Nailed It

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"Can you at least stop distracting me until we get to the bedroom?", I asked Leo as we were heading to the bedroom with the pregnancy tests. He is so sure of himself and at the same time nervous, it made me smile.

How did we get here? Well, my period is late by two weeks and we decided to not do any testing earlier until now and he is so busy bugging me about it to the point where it's annoying. "Am sorry, I am just nervous", he said surprising me. I get why he is nervous but I was sure that we were pregnant. "You pee in a cup or on the sticks?", he asked walking in the bathroom with me. "On the stick then we wait for a couple of minutes", I said removing my jeans. We were always using the bathroom at the same time so it didn't feel weird.

He removed the sticks from their boxes and gave them to me, his hands were shaking. I stood up and pulled his face to my level, kissing him until he moaned. When I pulled back he was relaxed. "Thanks", he said with a smile. I did the peeing and he did the watching making me giggle when he asked if it was enough pee. "Now we have to wait, let's go to the kitchen before you go nuts", I said and he followed quietly.

I knew he wanted to wait by the bathroom counter, watching the sticks like a hawk. I made us lunch and by the time I was done cooking, he was gone. I followed him to the bathroom and found him looking at the sticks. "What do they say?", I asked with one brow raised. He remained silent. I pushed him aside to see properly. They were all positive, making me smile.

"Just so we are clear, that means we're pregnant right?", he asked looking like someone who can't decide whether to be sad or happy. "Yes Leo, you nailed it. You're going to be a father!", I shouted making him lift me and pin me to the wall, his lips met mine in a very heated kiss. I felt my body going weak the moment he moved from my lips to my neck then he pulled away. "What? What's wrong?", I asked when I tried to pull in back and he resisted. "Can we have sex when you're pregnant?", he asked looking genuinely worried. "Yes baby come on", I pulled him in again but his mood was elsewhere. I huffed in annoyance and pushed him back allowing my feet to touch the ground. "Am sorry, let's just go to the hospital and make sure ok?", he said in a pleading voice making me roll my eyes. I agreed anyway. 

"You are pregnant indeed", the doctor said smiling at both of us. Leo had this proud smug on his face. "Doctor Finn, can you tell my husband that it's safe to have sex with me please?", I said making the doctor laugh at my honesty. "Oh yes. It's very okay for you to have sex with your wife Mr. Specter. It's considered healthy as well. It helps improve the immune system which is important during pregnancy", he added the last part with a smile. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt the baby", Leo asked making the doctor smile then pulled a display doll that was on the table. It was a pregnant woman, the doctor pulled out the tummy revealing a baby in it.

"Mr. Specter, do you see this? This is your baby right now so whenever your wife eats anything, the nutrients pass through here, this is called the placenta then goes through the umbilical cord, and the amnion, a fluid-filled membrane, surrounds and protects the baby. As you can see the baby is safe and has its own space. You don't have to worry about it", he assured Leo who only nodded without saying a word. I had a feeling he was going to sleep on his laptop tonight doing research.

"Thank you", I appreciated the doctor as we stood up and walked out of the private clinic wing. "Mrs. Specter, your medicine. Did Doctor Finn walk you through the instructions?", the nurse asked when we passed by the pharmacy. "Yes, he did. Thank you", I said then went to Leo who was standing at a distance talking to someone on the phone. "Ready!", I said and he nodded, reaching for my hand to interlock our fingers as we went to Hank.

"I have to go to work", he said looking at me with a sad smile. "What's with the long face?", I asked because he knew work came first to both of us. "I really wanted to live in this moment with you, I mean we just found out that we're pregnant and before we could have a chance to enjoy the moment, I get called to work. Am sorry", he said looking sad.

"That was very specific baby daddy but we'll be ok. Go do you then come home with ice cream and we will talk more about the baby and have sex to improve my immune system. Is that ok?", I suggested while wiggling my brows at him. "Banana ice cream?", he asked before getting out of the car. "You remember! Aaah!", I screamed with joy and pulled him in a kiss, it startled him but he kissed me back.

"Put on a show why don't ya!", Cruz said from the entrance shocking me. I pulled back abruptly making Leo laugh at my shyness. Don't get me wrong, am a very expressive person but not with Cruz, he was always too serious and the fact that he had feelings for my sister did not make things easier. "Hi Cruz", I greeted him, hoping he wouldn't tease me about what he just saw. "Hi, Angel. Want some tomato with all that eating", he said wiggling his browns. "C drop it", Leo scolded him making me stick my tongue out at him.

"And you. Stop entertaining him", he warned me playfully then kissed my forehead. "Get some rest ok?", he whispered. "I will", I replied then closed the door. "We can go now Hank", i told Hank who was waiting patiently. It was a silent drive as usual. Hank was never a chatty person despite my endless efforts to make him open up to me.

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