A Leap of Faith

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Am terrified but I want to do this, I think am finally ready. It's been a week since Leo asked me to move in with him. I asked Victor and Bella for advice and they said I should go for it, despite being angry with me for not telling them who my boyfriend was. I loved them dearly but I had to wait for Leo to be ready. He has been through a lot and I didn't want to add more drama because he was a private person.

Bella thinks he's married that's why he makes weird demands but Victor thinks he's just a player and he's afraid that someone from my circle might recognise him and call him out on it. I don't care because he has never given me any reason to doubt him.

After a long day of a thousand meetings, a beautiful bubble bath, and a home-cooked dinner, there was a knock on my door.

It was Leo, he looked terrible. I stepped aside not saying anything, I knew what he wanted, I prepared a bubble bath for him, helped him remove his suit, and took him to the bathroom where I washed him, and massaged his amazing body, we didn't say a word to each other. I made him steak and salad. When he was done eating we just went to bed with his head on my chest and my fingers massaging his scalp. "I love you", he said as he fell asleep making me smile. "I love you too baby", i replied allowing sleep to consume me too.

"Babe wake up, I need you", he whispered in my ear as he spooned me, I had no idea when we changed positions. My back arched making his cock slide in me easily. It still amazes me how he is way taller than me but somehow, I always fit perfectly into him. I moaned as he started moving in and out of me slowly. "Leo... faster please", I said in a whisper. "Not until you tell me, you're moving in with me", he said in a serious tone. Is he crazy? This was not the right time to blackmail me, fuck! "B-but am still thinking about it... come on", I pleaded. I felt a smile on his face as he kissed his way to my neck. My body shivered uncontrollably.

"Say yes kitten, and I'll give you what you want", I shut my eyes tighter trying to control myself but it was all in vain, the friction was too slow I needed more. His hand held my shoulder to his chest, holding me in place. He remained silent until my hand went to his face pulling him in for a sloppy kiss, his weakness, he moaned, still keeping his pace steady. Fuck! It didn't work, there was no way out. "Fuck Leo! I will move in with you please go faster", i demanded making him chuckle. "Before the end of this week?", he asked again. He is unbelievable. "Yes, yes for fuck sake", I replied urgently.

He thrusted like a madman making me shout his name over and over again, the pleasure was too much. He had ruined it for all men, I swear I only wanted him. "Am c-cumin...aaah!", yes you guessed right, am a screamer, and for some reason, it turns Leo on every time.

He said he loved how I respond to his touch, scream his name, how I milk his cock when I cum. Who am I to deny him that? Leo is obsessed with my body, he told me there is a difference between being fat and plus-sized. He always praised my body even though when we started seeing each other, I thought we never went on dates because he was ashamed of me turns out, it was because of his past. Am glad that we are taking the next step, it shows that we trust each other more. I can't wait for him to meet Victor and Bella, I hope they will like him, he is it for me and I have made it clear to them more than once. 

I felt him pour his seed into me and groan at the same time. "You should play hard to get more often", he joked making me smack his hand. "What happened yesterday?", I asked making him furrow his brows. "Liam beat me at an auction and it pissed me off. He didn't even need the estate, he just did it to show off", he spat making me smile.

"What?", he said confused. "We can finally talk about work, I like it. As for Liam, he is nothing compared to you, he might be a competitor but he only controls twenty percent of the market share in only one aspect of your business, so let him have his moment and remain focused on the bigger picture, OK?", for some reason I couldn't read his face for a few minutes. Then he pulled me into a hug, "you are one genius human being, and you're all mine", I chuckled at his childishness. "I know, let's get up before we are both late for work", he pulled away and we went to the bathroom to freshen up, I made a quick breakfast and we were off to work after committing to call the movers to help me pack my stuff. I took a deep breath when I reached my office, I was really doing it, trusting him and moving in with him.

"What are you so happy about?", my assistant, Jay asked and I just smiled. He placed all the files I was supposed to go through along with the annual gala invite. It was the first office gala that I was going to attend and it was in three weeks. I called the movers and arranged a packing day, over the weekend so that Leo would also be there to help me.

The day went fast as usual but for some reason, I found myself missing Janeth, it had been years since I spoke to her. Years since she stood there and watched as my whole life turned upside down without bothering to defend me even though she knew the hell I went through. She betrayed me but I still missed her, I still wondered how she was doing. You know what? Everything is looking positive now and am not going to dwell in the past.

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