Little Specter?

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Seven months in and I'm feeling heavier than usual. I've asked Doctor Finn and he said the baby is just bigger than normal and it was okay because it meant that he or she was healthy.

We kind of have a divided house at this point, Leo wants a girl and I want a boy. So we have scheduled an ultrasound to settle things once and for all. 

"Hello my favourite couple", Doctor Finn said cheerfully as always. "Hello Doctor Finn, how are you?",  I said sitting on the hospital bed that was in his office. "All fine here. What brings you here today? We don't have a clinic appointment until the 30th. Do you have an issue?", he asked looking worried. "Yes we do, but not the emergency kind. We just want to know the gender of the baby", Leo said putting his hands together in anticipation. It made Doctor Finn smile. "Let me guess, you're rooting for different teams?", he said pressing a remote on his desk. "Yap! I want a girl, my very own princess", Leo said wiggling his brows at me. The door was opened and a nurse came in. "May I have the ultrasound machine please?", Doctor Finn asked her and she smiled and nodded. "I take it you want a knight?", he asked me and I nodded my head.

The machine was brought and we did the ultrasound but couldn't see the gender. It was something about how the baby was positioned. I was so glad, the guessing game was going to make Leo get what he deserved. I made an evil laugh when he complained to Bella.

"Honestly, I don't care which gender it is, I will spoil it rotten", she said rubbing my belly making me giggle. "We should go shopping though", Bella suggested and it was a no from me. I wanted to sleep and pee at the same time. "Well hello my incubator!", Victor shouted from the entrance of my office. "Hello uncle", I said making his face light up as he walked in with some cookies and ice cream. My hero. He put them in front of me and I started devouring everything. I was almost done when I felt like peeing and it was hard to ignore it. Meaning it was real. I stood up and started heading to the toilet when Bella gasped. I turned to find her looking at the floor and there was blood. My hand went to my belly at the same time Leo reached me. 

"Bella get her maternity bag now!", he said picking me up bridal style. It was like I just froze. Then I started feeling pain in my abdomen. I remembered Doctor Finn telling me to breathe through my mouth and I did. "It's going to be ok, I promise", Leo said as if assuring himself more than me.

"Leo we need to do a c-section on her as soon as possible. There is a placenta abruption. It's a dangerous condition for your wife and the baby. She's bleeding heavily and that deprives the baby of oxygen and nutrients the more we leave it in there", Doctor Finn explained after doing a series of assessments on me. I squeezed Leo's hand making him turn to meet my eyes. I nod my head, my way of telling him it was going to be ok.

"Can you give us a minute?", he asked making Doctor Finn agree and leave the room. Victor and Bella rushed in right after. Leo explained what the doctor said and then turned to me. "You're not at full term yet Angel. I'm scared", he said and for the first time I saw him crumble in front of his siblings and it made me feel guilty. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I promise I was careful, you were there all the time I just... I'm sorry Leo", I confessed. It made him look up abruptly, his hand rubbing my belly. "Baby this is not your fault. Why would you even think that way or even say something like that?", he scolded me making me start sobbing. "I just felt like I was responsible somehow since I'm the one carrying the baby", I defended myself making him smile. "You're so selfless", he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Are we ready?", Doctor Finn asked as he returned to my ward. "Yes", I answered because I knew there was no way Leo was going to. He was nervous. I understood his hesitance. He is a man who likes to calculate every outcome beforehand and that was both a blessing and a curse. Especially now that I needed him the most.

The nurses came to pick me up and took me to the theatre wing. I was happy to see that Sophia was there. He needed her. 

"Ok let's do the final ultrasound and see who wins the bet", Doctor Finn said making the rest of the doctors and nurses laugh as he explained our gender feud. I knew he was doing that to make me comfortable and I appreciated that considering, the man has been enduring our drama ever since I started my clinic with him. He was like the cool uncle that I needed in my life. The nurse spread the gel on my belly and started measuring stuff when she started furrowing her brows at what she saw on the screen.

"Uh... Doctor, you need to see this", she said making Doctor Finn rush to her side. "Mo/mo twins?", he asked making the second doctor go to the screen. "But those are different sacs, how is that possible? I know sometimes when they share one sac it becomes possible for a twin to hide during an ultrasound, how did you miss this?", the other doctor asked. "I'm as lost as you are at least we know why there is an abruption", Doctor Finn said finally turning to me. 

"Angel, how are you feeling my dear?", he asked in a fatherly manner making me furrow my brows. "I feel tired, What's going on? What's a mo/mo twins?", I asked my mind still foggy and I saw a smile on his face. "Well I guess both of you will be getting what you wanted after all", he said then turned to the screen one more time. He nodded his head then the other doctor injected a sedative into my drip. "Let's meet our naughty babies, shall we? See you in a bit", he said in a teasing manner as I started feeling sleepy all of a sudden with only one thought in my mind. We are having twins.

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