Meeting the Family

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☆☆Two months later☆☆

"When are they going to get here? I can't wait to see Bella's face when she meets the twins", i said excitedly as I waited for the Specters to walk into our ward. They haven't met them because Doctor Finn and Collson were strict about pre-mature growth and they said we should wait until they were at least 1.9kg. Right now Aaron is 2kg and Audrey 2.1kg. They are so active that we can't believe they were tiny just yesterday. Leo is so addicted to them that he is doing kangaroo sessions with both of them at the same time. I think I've been replaced.

"You informed them that they should not come wearing perfumes or any heavily scented oil?", Doctor Collson asked as she helped Leo with Audrey. "Yes I did", i said putting out Audrey's dress for Doctor Collson to put on her. "Leo, here", I gave Leo, Aaron's shirt. He looked at me weirdly making me smile. "What?", I asked knowingly. "Nothing", he said taking Aaron's tiny t-shirt.

"Where are my grandkids!", Ivan said the moment he walked into the ward. "Lower your voice, honey, you'll scare the babies", Valentina said with a smile. She was holding flowers and floating balloons. Talk about an overly excited grandma. "Oh my god, they are so cute. Ivan takes a picture of me holding them. I want to hold them both", she said taking Audrey from Doctor Collson.

"No Mum, hold one at a time, please. For my sanity", Leo said pleadingly making his mother roll her eyes at him. "Leo, I've given birth to you and the rest of your siblings, and considering how all of you've turned out, I think I can handle carrying two babies at the same time, right honey?", she asked Ivan making me laugh because he was not even listening, he was busy taking Aaron from Leo and holding him with extra caution. Valentina huffed and turned to me. "How are you my dear?", she asked with a smile I missed her so much considering she's like a mother to me at this point. "I'm good. I just miss home so much", I said looking at Doctor Collson. "Angel, I just need a month or two weeks max then you can go home and only see me when it comes to baby clinics", she said gathering her stuff. "I will be back later, don't forget to feed them according to schedule OK? Leo, please remind her", she said walking out.

After an hour Leo told me it was feeding time and because none of his parents wanted to let go of the baby they were holding, I had to breastfeed them at the same time, with Leo's help. They hated it at first then went on to watch how Leo was being a father. They started taking pictures of us and it was all laughs and smiles from there. We made sure they burped before giving them back to Ivan and Valentina. "When is Bella going to come?", I asked hoping that they would tell me she was on her way but it was not so. No one knew.

"Where are my babies!", Bella shouted from the door making me jolt awake from a peaceful slumber. "Fuck Bella! we're in a hospital not a fucking club", Victor complained while walking struggling to carry presents. "Language!", Valentina said making me laugh. "Sorry Mum", Victor and Bella said at the same time. She came to hug me then took Aaron from Ivan who furrowed his brows. "Dad, stop being selfish", she teased. Victor placed the presents on the coffee table and then hugged Leo who was leaning against the wall and totally ignored by Bella. "Congrats Bro", he said after pulling back from the hug. "Thanks, man", Leo replied with his head held high, no doubt feeling good about himself. "Oh god, I didn't see you", Bella said rushing to Leo and giving him a side hug. "I know, it's not like I helped create Aaron or anything", he said sarcastically making Bella giggle. Victor took Audrey from Valentina, she didn't hide the fact that she hated him which made us laugh.

Sofia came super late, but she came barring gifts, fast food to be exact. Even though I wasn't allowed to eat fast food, I bribed Leo with a couple of kisses and earned a couple of french fries. They were so delicious, better than I remember. "I brought you something", Sofia said while holding up a t-shirt written 'Proud Preemie Mum'. "That's so cute, thank you Sofia", I said with a huge smile.

"You know you could thank me by naming her after me, it's not too late to change it", she said wiggling her brows. "No thank you. Audrey is perfect for my princess", Leo said with a smile while playing with Audrey's tiny hand. Sofia signed in defeat while walking towards Valentina. "Mum can I hold him?", she asked their mother who furrowed her brows. "Oh come on you've been holding him for hours", she whined making us laugh. "No, I wasn't. Bella had him, she just gave him to me seconds ago", Valentina said making Bella turn from the couch, she was sitting on packing our clothes. I had asked her to help me change our clothes so she came with a fresh batch from home. "Mum, don't bring me into that", she defended herself while returning her attention to the bag.

"Baby, give Aaron to her", Ivan said sweetly making her oblige. Aaron fell asleep a few minutes after Sofia held him in her hands. She placed him on the baby cot and started bragging about how she was the perfect lullaby. "All hail queen lullaby", Victor pretended to praise her.

"Thank you guys for coming today. We missed the company, honestly", Leo said when everyone agreed it was time to leave. It was almost midnight. "We were dying to be here son. No matter how the two miracles appeared or the challenges you faced they're our blessings. Can't wait to spoil them. Right Val?", Ivan said making Valentina nod her head in excitement. We got our hugs from everyone then Leo walked them out.

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