Her Brother?

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We were told to take our seats as the event was about to begin. A documentary was presented on the wide screen showing the story of how it all started and finally, each of the companies under Specter worldwide was shown on the screen starting with The Luxe Empire focused on hotels and apartment buildings, Zakon Consultants was a law firm, La Juventud beauty products that was on the cosmetics, Cross Giants which was a Rugby team and finally the core business which was food supply under Specter worldwide.

"It is very rare for siblings to exist in harmony but am happy that our children prove us wrong every time. "The man spoke with pride, his hand never leaving the petite woman's waist. "That's your parents-in-law", Bella teased making me feel so shy as if they could see me. 

"Without further do, I welcome my children to the stage, Cruz Zakon, Managing director of Zakon Consultants and Cross Giants. Victor Luxe, CEO of The Luxe Empire, with Her Majesty Isabella Ivan, the COO of The Luxe Empire", he joked making people laugh as they walked to the stage. 

"Last but not least the gorgeous Sofia Ivan Specter, CEO of Le Juventud beauty products, and finally the man who makes sure everyone is in line, Leo Specter Jr, CEO of Specter worldwide and President of Specter Group of Companies", he finished and the whole ballroom erupted in cheers as Leo walked on stage sadly, all I could focus on was Sofia. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. When Leo's eyes met mine, they went wide, he knew me more than anyone in the room. He ran off the stage, rushing to me before I could realise, I was having a panic attack.

"Baby, am right here, focus on my voice and count with me, one, two, three...", he said pulling me into his arms. I held on tighter and continued counting until the air started filling my lungs again. "Is she OK? What's wrong with her?", Bella asked. "She just had a panic attack, I don't know what triggered it, she is okay now", he replied pulling me somewhere, I followed like a sick puppy. He sat me on a sofa and kneeled in front of me, how was I going to live with this? I started crying again, I felt his hands on either side of my face as he lifted me to look at him. "Talk to me Angel, please", he begged. Before I could answer the door was opened with force slamming it on the wall.

"I knew it was you, so how did you manage to get your filthy paws in my brother huh?", it was high school all over again, oh god. I started trembling, "I-I-I didn't know, I swear", I said making Leo look at me with confusion. "Oh really? Everyone knows who he is" she replied rolling her eyes at me, she didn't believe me. "What's going on here?", Victor asked, Bella was right behind him. This was not happening. I didn't deserve this.

"Well this...piece of crap is the one that attacked me during your graduation dinner", it amazed me at how that was the only thing she remembered. "What?", Bella was in shock, I never wanted her to find out about that day. For the first time since I have known Leo, he looked at me with anger in his eyes and let go of my hands like they were burning him.

"Angel, what is she talking about?", Bella asked and before I could speak, their parents entered the room. How could this get any worse? My eyes remained on an angry Leo, I had seen him angry before but never at me, he had his back to the wall breathing faster than usual, he was fuming, and he was angry at me. But I took a deep breath and decided to do what I had been avoiding doing for a very long time.

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to start a fight with your sister that day but she attacked me first and I had to stand up for myself", I felt tears all over my cheeks but I had to do this. Leo knew the story but not the names because he took me to therapy a couple of times too.

"I have always tried to rewind the first day I met Sofia, wishing that I was confident enough to look at where I was going because if I did, then I would have seen her and made sure to avoid bumping into her causing her to hate me and call me names. I hated going to school because every day was worse than the day before. She called me all sorts of names, fatso, fatty, a cow, and later on they became sentences. I was naive to think the high school quarterback really liked me only to find out that she made a bet with him. I had a crush on him since the first day I saw him and when he told me I was beautiful I believed him. Until prom...", I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Leo's, I pushed it away the same way he did to me just minutes ago.

"I was so excited that day that, I used all my savings to buy a dress and had my mum do my makeup but all that went out the door when instead of our happy pictures being displayed to the school, my naked pictures were. My eyes met Sofia's and she had this evil smirk on her face. What was even worse, she turned my sister against me too, she made her part of the bet and her boyfriend was the photographer. As if that was not bad enough I bumped into her at the restaurant on our college graduation, even though she didn't remember me the hatred in her eyes was still the same. She pushed me to a wall when I couldn't answer her and when I did the same, I was kicked out of the restaurant", I turned to Leo who looked at me with guilt.

"I warned you but you didn't listen. I hope you will now. I'm not good for you Leo, I'm not good for anyone", I said then walked out of the room, took the back door, and told our driver to take me home, I needed to get away. I needed my space. For the first time, I wished I never met Leo or any of them, maybe things would have turned out differently.

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