Being Set-up

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Leo's POV

How did I mess this up so badly? 

Leaving my wife and kids at my parents' place is the hardest thing that I've ever done. "Hey, don't beat yourself up too much. This wasn't your fault. Angel doesn't understand friendship even if it stares her right in the face", Sofia said as we drove back to my place. "You're not seriously thinking that I'm on the right in this one right? If you found out that Jason was on a trip with someone you didn't know was his ex because he hid it from you, would you still say the same thing?", I asked and I saw hurt flash through her eyes then she hid it quickly. "Of course not. Jason and I were not married. Marriage is about trust and that's what she needs to have for you, without it then there's no reason to be with her is there? Look... we can talk to the lawyers and have this sorted out, no assets splitting or anything, she won't get a dime. Want me to call him?", she said looking so relaxed. It terrified me how she thought I wanted a divorce from my wife of two and a half years now! What the hell? "Sofia, I'm not divorcing my wife. Not now, not ever", I said making her turn to look at me before returning her eyes to the front. "I know that Leo. I was just kidding, loosen up a little", she said while laughing nervously. I think being dumped by Jason has messed with her mentally.

Her phone started ringing and I saw Felicia's name on the screen before she rejected it and then put it in her jeans pocket. "Aren't you gonna answer that?", I asked. "Naah it's probably work. I'll call them later. My brother needs me now. So, what are you gonna do?", she asked and something told me to lie to her. "I don't know. I'm still processing everything", I said running my hands through my face. 

For the first time in my life, I had no idea how to fix things. Why did I let myself do what I did with Felicia? In the past Alexa was always busy with modelling so Felicia gave me attention but now... now I have everything. Why did I let my guard down like that? I'm a married man. I wasn't supposed to hold hands with her or take a selfie with her being that close to me. This was PR 101 how could I miss that?

We got home and I went straight to my bedroom, I took a bath the jetlag finally catching up to me and all I wanted was a bed. I didn't bother putting on anything more than my boxers when I threw myself on the bed that felt so big without my wife on it. I was out like a light.

At some point in the night, I started feeling thirsty so I woke up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I found Sofia sitting in the kitchen. She was on a call with someone but hung up the moment she saw me. It looked like a rushed hang-up. "Are you ok?", I asked her and she nodded nervously. "I should be asking you that", she said making me chuckle. 

"I'm wifeless what do you think?", I replied making her look deep in thought. "Maybe what you need is a vacation. Let's spend the weekend at Dad's cabin", she suggested with excitement. "Uh. No, thank you. I have work to do and a family to fight for", I said finishing the last drops of water. "Oh come on. It not like they're going anywhere", she insisted and I still refused which seemed to piss her off. 

"Sofia, we're not kids anymore. This is my wife we're talking about. The woman that I love with every fiber in me. Do you understand what that means? My family means more to me than me going on an escape trip with you. I don't need a vacation. I need my fucking family back. Do you get that?", I explained with much seriousness. "Ok. Ok. I'm just trying to help. Calm down", she said with her hands up in surrender. I thought we were done for the night and started walking out of the kitchen when she asked me what I had been avoiding talking about since I opened Angel's envelope.

"So, what's really going on between you and Felicia?", she asked making me turn to look at her. "We just had a moment I guess. What I don't understand is, she knows I'm married and whatever I did on the trip was because I thought I could trust her not to publicize what we did, you know? This is so not her. She never likes social media", I said scratching the back of my head.

"So you have feelings for her?", she asked looking excited. It made me furrow my brows. "Sofia, you know I'm a married man, right? You know that me having feelings for another woman is a bad thing right?", I asked and her face turned serious. "Not when your wife blocks you from being the brother that I want", she shouted while standing from where she was sitting. "What are you talking about?", I asked not understanding why she was getting angry. "You don't know? Of course, you don't know. Angel's always interrupting us, if it's not with the babies then it's her calling you all the freaking time. We don't hang out anymore because all you do is prioritise her over us, over me!!", she said with the same anger. "She's my fucking wife!", I said startling her. "And I hate her! I want you to divorce her and be with Felicia who knows when to back off", she said folding her arms on her chest.

It all hit me. It was Sofia. She was behind all of it. She was so angry that she didn't know what she just revealed to me. I grabbed her phone and unlocked it going straight to her call history and searched Felicia's name. They were talking almost every day. "Give me the phone Leo. That's an invasion of privacy", she said then took the phone away. "How could you do this to me?", I asked not recognising my own voice. "This is for your own good trust me, I know what's best for you and Angel isn't", she said confidently. "Sofia, get the fuck out of my house. Now!", I said startling her.

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