Old Flames

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Leo's POV

I'm back at the office and it feels good and weird at the same time. I had spent the last trimester at The Luxe and the following months at the hospital plus working from home so, it feels weird walking into Specter Worldwide. It's a good thing that Dad was able to step in and help hold everything together while I helped Angel. My beautiful wife and Mother of my kids. The pride that I have is more than words can express. I could have stayed at home longer but I need to put my affairs in order.

"Hey man, welcome back", Scott said as I walked into my office finding him and Dad waiting for me. "Hey man", I said with a huge smile, pulling him into a bro hug. I turned to Dad and he had the look of relief on his face making me chuckle. "It was that bad huh?", I teased as I pulled him in a hug as well. "Welcome back son, how's the family?", he asked making me smirk. He rolled his eyes at me. "Fine! How are my grandkids? Can we have them for the weekend?", he said finally giving in to his true feelings. Scott and I laughed. "Not yet old man, we're still practicing a bottle, when they catch on you can have them as many times as you want", I said making him smile. "Good, your Mum has been driving me nuts", he said moving away from my desk.

"I can imagine. I had to endure video calls all day just to show her the twins' milestones. How many milestones can a child have in a day!", I complained making them laugh. Being their first grandkids was one thing but having to endure calls the whole day so that she could see them laugh or feed or sleep was exhausting. "I've heard. It makes her happy though which is a good thing. 'A happy wife. Happy life' son, never forget that", Dad said while sitting on one of the visitor chairs.

The office door was opened and in walked a woman I never thought I would see again. Felicia Evans. She looked better than I remembered. "Excuse me, Sir, I didn't know you had a meeting", she addressed Dad clearly not noticing me. When her eyes met mine she was shocked. She was holding files in her hand which meant that she was coming to see Dad. "Oh come in my dear. Leo, I took the liberty of hiring a secretary for you. Felicia this is my son Leo, your boss", he said with pride and all I could think about was the day I promised her that I was going to break up with Alexa and be with her forever only to end up getting back with Alexa.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Leo. Your father told me that you don't prefer having secretaries but I promise you that I'm good at what I do and I will prove my value because I really need this job", she said with confidence reminding me yet again why I once fell for her. I swallowed hard then nodded. She placed the documents on the table and then left. "Son, I know I was supposed to tell you beforehand but you need someone to help you around here, especially now that you have a family to take care of", he said looking concerned. "I'm not mad Dad, I'm just surprised at how old you've gotten that you can't even schedule your meetings. Will you remember Aaron and Audrey's feeding time at this rate?", I teased making him smack me and Scott laugh. "Since you've decided to be a smart ass I'm gonna tell your mother that you don't want her to see her grandkids", he said and I could see my Mum's pissed face terrifying me to death. It made them laugh at me as they left the office.

I sat on my desk and tried my best to not think of Felicia. I felt guilty. She trusted me, the least I could have done was tell her the truth. When we met, she was also dealing with an abusive boyfriend. I got rid of him for her. We were supposed to run away together and leave everything behind us. My family, the company everything. I felt alive when I was with her, she made me experience the beauty in the simplest of things. We could spend the whole day eating ice cream in the park and I would be the happiest than one moment with Alexa but then I returned home and found Sofia crying in Alexa's arms because Keith had broken up with her and realised that I was about to leave them all behind. Leaving with Felicia would mean not being there for my sisters and brothers, not being there for Scott. I couldn't do it. Instead of telling her I just didn't show up and never answered her calls, messages, and voicemails.

I took a deep breath and then went to the reception area. I found her having lunch, spaghetti, and meatballs. "I see some things never change", i said making her look up at me and reach for a napkin in a hurry. "Yeah... I guess", she said looking down as if avoiding my eyes. "I'm sorry I stood you up that day Felicia. It wasn't my intention, I just didn't know what to say", I said while playing with the ring on my finger. "Y-You're married?", she asked sounding even more broken. "I looked at my ring and then swallowed hard. "Yes... Not to Alexa though", I said and her face showed relief. "So... are you going to fire me now?", she asked and all I could do was shake my head. "No. I would like to believe that Dad saw potential in you and that's why he employed you. I just hope that we can put the past behind us and focus on work. If that's okay with you", I proposed and she nodded her head. "Thank you for this", I said truthfully making her smile.

I returned to my office finally feeling like my mind was ready for work and started catching up with the handover notes that Dad prepared for me. It felt good to be back.

Against All Odds!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon