling Bella but she didn't respond. "S-she i-is a-a s-s-stub-orn o-one i-isn't s-he", I said finally able to open my eyes.

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