You Snooze...

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Leo had been so busy trying to help Scott win a deal of a lifetime which is making him distant. I know he is giving it extra attention because Liam is after the same client as well. They have been overworking and it's scaring me. I decided to take matters into my own hands and dig up the name of the owner. Craig Romon, all Leo knew was that he wanted to build ten universities for children with special needs and he had a budget on standby. He was having a charity event on the same weekend that Liam was already invited to. So I asked my assistant Jay to get me four invites.

"I need a raise because you don't know what I had to do to get these invites for you", he said rushing in. I pulled him in a hug and then grabbed my purse and left the office. I found Hank waiting for me at my parking spot. "Where to Ma'am?", he asked knowingly. "Leo's office please", I said panting.

I found him with Scott glued to their laptops. "Hi guys", i said making them turn to me. Before I could say anything Sofia entered. They all looked at her with hope but she shook her head. "Damn it!", Leo said making Scott release a breath. "Maybe we should sit this one out. There's always hope of getting another big client in the future, we just have to look harder", he suggested. "That's not a fucking option. There has to be another way", Leo said while deep in thought. "We could go to a charity event it w-", I was cut off by Sofia's laugh. I turned to look at her and she stopped. "Oh... you were serious? We are in the middle of a crisis and your idea is a charity event?", she said looking at me like I was stupid.

"What if I tell you the event was Romon's, will I be stupid then?", I said with a hand on my waist. "That's impossible the tickets were sold out months ago", she said. I pulled them out of my purse and gave them to Scott. "I'll be damned", he said then suddenly I was turned to Leo and kissed like there was no tomorrow. "I fucking love you", he said then kissed me again until Scott cleared his throat.

"Angel?", I turned to see Nerdy Al from high school but he was not nerdy anymore. "Oh my god!", I ran to him and hugged him. He spun me around making me laugh. "You've changed", he said looking at me while I did the same. He was buff and huge and had no glasses. "I have changed? Have you seen yourself? What happened to the glasses? I can't believe this", I said holding his face in my hands and hugging him again making him chuckle. 

"So tell me, what have you been up to?", he asked, and before I could say anything I was rudely interrupted by a couple that behaved as if they owned the building. "Mr Romon. My name is Liam Armstrong and this is my wife Alexa. This is a great event and we are honoured to be here. Is it possible for us to get a moment with you to discuss about the school construction plans, I can assure you it won't take much of your time", he said totally ignoring me. Then it clicked, Liam and Alexa. They were the ones Leo was talking about.

Alexa was indeed a beautiful woman and Liam was not too shabby as well. "The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for your support. If you don't mind I am in the middle of a conversation with a dear friend of mine that I haven't seen in a very long time. Do you mind if we do this during office hours my assistant can make meeting arrangements for you", Al called a petite blonde girl who came and directed Liam away. "That is a second engineer approaching me tonight. It's very stressful", I was still unable to understand how Al was Romon. 

He must have noticed my shock. "Oh Alex is my dad's name I changed it to my gramps when I went to college", "Who was the other engineer you turned down?", I asked feeling nervous. "I think they are called Gravity. They came with Sofia, do you remember her? She has been in my nightmares for ages and today when she found out who I was she started hitting on me. The nerve of her", "Al, Gravity is my boyfriend's business, well he is a partner in it. I came here to help him get the contract", I said making his eyes go wide.

"You're dating Sofia's brother?", "I didn't know they were related until I was i year in. I tried walking away but he is the only man that loves me for who I am. He makes me feel like I can be anything, he's just amazing", I was rambling and the smirk on his face told me I overshared. "You are so smitten, Angel. It suits you. After the life we had in high school, we all deserve a bit of heaven... Fine! Bring him on Monday and I promise to hear him out. No Sofia though. Just the three of you", he said making me hug him again. "Thank you Nerdy Al", i said making him laugh and hug me back. "OK, I have to go and mingle. Wait... Liam, he is Specter's competitor right?", "Not just competitor, he stole his girlfriend and manipulated her into stealing the company shares, they almost succeeded", "Sneaky son of a bitch. No wonder I hated his vibes. Ok, Angie see you Monday", he said then walked away.

Feeling satisfied I turned to start looking for Leo when I was blocked by Alexa. "So you are the new me. Disappointing", she said looking at me like I was garbage. "Oh Alexa, what's disappointing is your ability to contain your man in public", I said pointing at Liam who was being kissed by a bartender. "What the hell!", she said then stormed towards him. I finally saw Leo at one of the cocktail tables talking to Mrs. Wax. I walked towards them when I reached them, I pulled Leo into a kiss making him moan. We heard her huff then walked away.

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