Family Trip - Part 1

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One thing that I know for sure now is that the Specters know how to plan a vacation. 

We just checked into the most amazing villa I've ever been to and it's on a private island. Just magical. "OK kids, dinner's at 7 pm sharp, don't be late", Valentina shouted and we all replied with a 'yes Mum', making her giggle. Everyone took their room keys and we went our separate ways.

That only lasted a few minutes because we found our room to be next to Sofia and Jason's. I gave up on her appearances being accidental ages ago. I think she just doesn't like the fact that Leo is glued to me. Bella told me they were thick as thieves before I came into the picture and whenever there was a family event she made sure to always hang with Leo, leaving Jason behind. It was one of the reasons Jason and her were fighting a lot. So, I've been on high alert since then and I have discovered a pattern in her pop-up appearances. 

When we were on the plane coming to the island, she kept asking him to play cards with her, and when he said he couldn't because I didn't know how she rushed to say they could play without me. I know she saw we were watching a movie together but I let it slide and now here we are. As if that was the least of my problems, I have Jason always trying to get me alone so that we can 'talk'. I have no idea what he wants to talk about but I've been avoiding him ever since he came to the penthouse. There is something weird about him.

"Well look at that! Hi neighbours", Sofia said with a huge smile. "You just had to be a copycat", Leo joked while unlocking the door. "Well, I'll have you know beach views are my favourite", she said pouting her lips making Leo roll his eyes and open the door for me.

"This place is amazing", i said looking at the view. "Yap, we're only missing one thing", when he didn't finish the sentence I turned to find him already naked. "Consummation", he said wiggling his brows. I jumped on him and we did the ritual as fast as we could, considering we didn't want to upset Valentina by being late to dinner.

"Are those hickies?", Tyler asked when we sat. We all turned to Leo who didn't seem to mind. "Waoh! You're wild", Bella said making me giggle. Leo kissed my cheek. "Leo... wanna go hiking tomorrow?", Sofia asked. "Yeah, sure. What time?", Leo asked totally forgetting that he said tomorrow we were going to go on a picnic just me and him and he would tell me all about his childhood. 

"We could go around 8 a.m. and be back in time for the barn fire. I bet the bears won't come get ya", Sofia joked. "As if. You're on", Leo replied with a smirk. He did love competition. "I thought you had a picnic reservation with Angel tomorrow honey?", Valentina asks making him tense. I was about to talk when Sofia interrupted me... again. "No it's fine, they can always reschedule right Angel?", Sofia beat everyone to it. "Y-Yeah sure", i said hoping that I didn't give away my disappointment.

After dinner Leo went for a walk with Sofia, Jason, and Cruz, not bothering to ask if I wanted to go sightseeing too. I found myself alone once again so I decided to go sit by the beach. "Feeling like a third wheel huh?", I turned to see Tyler. "What gave you that impression?", I asked looking at the waves. "Your stutter during dinner. It reminded me of the first vacation Bella invited me to. She would disappear with Victor the whole day doing stuff that I couldn't relate to. Her parents intervened though. They called them both not knowing I was in the library at the time. Ivan set them straight and Valentina was pissed. She bought me flowers the next day. Something that I used to do when I wanted to apologise. They're good people, I think it's because they grew up together that they feel threatened when someone new comes and joins their circle", he explained and to some extent it made me feel better. Made me hope for the best.

"So what, You think Sofia feels threatened by me? She is like a twenty and am like what? A one", I said with a huff. "You're missing the bigger picture, Angel. Sofia competing with you has nothing to do with looks. To her, everything is materialized. That's what she understands but to you it's different. You're gorgeous and you have a caring heart and money means nothing to you if the person doesn't give you love and affection. The Leo that you bring out is not the Leo that she knows. He's more caring, outgoing, and even happier. 

In the past, all they did was go to clubs, shopping, kicking ass at work but in the end she had Jason and Leo had boose. You could see the longing whenever we came on these trips. He wanted that someone, and trust me he tried settling down and it was a mess. Alexa topped all other exes, she almost bled him dry. She stole the company documents and was about to make him sign company shares to her under the disguise of a real estate contract for their new mansion. Thank god Ivan got a tip on it and intervened. 

Leo swore not to date ever again, and then you happened. The mysterious woman he met at a conference. No one thought you guys would last, especially after Sofia told everyone about the terms he gave you but I guess you had a past that worked in favour of the terms too. Look, I don't intend to burden you with all this. All am saying is that you need to be careful with Sofia. She can influence Leo in a bad way so just make Leo see reason. He is just a puppet in this if you know what I mean". Tyler walked away after dropping the most disturbing info on my lap.

It made me think long and hard about what I wanted to do next. I asked myself if Leo was worth it and I didn't struggle to get a 'hell yes' that came from the deepest part of my heart.

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